It’s a stunning shame for Canada when CNN,BBC and other international media make jokes of Canada’s leader

Justin Trudeau criticised for telling woman: It's 'peoplekind', not mankind

WHY ARE JUSTIN AND SOPHIE TRUDEAU DRESSED LIKE EXTRAS IN A BOLLYWOOD MOVIE?Their outfit choices on this India trip have been… unexpected By Pahull Bains Date February 22, 2018 The world’s favourite prime minister touched down in India last week with his wife and three children on an official visit, but the news sweeping social media from their trip hasn’t revolved around official business. Instead, it’s the family’s outfits that are triggering debate in various corners of the internet. A recent BBC headline reads, “Justin Trudeau’s ‘Bollywood’ wardrobe amuses ...
PEOPLE AREN’T THRILLED WITH JUSTIN TRUDEAU’S INDIAN WARDROBEJustin Trudeau is in India this week, making an official visit that seems to generate a new controversy every day. He was possibly snubbed on arrival by the Indian prime minister ( or maybe not ). He had to disinvite a guy who was convicted of attempted murder from a formal event in Delhi. But, for the most part, all people want to talk about are his clothes. Over the course of the trip, the PM has been photographed repeatedly in elaborate Indian-style garb, sometimes at temples and ...
SOPHIE TRUDEAU MAKES POWERFUL SPEECH ABOUT THE NEED FOR WOMEN TO RISEAddressing one of Mumbai’s most popular all-girls’ institutions, Sophia College for Women, Sophie Trudeau, accompanying husband Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on his eight-day India visit, made an impassioned 17-minute speech on how the world has suffered greatly due to the persistent inequality between men and women – and called upon all sections of the society to “stand up together” in order to eradicate gender injustices and inequality. Sophie Trudeau being welcomed at Sophia ...
CANADIANS WILL HAVE TO WAIT FOR THEIR LEGAL WEEDIt’s a tale as old as cannabis legalization itself: though the government legalized weed, residents are going to have to wait while lawmakers get their shit together before they can actually buy the stuff. Canada was supposed to have legal cannabis by July, but a government official announced on Thursday that implementation of the program is going to be delayed. Earlier this month, the Canadian government claimed that the nation was on schedule to unleash legalized recreational marijuana by ...
CANADIAN PM JUSTIN TRUDEAU COMES BACK TO INDIA AFTER 35 YEARSAbout 35 years ago, we played host to young little Justin Trudeau when he visited India for the first time with his father, the then Prime Minister of Canada. Now he’s back in town with his own family while being the Prime Mister. Amazing how life swings full circle, right? In a recent Instagram post, he reminisced about how thrilled he was when he first saw the Taj Mahal. And how excited he is for his kids to see it as well. Scroll down to see pictures from his travels to India. 1. At The ...
MEET THE TRANSGENDER STUDENT WHO WILL DINE WITH CANADIAN PRIME MINISTER JUSTIN TRUDEAUA transgender student of Panjab University (PU), Dhananjay Chauhan, has been invited by the Canadian authorities to have dinner with the visiting Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in New Delhi, a university official said here. Dhananjay Chauhan alias Dhananjay Mangalmukhi is the first transgender student of the Department of Human Rights and Duties at Panjab University, Chandigarh. Source: her campus and Hindustan Times The invitation had been extended by Nadir Patel, High Commissioner ...
JUSTIN TRUDEAU WAS HEADED TO VIP PARTY BEFORE MOTORCADE CRASHBy Page Six Team February 13, 2018 | 8:27pm Modal Trigger Justin Trudeau AFP/Getty Images When Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ’s motorcade was involved in a crash in Los Angeles that injured three people, he was on his way to a reception with Canadian-born Hollywood VIPs, sources exclusively tell Page Six. At the Hancock Park event, waiting for Trudeau at LA’s official residence of Canada were guests including Seth Rogen, Nia Vardalos, “Moonstruck” director Norman Jewison and David ...
NEW STRAIN “TRUDOPE” CREATED IN HONOUR OF JUSTIN TRUDEAU LEGALIZING WEED IN CANADAThis potent indica-hybrid that is the ultimate tribute to a man who made legal weed possible in Canada. Everybody knows how dope Justin Trudeau is. So it only makes sense that there is a strain named after him to match his appeal. At a meeting held in Winnipeg this month, Trudeau found out about a new strain of weed created in his honor, Justin Trudope . There was laughter and excitement from the crowd after this was announced by an audience member at the meeting. Justin Trudope, released by ...
CANADA'S PRIME MINISTER JUSTIN TRUDEAU AT MANDEL HALL ON FEBRUARY 7, 2018Cindy Barrymore I am internationally published, award-winning journalist who has worked in just about every facet of media from TV and film to magazines, promotional materials, newspapers, and books. I currently work as a media consultant, which (in addition to coaching executives in Corporate America) also includes writing and shooting photography for PR and journalistic publication. I have covered entertainment, specifically, since the 1990s, as well as performed as an actor and singer in ...
NAFTA MUST PROTECT WORKERS LEFT BEHIND BY GLOBAL ECONOMY: TRUDEAUCanadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks to the media during a visit to the Manhattan borough of New York, U.S., April 6, 2017. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called for better protection of workers “left behind” by globalization and technological development — and said North American Free Trade Agreement renegotiations should take this into account. “The wave of technological innovation,” particularly in Silicon Valley, which Trudeau visited Thursday, “can ...
JUSTIN TRUDEAU TALKS FREE TRADE AND FEMINISM IN CHICAGOYesterday Justin Trudeau came to the University of Chicago on the first leg of his four-day American tour. The Canadian Prime Minister spent the first half of the hour-long event at Mandel Hall delivering a speech, and then sat down for an interview with David Axelrod, host of the popular Axe Files podcast and director of the school’s Institute of Politics. The focus of much of the evening, and a key component of Trudeau’s trip, was the ongoing renegotiation over NAFTA, the landmark ...
WHY I AGREE WITH JUSTIN TRUDEAU ABOUT ABORTION.get elephant's newsletter Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau has recently become the subject of controversy when it comes to some of his comments on abortion. At a town hall event in Hamilton, Ontario, Trudeau was asked about the issue, and how it connected to free speech. In response, Trudeau said , “An organization that has the explicit purpose of restricting women’s rights by removing rights to abortion, the right for women to control their own bodies, is not in line with where we are ...
JUSTIN TRUDEAU INTERRUPTED A WOMAN TO MANSPLAIN, AND PEOPLE AREN’T HAPPYAnna Sheffer February 07, 2018 2:03 pm Since his election in 2016, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been revered by many as a champion of diversity and equality. But on February 1st, Trudeau interrupted a woman during a public event to rephrase her words, causing some to accuse him of mansplaining. At a town-hall event in Alberta, one woman addressed Trudeau to talk about gender equality, complimenting him for recognizing female strength . "Maternal love is the love that's going to ...
WATCH: CANADIAN WOUNDED WARRIOR GRILLS TRUDEAU ABOUT TREATING ISIS MEMBERS WITH RESPECT WHILE ABANDONING ITS VETERANSIf you want to see the true plight of veterans under socialized health care and leftist policies, then one wounded veteran confronting Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a sad window through which you can see a small part. Brock Blaszczyk lost his leg in Afghanistan while serving in the Canadian military via a roadside bomb. “Back in 2015, you made a promise and I’ll quote it here: “No veteran will be forced to fight their government for the support and compensation they have earned.” ...
EVERYONE SEEMS TO HATE JUSTIN TRUDEAU FOR HIS ‘PEOPLEKIND’ COMMENTAt a recent town hall event in Edmonton, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau found himself in a situation in which he could do no right. At one point in the evening, a young woman from the crowd praised Trudeau’s gender-balanced cabinet and other feminist mandates. Several minutes into her speech, she ended a question with, “Maternal love is the love that’s going to change the future of mankind.” At that point, proud feminist Trudeau interrupted to say, “We like to say peoplekind, not necessarily ...
TRUDEAU ACTUALLY CORRECTS WOMAN TO SAY ‘PEOPLEKIND’ INSTEAD OF ‘MANKIND’ (VIDEO)Justin Trudeau interrupted a woman complaining about Canada’s restrictive regulations on religious volunteers to tell her to use the term ‘peoplekind’ instead of ‘mankind.’ The Canadian Prime Minister was hosting a Q&A at MacEwan University in Edmonton on Friday as part of his cross-country tour which began last month. Trudeau was listening to a complaint by a woman from a church who wanted him to look at the restrictions Canada has on people who want to volunteer for religious ...
CANADIAN PM JUSTIN TRUDEAU CALLED OUT FOR MANSPLAINING 'MANKIND' TO WOMANNo man is immune to being a culprit of mansplaining, not even Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau , who's known for his feminist policies and rhetoric. While on a cross-country town hall tour, Trudeau found himself answering a question from woman who was with the World Mission Society Church of God, a South Korea–based religious organization that worships “God the Mother”. The wo man, whose religious group has been referred to as a " cult ," asked Trudeau for help in garnering ...

