Keeping an eye on Communist, Totalitarian China, and its influence both globally, and we as Canadians. I have come to the opinion that we are rarely privy to truth regarding the real goal, the agenda of China, it's ambitions for Canada [including special focus on the UK, US & Australia]. No more can we trust the legacy media as there appears to be increasing censorship applied to the topic of communist China. I ask why. Here is what I find.
Monday, February 29, 2016
Tue, 05/09/2006After decades of wimp diplomacy with China, the new Conservative government is publicly expressing concerns about industrial espionage in Canada orchestrated by the Beijing apparatus.
The federal government is "concerned" that Chinese spies are stealing Canada’s industrial and high-technology secrets, Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay told the media last month.
"We’re very concerned about economic espionage," he said triggering a firestorm of response from Beijing.
Chinese Ambassador to Canada Lu Shumin retorted: "I can say responsibly that the so-called Chinese economic espionage against Canada does not exist at all...It (the accusation) is not conducive to the friendly relations and cooperation between our two countries."
The Chinese response was predictable.
It is the response of Richmond (Liberal) MP Raymond Chan that is puzzling and even frightening.
Chan wants Canadians and the Conservative government to play the ostrich and not discuss the threat publicly.
He says claims that the government needs to crack down on Chinese spies are totally out of line.
"It’s important that we don’t do this kind of things over the media," Chan told a radio station.
Chan is a product of the failed Liberal policy of engagement with China which has over the decades used an assortment of front men from tycoons to Triad members to infiltrate Canada’s business, political and financial infrastructure.
For years, Chan’s Liberals have swept under the carpet threat assessments, hushed up industrial theft reports while playing along with China’s rich and powerful.
They opened Canada’s doors to those who think our human rights policies and trade doctrines are a joke.
The Asian Pacific Post, a
newspaper domiciled in Chan’s own riding, has been in the forefront of documenting industrial espionage and other unsavoury activities directly orchestrated by Beijing.
Yet Chan and his allies like Henry Yu, a professor at University of B.C.’s history department who specializes in Asian-American history, say they are unaware of Chinese industrial espionage.
What a joke. Here are some reports that can help refresh their memories.
In August 2003, The Asian Pacific Post detailed how in the high-rise glass towers of Vancouver, Tricell (Canada) Inc. and Top Glory Enterprises Ltd., both incorporated in the late ‘80s, worked for the Communist government of China.
Among their jobs was to help facilitate the covert entry of China’s secret police into Vancouver by hoodwinking the Canadian government into believing they were government executives.
That same year, we told you the inside stories of how the Liberal government desperately tried to hush up Project Sidewinder, which was trying to alert the Canadian government to a Chinese military intelligence apparatus that sets up businessmen, gangsters and diplomats overseas as part of an elaborate spy network--a story not unlike what is being heard now.
In August 2003, The Asian Pacific Post reported that the FBI is warning lawmakers that China has more than 3,000 "front" companies in the US whose real purpose is to direct espionage efforts. In Canada, similar warnings involving an estimated 500 firms have fallen on deaf ears. The situation was being called the most significant threat to North America’s security.
Then there is the relationship with maritime behemoth - COSCO.
The shipping line is intimately linked to the China International Trust and Investment Corp., a key fundraiser for the Chinese government and a technology-acquiring source for China’s military.
Its vessels have been caught carrying thousands of weapons into California and Chinese missile-technology and biological-warfare components into North Korea, Pakistan, Iraq and Iran, according to U.S. intelligence reports.
Insisting there is no evidence to show COSCO is involved in any illegal activity--the Vancouver Port Authority has a "gateway to North America" deal with the shipping giant.
When Canada’s Nortel Telecommunications based in Brampton, Ontario wanted to do business in China, they hired Katrina Leung’s company--Merry Glory Ltd.
Little did they know that the 49-year-old corporate matchmaker would be in the limelight several years later accused of having slept her way into the good graces of two FBI agents while stealing secrets for the Chinese government.
