Saturday, May 9, 2015

Chinese organized crime is rapidly expanding its presence in transnational criminal ways

The Most Powerful Mafia Of The World
The fact that the rapidly growing China is rapidly emerging as the leader for Global Development, said today all over the world. But there are negative aspects of this process. As we strengthen the leading position of China in the global economy, Chinese organized crime is rapidly expanding its presence in transnational criminal ways. "Triad" has already made a "third world" their competitors! "Riding" the migration process, mafia structures of China and the Chinese mafia in other countries took a leading position in the organization of human trafficking and establishing flows of illegal migration. The report by Europol (June of 2006) noted that Chinese mafia groups as a leader in human trafficking in countries of the European Union. Chinese "triads" pushed Japan's homegrown mafia - the Yakuza: the share of the Chinese account for about half of all crimes committed by foreigners.


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