The Canadian Prime Minister interrupted a woman, identified only as Aimee from The World Mission Society Church Of God, who was asking him a question during an event in Edmonton, Alberta.
The controversial church was started in South Korea in the 1960s, but critics claim it is a cult.
Aimee was quizzing Mr Trudeau about policies on religious charities when she said: "We came here today to ask you to also look into the policies that religious charitable organisations have in our legislation so that it can also be changed, because maternal love is the love that's going to change the future of mankind."
The Canadian leader then interjected and waved his left hand, saying: "We like to say 'peoplekind'. Not necessarily mankind, because it's more inclusive. We can all learn from each other."
Mr Trudeau's intervention prompted applause from the audience, but critics have accused him of "mansplaining" and making up a word.
Canadian MP Michelle Rempel tweeted:
On behalf of Parliament, to the woman he interrupted, I apologize for his behaviour. Ps. I’d love for him to try to interrupt me like that. …
CBC columnist Robyn Urback wrote:
TFW a man tells you you're the wrong type of feminist
Others ridiculed Mr Trudeau, sarcastically imaging other words the Canadian PM might like to change:
For the sake of 'peoplekind', please learn these new politically correct terms so Justin Trudeau doesn't scold you #cdnpoli
If @DCComics had cast @JustinTrudeau as Superman.. oops! Superpeople.#ReplaceManWithPeople— THE SKIN DOCTOR (@theskindoctor13) February 6, 2018
The #peoplekind have spoken, and they demand more memes.@JustinTrudeau #JustinTrudeau #Starman #FalconHeavy
A spokesman for Mr Trudeau quoted by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation did not comment specifically on the criticism, but said: "The Prime Minister is a proud feminist, and our government's policies reflect our commitments to equality."
Mr Trudeau also backed changing Canada's national anthem to make it gender neutral, calling it a "positive step towards gender equality".
The country's approved legislation this month to change the second line of O Canada from "true patriot love, in all thy sons command" to "true patriot love, in all of us command".
In an essay for Marie Claire magazine, Mr Trudeau also said he was raising his sons, Xavier and Hadrien, as feminists, as "our sons have the power and responsibility to change our culture of sexism".
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