Leung, who was paid $1.2 million in 1995 and 1996 for negotiating the Nortel-China deal, has strong connections to Canada’s Chinese business associations.
Around the same time, while the modern day Matahari was greasing the way for Nortel, the Canadian spy agency--CSIS--was conducting an investigation in the offices of Ontario Hydro regarding the theft of information in the nuclear technology field by "an individual of Chinese origin."
According to a secret intelligence report obtained by The Asian Pacific Post, the individual sent unauthorized faxes, some containing hours worth of data, to a telephone number in the offices of the State Science and Technology Commission of China.
The report said that there were two other cases where Canadian companies have alleged that their employees had been selling industrial secrets to China.
Many in the China trade lobby know of James Ting - a citizen of the world, an entrepreneur who constructed a universe of interrelated companies and finances from Toronto to Tokyo to New York.
Ting was a darling of the Chinese-Canadian trade lobby. Even Chan’s former boss, Jean Chretien had Ting on his Team Canada visits to China.
On the flip side, spy watchers were warning Ottawa without much success, that Ting was China’s frontman to acquire high and medium technology and engage in economic and industrial espionage.
Among the companies Semi-Tech showed as part of its organization were several Chinese state-owned companies, related to military and intelligence activities obviously using what seemed to be a Canadian consumer based company as cover.
Sensitive intelligence reports kept hidden by the Liberals in Ottawa also show how Chinese-state owned enterprises used a network of companies to get data processing contracts that included economic intelligence, for many of the largest companies in Canada.
"They thus gained access to a phenomenal amount of information about Canada’s leading companies, their plans, technical secrets, business ideas etc. including personal information about millions of Canadians," said a former employee of Canada’s spy agency.
If these investigations mean nothing then just look at the recent case of China’s Redberry, an imitation of the popular Blackberry handheld e-mail device, created by the Waterloo, Ontario-based Research in Motion Ltd.
Chan, our Richmond MP, does not want any of these matters discussed in public.
You figure out if this silence is in the interest of Canada or China.
U.S. Charges Five Chinese Military Hackers for Cyber Espionage Against U.S. Corporations and a Labor Organization for Commercial Advantage
Monday, May 19, 2014
U.S. Charges Five Chinese Military
Hackers for Cyber Espionage
Against U.S. Corporations and a
Labor Organization for Commercial
First Time Criminal Charges Are Filed Against Known State Actors for Hacking
A grand jury in the Western District of Pennsylvania (WDPA) indicted five Chinese military hackers for computer hacking, economic espionage and other offenses directed at six American victims in the U.S. nuclear power, metals and solar products industries.
The indictment alleges that the defendants conspired to hack into American entities, to maintain unauthorized access to their computers and to steal information from those entities that would be useful to their competitors in China, including state-owned enterprises (SOEs). In some cases, it alleges, the conspirators stole trade secrets that would have been particularly beneficial to Chinese companies at the time they were stolen. In other cases, it alleges, the conspirators also stole sensitive, internal communications that would provide a competitor, or an adversary in litigation, with insight into the strategy and vulnerabilities of the American entity.
“This is a case alleging economic espionage by members of the Chinese military and represents the first ever charges against a state actor for this type of hacking,” U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said. “The range of trade secrets and other sensitive business information stolen in this case is significant and demands an aggressive response. Success in the global market place should be based solely on a company’s ability to innovate and compete, not on a sponsor government’s ability to spy and steal business secrets. This Administration will not tolerate actions by any nation that seeks to illegally sabotage American companies and undermine the integrity of fair competition in the operation of the free market.”
“For too long, the Chinese government has blatantly sought to use cyber espionage to obtain economic advantage for its state-owned industries,” said FBI Director James B. Comey. “The indictment announced today is an important step. But there are many more victims, and there is much more to be done. With our unique criminal and national security authorities, we will continue to use all legal tools at our disposal to counter cyber espionage from all sources.”
