Chinese Takeover with Free Trade Zones

"Other countries around the world have Free Trade Zones that are often confused with the U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones program. While there are similarities, the FTZ program is very different from other countries' Free Trade Zone. In a number of "free trade zones" in other countries – particularly those in developing countries – the sole benefit is the avoidance of internal customs duties on products that are re-exported from the Free Trade Zone. Often, the goods are not even allowed to be sold in the country where the Free Trade Zone exists. You often here these zones referred to as "Export Processing Zones". The U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones program not only allows the sale and importation of merchandise to the U.S. Commerce, but in many cases enables companies to reduce or eliminate duties on products manufactured for domestic consumption. This relief from inverted-tariff benefit is one of the key distinctions between the U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones program and other countries Free Trade Zone programs. Generally Free Trade Zones offer significantly less opportunity for benefits and tariff savings. As previously mentioned, in many cases you must actually export all the merchandise you bring into a Free Trade Zone (if it is a Export Processing Zone. In other cases, importation is allowed, but not manufacturing of merchandise. Under the U.S. FTZ program, companies can obtain FTZ benefits such as, duty exemption on re-exports, duty elimination on waste, scrap, and yield loss, duty exemption on damaged, or nonconforming items, reduction in merchandise processing fees (MPF) and brokerage fees through weekly entry, cash flow savings, and relief from ad valorem tax, and the previously described relief from inverted tariffs."
Watch the video, Chinese Move Into Foreign Trade Zones On American Land, for an informative discussion on the effects that allow wholesale entry of Red Chinese companies to operate on American soil.
A previous Jerome Corsi’s Red Alert is available on the WND report, CHINA INVADES U.S. WITH 'FREE-TRADE ZONES' which documents an additional twist to the economic treason that the political class is foisting on our country.
"A plan being pushed by the Chinese Central Bank would set up "development zones" in the United States that would allow China to "establish Chinese-owned businesses and bring in its citizens to the U.S. to work." Under the plan, some of the $1.17 trillion that the U.S. owes China would be converted from debt to "equity". As a result, "China would own U.S. businesses, U.S. infrastructure and U.S. high-value land, all with a U.S. government guarantee against loss." Does all of this sound far-fetched? Well, it isn’t. In fact, the economic colonization of America is already far more advanced than most Americans would dare to imagine."
Another Dr. Corsi assertion is outlined in the Market Daily News article; Does China Plan To Establish Chinese Cities And Special Economic Zones All Over America?
"A key argument of Corsi’s book, "America for Sale: Fighting the New World Order, Surviving a Global Depression, and Preserving USA Sovereignty," is that China will not long continue to subsidize the Obama administration’s trillion-dollar annual federal budget deficits without demanding U.S. assets in return."
This same news account goes on to document many examples on auctioning off American assets to the Chinese Triad consortium of collectivists. Take the time to review the dirty deeds that passes under the rubric of Free Trade.
The terminal game is as simple as it is devious. China poised to play debt card – for U.S. land states the obvious:
"The basic idea is to turn Asian savings, China’s in particular, into real business interests rather than let them be used to support U.S. over-consumption."
Chinese cash reserves used to acquire real assets relies upon the "Interoperability Principle", the ability of diverse systems and organizations to work together. What a way to collaborate for the systematic economic liquidation of domestic property. A country that is debt ridden beyond servicing the obligation is already insolvent. What the Beijing regime is confirming is that U.S. Treasury Bonds are paper promises of default.
The People's Republic of China wants to own the business enterprises and not the liabilities of the Dollar. The complicity of the banksters that plot the convergence of the world economy under their monitory manipulation clearly understands that fiat currencies are not real assets. Their partnership with the imperial communists is shaping the model for the American continent.
Stripping of real property as a national resource is a key component in the shakedown and impoverishment of the United States. Financing the national debt has a much higher price than paying the interest.
Turning over operative control of the importation ports is not enough for the "Chinese Diaspora". They want physical possession of the title. Do not be surprised when the money centered banks pass on their ample portfolio of foreclosed property into a Chinese holding company in lieu of T-Bills.
The Foreign-Trade Zones are sentry outposts for the orderly transfer of wealth to the globalist cabal. This process has the full blessing of the criminal political class that masquerades as lawful public officials. America has been sold out to a foreign power that is the brainchild of our domestic traitors.
James Hall – January 30, 2013
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