China Prepares for War

The Book of Revelation Chapter Nine, in the Holy Bible, says the Kings of the East will march an army of 2 million to Armageddon. Most Christian scholars that examine prophecy have identified China as the Kings of the East. I have always believed the “Kings” may include Islamic armies from the east, as well. Irregardless, there is only one nation that can boast an army of two million: China.
During the last few months, that army has been mobilizing, training, and getting ready for war.
Chinese leader Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party has been demanding that the People’s Liberation Army not only “be ready to win a war,” but Xi has been repeatedly calling for greater military modernization. With the increased training, the communist leadership hopes to enhance the overall readiness of the Chinese army, navy, and air force.
As the Kings of the East prepare for war, in The West, we must ask, “Why?”
Or perhaps we should be asking, “What does the ruling class in China know that we don’t?”
With an increase in the size of the middle class in China, as the result of a controlled injection of capitalism into the Chinese economy, protests in Hong Kong against communist rule, and worldwide tremors centered in places like North Korea, Ukraine, and the Middle East, the globe around China has become a violent place. One can almost come to the conclusion of not blaming Communist China for making sure they are prepared for the worst.
The economic uncertainty in Europe, the United States, and pretty much around the world, coupled with moves by China and Russia to move away from the U.S. Dollar as the world reserve currency, also reveals that global economic upheaval may be on the horizon. China, in preparation, has diverted state funds, and is buying less of America’s debt.
Global wars, and potential economic disasters, may also be good enough reason for China’s elite to feel the need to be more prepared militarily.
However, with all of these excuses, one thing remains consistent. China has always been a potentially hostile military power, a communist country that has more than once proclaimed it desires global domination, and has shown us again and again that no matter how friendly they try to appear, China cannot be trusted.
Biblically, for those that believe we are on the edge of “The End Times,” the timing of China’s preparations for military readiness, makes all the sense in the world. With a super-highway to Afghanistan complete, China has the ability to march their army into the Middle East with ease, and they may even be watching Putin’s land grab in South Ossetia, Crimea, and Ukraine, and be considering getting in on the action themselves. It is not like they fear any retaliation from the current Commander in Chief of the United States of America.
The reason for increasing military readiness, in the minds of China’s leadership, has nothing to do with biblical prophecy, and probably everything to do with the world situation, and one more thing few think about - their own internal problems. China’s economy is slowing down, and the populace has had a slight taste of Western-style freedom, and they like it. The problems in Hong Kong may spread to the rest of the mainland, and if the military is not able to keep it all under control, the communist government may be in for more difficulties than what they experienced in Tiananmen Square in 1989.
China has been testing the waters surrounding their area, and has flexed a few military muscles against Japan, and Vietnam, but their greatest problems may be domestic, and China may simply be preparing for internal unrest. Either that, or they have a Putin-style invasion of a neighboring region on the horizon. It is, after all, no accident that China is building military bases near islands they have challenged Japan regarding ownership over.
In the end, however, I am a firm believer that whatever happens, it will all ultimately result in a Chinese intrusion on the explosive Middle East turmoil, the center of everything in the near future.
China’s Silk Road Lessons for India - Asia Times
China Accuses Vietnam of Ramming its Ships in South China Sea - U.K. Guardian
The Challenge of China’s Expansionism in East Asia and U.S. Policy Responses - Heritage Foundation
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