“State actors engaged in cyber espionage for economic advantage are not immune from the law just because they hack under the shadow of their country’s flag,” said John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General for National Security. “Cyber theft is real theft and we will hold state sponsored cyber thieves accountable as we would any other transnational criminal organization that steals our goods and breaks our laws.”
“This 21st century burglary has to stop,” said David Hickton, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania. “This prosecution vindicates hard working men and women in Western Pennsylvania and around the world who play by the rules and deserve a fair shot and a level playing field.”
Summary of the Indictment
Defendants : Wang Dong, Sun Kailiang, Wen Xinyu, Huang Zhenyu, and Gu Chunhui, who were officers in Unit 61398 of the Third Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA). The indictment alleges that Wang, Sun, and Wen, among others known and unknown to the grand jury, hacked or attempted to hack into U.S. entities named in the indictment, while Huang and Gu supported their conspiracy by, among other things, managing infrastructure (e.g., domain accounts) used for hacking.
Victims : Westinghouse Electric Co. (Westinghouse), U.S. subsidiaries of SolarWorld AG (SolarWorld), United States Steel Corp. (U.S. Steel), Allegheny Technologies Inc. (ATI), the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union (USW) and Alcoa Inc.
Time period : 2006-2014.
Crimes : Thirty-one counts as follows (all defendants are charged in all counts).
Maximum Penalty
Conspiring to commit computer fraud and abuse
18 U.S.C. § 1030(b).
10 years.
Accessing (or attempting to access) a protected computer without authorization to obtain information for the purpose of commercial advantage and private financial gain.
18 U.S.C. §§ 1030(a)(2)(C), 1030(c)(2)(B)(i)-(iii), and 2.
5 years (each count).
Transmitting a program, information, code, or command with the intent to cause damage to protected computers.
18 U.S.C. §§ 1030(a)(5)(A), 1030(c)(4)(B), and 2.
10 years (each count).
Aggravated identity theft.
18 U.S.C. §§ 1028A(a)(1), (b), (c)(4), and 2
2 years (mandatory consecutive).
Economic espionage.
18 U.S.C. §§ 1831(a)(2), (a)(4), and 2.
15 years.
Trade secret theft.
18 U.S.C. §§ 1832(a)(2), (a)(4), and 2.
10 years.
Summary of Defendants’ Conduct Alleged in the Indictment
Criminal Conduct
In 2010, while Westinghouse was building four AP1000 power plants in China and negotiating other terms of the construction with a Chinese SOE (SOE-1), including technology transfers, Sun stole confidential and proprietary technical and design specifications for pipes, pipe supports, and pipe routing within the AP1000 plant buildings.
Additionally, in 2010 and 2011, while Westinghouse was exploring other business ventures with SOE-1, Sun stole sensitive, non-public, and deliberative e-mails belonging to senior decision-makers responsible for Westinghouse’s business relationship with SOE-1.
In 2012, at about the same time the Commerce Department found that Chinese solar product manufacturers had “dumped” products into U.S. markets at prices below fair value, Wen and at least one other, unidentified co-conspirator stole thousands of files including information about SolarWorld’s cash flow, manufacturing metrics, production line information, costs, and privileged attorney-client communications relating to ongoing trade litigation, among other things. Such information would have enabled a Chinese competitor to target SolarWorld’s business operations aggressively from a variety of angles.
Wang and Sun
U.S. Steel
In 2010, U.S. Steel was participating in trade cases with Chinese steel companies, including one particular state-owned enterprise (SOE-2). Shortly before the scheduled release of a preliminary determination in one such litigation, Sun sent spearphishing e-mails to U.S. Steel employees, some of whom were in a division associated with the litigation. Some of these e-mails resulted in the installation of malware on U.S. Steel computers. Three days later, Wang stole hostnames and descriptions of U.S. Steel computers (including those that controlled physical access to company facilities and mobile device access to company networks). Wang thereafter took steps to identify and exploit vulnerable servers on that list.
