Thursday, November 5, 2015

NTDTV/ Falun Gong/Chinese Communist Party

NTDTV/ Falun Gong/Chinese Communist Party

News and Events from Around the World
Facts of the Persecution
Open Forum
Practitioners Exchange Experiences and Insights

News and Events from Around the World 

European Parliamentary Officials Participate in Joint News Conference about the Forced Shutdown of NTDTV Broadcasts into China (Photos)

( On July 15, 2008, NTDTV, Reporters Without Borders, the International Press Alliance, and Members of the European Parliament held a joint news conference. They condemned satellite company Eutelsat's termination of NTDTV broadcasts in Asia, particularly at this time right before the Beijing Olympics, and asked the European Union and the Government of France to put pressure on the French satellite company to comply with European human rights, democracy, and law, and to restore the NTDTV signal as soon as possible. Many officials in the European parliament and media participated in the conference.
NTDTV, Reporters Without Borders, International Press Alliance, and Members of European Parliament hold a joint news conference
Mr. Yves. Heman from NTDTV Belgium
Mr. Marc Gruber, director of the European branch of the International Press Alliance
Mr. Marco Cappato, Member of European Parliament from Italy
Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott, Vice President of the European Parliament
Ms. Helga Trupel, Chair of the Council of Education and Culture, member of the European Parliament delegation to China
Ms. Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the European Parliament
First, Mr. Yves. Heman, the spokesman for NTDTV in Belgium, issued a statement rebuking Eutelsat for shutting down NTDTV's broadcast signals to Asia and claiming it was due to technical problems. Of particular note was a Reporters Without Borders investigation report, which was released last Thursday. It pointed out that the Chinese Communist Party has made Eutelsat violate the free flow of information. He said that it is a most urgent task for us to have the NTDTV signal resumed in China as soon as possible, especially with the approach of the Olympic Games. "The Chinese people really need the free flow of information that is not censored."
Mr. Marc Gruber, director of the European branch of the International Press Alliance, recalled that three years ago the International Press Alliance protested Eutelsat's attempt to cut off NTDTV's signal in China. This time, he noted, the situation is different from then, citing the current political situation against a backdrop of upcoming the Olympic Games.
The news conference was hosted by Mr. Marco Cappato, a Member of the European Parliament from Italy. He said, "I think that the European Union should issue a formal statement, putting pressure on Eutelsat in order to solve the so-called 'technical' problems." He added, "As of now, a letter signed by 50 MPs has been sent to the President of Eutelsat, asking for the resumption of the signal. This is only the beginning; we will be trying to formally address inquiries to the European Union about this matter."
Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott, Vice President of the European Parliament, said, "The Eutelsat company is headquartered in France, which is providing the current rotating president of the European Union. So it has an obligation to have its feet firmly planted in Europe, which is to put the philosophy of human rights, democracy, and law into practice. And it should encourage the free flow of information into China. The Government of France should put pressure on Eutelsat and have the NTDTV broadcast signal to mainland China resumed." Discussing China issues during the plenary session of the European Parliament held last Wednesday, Mr. McMillan-Scott specifically asked the Government of France to help reestablish the NTDTV signal as soon as possible.
Ms. Helga Trupel, MP from Germany, is the chair of the Council of Education and Culture, as well as a member of the European Parliament delegation to China. She has been to China four times in recent years. Ms. Trupel said, "Because of the Olympic Games, the CCP authorities promised to open China, allowing people to have more freedom and improving human rights. But now we have realized that everything it promised was false. The actual situation has become even worse. They control people, suppress them even more severely in their speech, and people have no freedom to air their own opinions." She asked for France to put pressure on Eutelsat and allow NTDTV, a free media, to be again broadcast into China.
Ms. Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka, Member of Parliament from Poland, is a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the European Parliament. Being from a former communist country, she said she could really understand what it is like to live in an environment in which the media is controlled. She added, "The decision made by Eutelsat in Europe has resulted in hundreds of millions of Chinese losing their source of independent news. Economic interests cannot override human rights; we cannot accept this act of sacrificing an independent TV station to please the CCP regime."


