China Out to Rule the World – With Influence and Money
The flags of America, Australia, and China.
Influence in Australia
Australia is a long-time friend of the United States. America may not be the friend to Australia in the years ahead that it has been in the past. Some experts in Australia say the future is China. One expert said, “We are living in a Chinese world.”
China is a big power in the Pacific. It is getting bigger. China does not have free elections. It does not have a free press. Australia does. These differences matter to Australians. Can the two countries get closer? Can Australia influence China in a good way?
America is turning its back on Asia. President Trump tore up a plan to expand trade agreements in the region. Countries in Asia still plan to increase trade.
One thing is becoming clear. This is a moment in history when things are changing. America and Europe are dealing with populism. Experts say America and Europe are turning inward. The rest of the world is looking outward. Global trade is the best way to global prosperity.
Money in America
Tech start-ups always look for money. China has money. It wants to invest money in U.S. firms. The Pentagon is worrying.
China does not want to just invest in companies with good ideas. They look for products for military use. Such as rocket engines for spacecraft. Sensors for ships.
These kinds of deals ring alarm bells in Washington. China is a competitor. What do you do when a competitor is buying your technology? A great deal is unknown about the deals. What kinds of licenses give China the technology? How much of the computer code is available?
In 2015, China invested ten billion dollars in U.S. start-ups. China is also looking for products that can improve life in China such as clean energy.
There are laws that govern investments from foreign countries. Observers say that American money for investing in social media like Snapchat is there. They say the Chinese are willing to take bigger risks and make fast deals.
Again, these deals worry the Pentagon.
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