In 2012, ATI was engaged in a joint venture with SOE-2, competed with SOE-2, and was involved in a trade dispute with SOE-2. In April of that year, Wen gained access to ATI’s network and stole network credentials for virtually every ATI employee.
In 2012, USW was involved in public disputes over Chinese trade practices in at least two industries. At or about the time USW issued public statements regarding those trade disputes and related legislative proposals, Wen stole e-mails from senior USW employees containing sensitive, non-public, and deliberative information about USW strategies, including strategies related to pending trade disputes. USW’s computers continued to beacon to the conspiracy’s infrastructure until at least early 2013.
About three weeks after Alcoa announced a partnership with a Chinese state-owned enterprise (SOE-3) in February 2008, Sun sent a spearphishing e-mail to Alcoa. Thereafter, in or about June 2008, unidentified individuals stole thousands of e-mail messages and attachments from Alcoa’s computers, including internal discussions concerning that transaction.
Huang facilitated hacking activities by registering and managing domain accounts that his co-conspirators used to hack into U.S. entities. Additionally, between 2006 and at least 2009, Unit 61398 assigned Huang to perform programming work for SOE-2, including the creation of a “secret” database designed to hold corporate “intelligence” about the iron and steel industries, including information about American companies.
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Gu managed domain accounts used to facilitate hacking activities against American entities and also tested spearphishing e-mails in furtherance of the conspiracy.
An indictment is merely an accusation and a defendant is presumed innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law.
The FBI conducted the investigation that led to the charges in the indictment. This case is being prosecuted by the U.S. Department of Justice’s National Security Division Counterespionage Section and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Pennsylvania.
U.S. Charges Six Chinese Citizens With Economic Espionage
U.S. Charges Six Chinese Citizens With Economic Espionage
U.S. alleges group, including three professors, stole sensitive wireless technology

WASHINGTON—Six Chinese citizens, including two professors who trained together at the University of Southern California, stole sensitive wireless technology from U.S. companies and spirited it back to China, the Justice Department charged.
The six individuals allegedly swiped trade secrets from U.S. companies Avago Technologies and Skyworks Solutions Inc. relating to how to filter out unwanted signals in wireless devices, according to an indictment unsealed late Monday.
They then set up a joint venture with China’s state-controlled Tianjin University to produce and sell equipment using the technology, according to the indictment, and won contracts from both businesses and “military entities.”
The U.S. companies supply components for Apple’s iPhone, among other devices. Authorities said the case demonstrates persistent efforts to steal American technology developed in places like Silicon Valley, where Avago’s U.S. operations are based.
“Sensitive technology developed by U.S. companies in Silicon Valley and throughout California continues to be vulnerable to coordinated and complex efforts sponsored by foreign governments to steal that technology,” San Francisco U.S. Attorney Melinda Haag, whose office is prosecuting the case, said Tuesday.
One defendant, Tianjin University Prof. Zhang Hao, was arrested when he landed at Los Angeles International Airport Saturday after traveling from China, the Justice Department said. He is in custody and his lawyer didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. The other five defendants are believed to be in China and the U.S. is unlikely to be able to arrest them unless they travel to a country willing to detain and turn them over to U.S. authorities.

A spokeswoman for Tianjin University said the school only learned of the allegations Wednesday morning and is investigating.
A spokeswoman for Tianjin University said the school only learned of the allegations Wednesday morning and is investigating.
The charges come amid a heightened Justice Department focus on suspected economic espionage, especially by the Chinese. In May of last year, the department brought charges against five Chinese military employees who allegedly hacked into U.S. companies to steal trade secrets. In March of last year, the U.S. won convictions of two engineers who allegedly stole secrets to manufacturing a white pigment from DuPont Co. and sold them to a Chinese firm.
Last week, network security firm FireEye Inc. said it determined through forensic analysis that Chinese hackers broke into systems at Pennsylvania State University’s engineering college and could have accessed research on U.S. military technology.