Germany: The People of Munich Support Practitioners' Activities to Raise Awareness about the Persecution of Falun Gong (Photos)

( On July 5, 2008, practitioners held activities in the square of St. Michaels Church, in the busy business district of Munich, to expose the nine-year persecution of Falun Gong and support the 39 million Chinese people who have quit the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations.
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Activities in the square of St. Michael's Church in Munich
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Passersby sign to support the petition against the persecution of Falun Gong
Attracted by the activities, many passersby stopped to view the displayed photos illustrating the CCP persecution of the Chinese people, in particular Falun Gong practitioners, over the past decades. They were stunned to learn about the regime's atrocity of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. They signed the petition protesting the persecution. Some of the overseas Chinese who had joined the CCP and its youth organizations in the past denounced the CCP and its affiliated groups on the spot.
Currently, the movement to denounce the CCP is gaining momentum, and the number of Chinese people denouncing the CCP on the Epoch Times Website is 40 to 50 thousand every day. Large-scale activities supporting the campaign to quit the CCP, coupled with the spread of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party(an editorial published by The Epoch Times newspaper), has turned the attention of people around the world to the Chinese regime's persecution of its people as well as to its agents' efforts to terrorize and intimidates in international society. In particular, the Chinese regime has escalated the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in the run-up to the Olympic Games. At the same time, to deflect Chinese people's resentment of the way the regime dealt with the recent earthquake disaster, the government instigated Chinese thugs to stir up violence in Flushing, NY, and blame it on Falun Gong. As these atrocities and underhanded tactics are made public, people's attention worldwide is focusing on the Chinese regime's disregard for human rights
Since many Germans have already learned about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, they favorably responded to practitioners' requests for their signatures on the petition that condemns the Chinese regime's policy of persecution. In response to a practitioner's explanation that the Chinese regime has harvested organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, a German said, "It is really terrible. How could such a terrifying thing happen today? I hope you are able to continue exposing the Chinese regime's atrocities." Several Catholic nuns also signed the petition. Taiwanese tourists were very happy to see the banners supporting Chinese people quitting the CCP and signed the petition.
Quite a few tourists from China and Chinese students studying in Germany visited the booth. Some talked to practitioners for a long time, while others hoped to understand the reason why they should withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. Still others had their pictures taken in front of the banners, and many accepted copies of the Nine Commentaries and other materials, saying that they would read them at home carefully. In the meantime, those who had joined the CCP and its affiliated organizations filled out the form to quit the CCP and denounce this evil organization, while others said that they would announce their withdrawal from the CCP on The Epoch Times website.

Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Chen told our reporter, "The purpose of holding these activities is to help people further understand the intrinsic evil nature of the CCP and the harm it has posed to the entire world. Some Chinese already knew the true nature of the CCP, but many of them still have illusions about it due to a lack of clear understanding. In fact, communism originated in Germany, but many German people are still not clear about the distinction between the CCP and China. Not only did the CCP deceive the Chinese people, it also persecuted its people and Falun Gong. The reason for helping Chinese to withdraw from the CCP is to help our countrymen awaken from being deceived by the CCP, urge them not to persecute Falun Gong, and have them avoid being punished as an accomplice when the CCP is eliminated by heaven."

One Chinese man said that the CCP is very bad, but that the Chinese people could not help. Mr. Chen said, "It's hard to find the people who really believe in the CCP. There are over one billion people in China--why should we be fearful? All of us should screw up our courage and get rid of the CCP." The Chinese man agreed with Mr. Chen and accepted the flyer, saying that he would surf the Internet to get more information.


Germany: Falun Gong at Augsburg Cultural Festival (Photos)

( The annual Multi-Cultural Festival in Augsburg, Germany was held on July 12th, 2008. Various political, cultural, charity and human rights organizations and groups from more than ten countries attended the festival, among which were Falun Gong practitioners from Germany and Austria. Falun Gong is no stranger to the people of Augsburg, as it was the fifth time that Falun Gong has been invited to attend the festival. Practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises and participated in the parade, and received a warm welcome from the people of Augsburg. The festival organizers expressed great satisfaction about Falun Gong's participation, and said they hoped that the Falun Gong group would be seen again at the next event.
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A secondary school student wearing a Reporters Without Borders t-shirt signed his name on the petition form calling for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party
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The Falun Gong procession at the Multi-Cultural Festival in Augsburg
Many people were drawn by the Falun Gong exercise demonstration. Many were happy to see the Falun Gong group in the parade and they came to the Falun Gong information desk to watch the exercise demonstration and ask about the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong.
A group of secondary school students wearing T-shirts designed by Reporters Without Borders protesting the human rights abuses by the CCP related to the Olympic Games came to the information desk, and they asked to sign the petition for the Global Million Signatures Calling For an End to the Persecution of Falun Gong Before the Beijing Olympic Games. Many people signed the petition that day.
A Falun Gong practitioner who had just come to Germany from mainland China said that he was very happy to see Falun Gong practitioners in a foreign country, taking part in local events. He told a reporter, "I have only seen these activities via the Internet, but now I am very excited that I am here and can see the Falun Gong activities for myself. As I am a practitioner, too, I feel very excited and inspired after seeing this for the first time." He added, "I'd also like to say that I think the parades that Falun Gong practitioners take part in are very much helping to expose the persecution. I can see that Falun Gong receives great support overseas, which makes me feel happy and confident about the future of Falun Gong. I think activities of this kind will help end the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong sooner. In China, people cannot see any activities like this and Falun Gong practitioners are basically in a situation where they cannot openly and freely express their opinions. There are still a large number of people in China who don't really understand Falun Gong. Sometimes, when I talked to my friends and colleagues, I found that they had strong misunderstandings about Falun Gong. This is all because they have been deceived by the propaganda and lies of the CCP media. In mainland China, there is no free environment as in overseas countries. As a Falun Gong practitioner in mainland China, I am so moved to see so many practitioners here participating in this activity in spite of the rain. I think I should do more to raise awareness among the people and make more contact with fellow practitioners, so as to put an early end to the persecution and to save more people along with our practitioners overseas.