The Chinese Embassy in Washington didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. Tuesday’s allegations are likely to further inflame diplomatic tensions between the U.S. and China, which has bristled at previous U.S. accusations that it is engaged in large-scale economic espionage. The Chinese government has suggested in the past that U.S. companies pose their own threats. Last year, after Secretary of State John Kerry said Chinese hacking had a “chilling effect” on U.S. firms, Chinese state television called the iPhone’s location-tracking function a “national security concern.”
The Chinese government has stepped up activity aimed at promoting homegrown sources of semiconductors, including those used in smartphones, amid concerns about the security of foreign-made products and U.S. spying.
Chinese chip maker Spreadtrum Communications Inc., for example, has said China’s central government asked the company to begin making special-order “safe phone” processor chips for some officials’ smartphones, out of fears that chips from U.S. suppliers could have built-in “back doors” to aid foreign spies.
Economic tensions between China and the U.S. have largely centered on exchange rates and trade but that is changing as the U.S. continues to outpace China in terms of technological sophistication, said Yukon Huang, a former World Bank Director for China and a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
“In my view, the more likely source of tension in the future is going to be related to foreign technology transfer questions like this particular example,” he said, adding China has vast production capabilities enabling them to profit from trade secrets.
“Economic espionage is something that we take very seriously,” State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke said. “We’re always vigilant about these kinds of concerns.”
The charges unsealed Monday relate to film bulk acoustic resonator technology, which is used in wireless devices to filter out unwanted signals. More advanced versions of such technology allow for smaller and more efficient wireless devices, according to the Justice Department. Some of those devices have military applications.
Three of the defendants received electrical-engineering degrees from the University of Southern California in 2006. After graduation, they split up, with Pang Wei going to work for Avago in Fort Collins, Colo.; Zhang Hao to Skyworks in Woburn, Mass.; and Zhang Huisui to Micrel Semiconductor in San Jose, Calif.
Soon they began emailing about plans to create a business that would sell thin-film bulk acoustic resonator technology in China, but ran into a glitch, according to the indictment.
Intellectual property “is our biggest problem,” Zhang Huisui wrote in an email to the other two, the indictment alleges.
“My work is to make every possible effort to find out about the process’s every possible detail and copy directly to China,” Mr. Pang, the Avago employee, wrote the group a month later, the indictment says.
In another email, Mr. Pang mentioned that their company would have an advantage over rivals because it wouldn’t need to pay for research and development, according to the indictment. Mr. Pang is said to have joked that the company should be called Clifbaw—short for China lift bulk acoustic wave, referring to the technology they are accused of stealing. According to the indictment, Avago had spent 20 years and $50 million to develop its technology.
In mid-2007, Mr. Pang allegedly started to pitch Chinese universities on setting up a company to manufacture devices using what the Justice Department says was stolen technology.
Over the next year, according to the indictment, Mr. Pang was hired by Tianjin University and began working with officials there to set up a company. At the same time, he apparently remained employed by Avago.
Until June 2009, Zhang Hao stayed in the U.S. and emailed documents detailing Skyworks’s technology to Mr. Pang, the indictment says, before leaving to become a professor at Tianjin as well. Mr. Pang officially left his job at Avago in June, too, the government says. Avago and Skyworks haven’t responded to requests for comment.
In the ensuing months, the professors and their alleged co-conspirators worked to set up companies and file patents in the U.S. and China that the Justice Department says were based on stolen technology. To hide their tracks and avoid tipping off their former employers, the scientists responsible for the theft didn’t file the patents in their own names, according to the indictment.
Avago learned about the thefts from the patent applications in the fall of 2011, according to the indictment, which states that on a trip to China later that year, Mr. Pang’s old boss, Rich Ruby, dropped by his former colleague’s new lab, where he recognized technology stolen from Avago and confronted Mr. Pang about “stealing and using Avago trade secrets.”
Mr. Pang denied having any sort of company that used the technology, according to the indictment. Dr. Ruby didn’t respond to a request for comment.
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