Facts of the Persecution 

Ms. Yu Xiuhua from Shandong Province, Ms. Chen Lianfeng from Beijing, and Others That Have Died as a Result of the Persecution

Ms. Yu Xiuhua from Weifang City, Shandong Province, Passed Away as a Result of Being Persecuted
Ms. Yu Xiuhua, 69, was a resident of the Yiyuan Residential Area, Weicheng District, Weifang City, Shandong Province. Ms. Yu began to practice Falun Gong in 1996. In 2000 she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong but was arrested and detained at the Chengguan Street Committee of the Weicheng District (where practitioner Ms. Chen Zixiu was beaten to death). Since she refused to renounce Falun Gong, she was brutally tortured. Her left arm was broken in a beating. Ms. Yu was later detained again for posting Falun Gong flyers.
At the end of 2007, several police officers ransacked her home and confiscated Falun Gong books, truth-clarification materials, and a portrait of the founder of Falun Gong. On February 10, 2008, she was reported to the authorities for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong in public. When the police arrested her, they shoved her into the police car so hard that she lost consciousness. She was taken to the hospital for treatment. After she came to she saw a police officer in her room to guard her. She escaped when she had a chance to go to the restroom.
Under the pretext of "a Safe Olympics," officers from the Chengguan Street Committee often went to Ms. Yu's home to harass her. She lived in fear and was under constant pressure. She had been healthy, without any history of heart disease, but after being persecuted several times, she developed symptoms of severe heart disease. She became very weak and thin. On June 14, 2008, Ms. Yu fell into a coma. She passed away on June 21, 2008.
Practitioner Ms. Chen Lianfeng from the Second Institute of the Aviation Department in Beijing Dies as a Result of the Persecution
Ms. Chen Lianfeng, 64, was a former employee of the Second Institute of the Aviation Department. Before she began to practice Falun Gong, she had nephritis and other illnesses. In 1992, she attended the second Falun Gong class that Master taught in Beijing and started practicing. She changed dramatically, both physically and mentally. Later, her husband and two daughters began to practice Falun Gong as well. They also set up a Fa study group in their home. The whole family lived very happily.
After the persecution of Falun Gong started in 1999, the officials at her workplace forced her to go to brainwashing centers several times. Her family was under great stress. At the beginning of June 2008, Ms. Chen showed severe symptoms of illness and was not able to eat for several days. A week before she passed away, officials from her workplace went to her home to "educate" her and warned her to not cause trouble during the Olympics. This caused her even greater stress and she became weaker. After being persecuted for nine years, Ms. Chen passed away on June 26, 2008.
Practitioner Mr. Liu Chunqing Severely Persecuted Before He Died
Mr. Liu Chunqing was from Huimin County, Binzhou City, Shandong Province. Between 1999 and 2002, Mr. Liu was constantly persecuted. In December 2000, he was detained in the Huimin County Police Department for nearly a month and was very cruelly tortured. His daughter had money extorted from her in order to get him released at the end of 2000. At the beginning of 2002, he was arrested and taken to a brainwashing session at the Huimin County Police Department. Because Mr. Liu refused to give in despite torture and humiliation, he was severely beaten many times. After that he was taken to the police station from his home several times after 10:00 p.m. and tortured. He suffered physically and mentally. On July 12, 2003, Mr. Liu passed away at home at the age of 66.
A Practitioner Was Beaten to Death in the Eighth Division of Liaoning Province Women's Prison
A practitioner was recently tortured to death in the Eighth Division of Liaoning Province Women's Prison. To prevent the news from being made public, those in charge canceled visits for all the prisoners and cut off all communication between the prisoners and the outside.
The methods of torture frequently used in the Eighth Division include stripping off practitioners' clothes and pushing them under the beds, pouring cold water on them, freezing them outside during winter, and ordering other prisoners to beat them. The director of the Eighth Division is Zou Xiaoyan. The director of the prison is Yang Li, and the Party secretary of the prison is Fang Shuxia. Xu Min and Xu Jianmei are the deputy directors of the prison, and Xu Weiguo is the deputy governor of Liaoning Province. Zhang Jiacheng is the director of the Judicial Office of Liaoning Province, Chen Taibao is the director of the Judicial Office of Liaoning Province and the director of the Prison Management Bureau, and Guo Changqing is the Party secretary of the Judicial Office of Liaoning Province.
During the past two years, when the ratio of Falun Gong prisoners giving up their practice became important data in the selection of model prisons, the government designated Liaoning Province Women's Prison as a model prison. In each division, the prison police directly participated in the persecution of practitioners or they instigated other prisoners to do it. The model units or persons who persecuted practitioners were rewarded with special bonuses. The Eighth Division was the model female unit for the persecution of Falun Gong. The 610 Office also arranged for prisoners from other divisions to come learn new tactics to torment practitioners.
Officials from the Ninth Division sent prisoners to the Eighth Division to learn, including murderer Jiang Ping, rapist Dong Jing, and drug dealer Yang Dongme. They used to brutally beat and kick practitioners. After learning from the Eighth Division, they put ice cubes on practitioners' feet which cause several practitioners feet to rot. To try to force Ms. Zhao Guohui to renounce Falun Gong, they confined her in a tiny cell, did not allow her to sleep, and forced her to squat. They kicked her knees, legs, elbows, breasts, head, neck, and private parts. At the beginning, they tortured practitioners three times a day. Later they tortured practitioners any time they felt like it. They tied up practitioners' arms and legs and poured cold water on them after stripping off their clothes. They taped practitioners' mouths to prevent them from crying out. They forced them to squat in the cold water. If practitioners were not able to maintain the squatting position, they beat them. Jiang Ping broke her shoe beating practitioners with it, and she also used her belt to whip them. When she was tired, she went to sleep. When she woke up, she cursed the founder of Falun Gong. When practitioners tried to stop her, she started to beat them again. The director of the Ninth Division is Wu Li and the chief of the education section is LI Queqiao.

Chinese Communist Party Agents Harass and Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners in Shijiazhuang City

( On July 4, the Chinese Communist city government operatives in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, harassed and illegally arrested many local Falun Gong practitioners.
Around 7 a.m. on July 4, Mr. Huang Wei, a practitioner, went downstairs from his home to do some work. He was arrested by a plainclothes policeman stationed outside the residential building. The officer was from the Hedong Police Station.
Later, seven officers from the Changan District Police Department and Hedong Police Station ransacked Mr. Wei's home, searched his child's schoolbag, and found a booklet entitled "Announcement by the China Interim Government." Mr. Huang had broken no laws, and they did not find any evidence of a crime, but they nonetheless arrested his wife, Hao Qiuyan.
The police also searched Mr. Huang's office and took his computer. A staff member working in the same office was also arrested because she was a Falun Gong practitioner. The officer from the Hedong Police Station indicated that he was arresting people "blacklisted" by the city police department.
In the evening on the same day, all three practitioners were taken to the detention center near the Qunan storage facility in Shijiazhuang City.
On the morning of July 4, practitioner Ms. Xiu Chi was taken from her home by officers from the Nanyang Police Station in the Changan District. These policemen entered her home illegally and took Falun Dafa books, truth clarification materials, and CDs. Currently, she is imprisoned somewhere in the Changan District.
The same group of policemen also went to Mr. Zhen Xuan's home, seeking to arrest him. But Mr. Zhen and his family members resisted. The incident caught the attention of his neighbors, one of whom remarked, "How come only good citizens get arrested?"The police knew that they had no legal right to arrest Mr. Zhen and decided to leave him alone. However, they indicated that they might come back. These policemen went to many other practitioners' homes, but because the doors were locked, they were not able to get in.
Around 6 a.m. on July 4, five officers from the Fenglu Police Station in Shijiazhuang went to Ms. Li Huixin's home. Ms. Li is the older sister of Ms. Li Huiqi, whom the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecuted to death. The police pried open the safety door to the home, arrested Ms. Li, and took away her child's computer used for school, along with other items.
Around 8 p.m. on July 3, over 02 people--including policemen Wang Dianliang, Li Zhongqiu, and Zhang Ruixu from the Jiananlu Police Station and political director Xue Jianjun and Zhao Jungqang from the Qiaodong District Police Department Shijiazhuang--arrested practitioner Mr. Han Junhong. His home was ransacked and he was moved to the police station on Jianan Road. However, he managed to escape before daybreak the next day. Now his home is surrounded by plainclothes police.
Mr. Lu Hugang, a practitioner born on August 9, 1970, lived in the Qiaodong District of Shijiazhuang. On July 4, he was taken away by policemen Wang Mingjie, Yin Hang, and Yan Qijun, all from the Taoyuan Police Station in Qiaodong District of Shijiazhuang. They ransacked his home, taking his computer and CDs which were used for clarifying the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong.
Additional practitioners arrested on July 4 included Cui Lixin, Wang Guilan, Shen Manliang, Liu Yanhong, and four others whose names are unknown. However, one of the four lived in the Yandong Residential Area and three others in the Huayao Eighth District of Shijiazhuang.
Dr. Li Huiyun's home, located in Suite1104 of the Professional Building in Shijiazhuang, was ransacked on July 4 around 10 a.m. by officers from the Nanchang Police Station. According to reports, the arrests were ordered by the Qiaosi District Police Department targeting people they considered to be important.
Around 5 a.m. in the morning of July 4, more than ten policemen from the Changan District of Shijiazhuang, pretending to deliver an item by express mail, ransacked Mr. Du Changqing's home. They took his computer, a laptop, a camera, and other items.
Another practitioner, Ms. Huo Junmei, who lives on Meiji Street in Changyun District, refused to open her door to the police. As a result, they watched her home from a nearby area.
According to reports, the Chinese Communist city government had ordered the arrests of all practitioners on their "blacklist" on the morning of July 4. This decision came from the city police department and required all local police stations to carry out the order by going door-to-door. They were ordered to arrest anyone who was found possessing even a piece of paper containing Falun Gong information.
Administrators and agencies in Shijiazhuang City involved in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners (area code: 0311):
Political Director Sun Shuhai of the Nanchang Street Police Station: 86-13933107556 (Cell)
Public Security Bureau at Qiaodong Branch: 86-311-89620600
Jianan Road Police Station: 86-311-86087175, 86-311-86036767

Taoyuan Police Station in the Qiaodong District: 86-311-86839488
Station chief Mr. Zhang Wanxiang, 43: 86-139-32162666
Political InstructorMr. Yu Haiqin, 42:86-137-85180168
Police officers Mr. Wang Mingjie, 45: 86-139-30412936; Mr. Hang Yin, 40: 86-137-85182011;
Mr. Yan Qijun, 28: 86-139-33847321

Domestic Security Division: 86-311-86967911
Chief of this Division Zhang Guangzhi: 86-311-89620601

Hedong Police Station is located on Meiji Street, P.O. Box 050000
Political Director Mr. Qu Jianbo: 86-311-89615824, 86-311-85052891, 86-311-85055880
Policeman of this station: Yang Yuliang: 86-15382321596
Head of this station Su Wenxing: 86-311-85052891, 86-311-85055880, 86-13091001116 (Cell)

Hedong Street Administration Office
446 East Zhongshan Street, P.O. Box 050031
86-311-85052743, 86-311-85052742
Public Security Bureau at Changan Branch
15 Tannan Road, P.O. Box 050000
Office of the Chief: 86-311-86046234, 86-311-86049296

Deputy Chief Liu Zijun, in charge of Falun Gong persecution: 86-311-86676214

Jin Youfeng, a Teacher at Mudanjiang Normal College, Is Tortured in Mudanjiang Prison (Photo)

( Jin Youfeng was formerly a physical education teacher at the Mudanjiang Normal College in Heilongjiang Province. In September 1999, he was fired because of his belief in Falun Gong. Later he was sentenced to three years of forced labor. In the labor camp, he was badly beaten by Zhang Junrong, a division head of the Admission Section of the camp. On October 22, 2003, he was arrested again. In March 2004, he was sent to Mudanjiang Prison, where he was badly tortured. He was sentenced to 11 years in prison. On May 26, 2006, Jin was locked to iron bars by Luan Yu, a prison guard.
In prison, Jin developed lung disease, and his hearing was damaged. He didn't get adequate medical treatment in the prison. In August 2007, since he refused to sign a guarantee statement to give up Falun Gong, he lost the chance of getting treatment in the hospital. He was jailed in Mudanjiang Prison until May 2008. He is in the hospital now, finally receiving treatment.
1. Beaten by a guard in the labor camp
In September 1999, Jin Youfeng was fired and given a three-year sentence in the labor camp, because he went to appeal for Falun Gong. His wife Jiang Chunmei, a Falun Gong practitioner and an English teacher at Mudanjiang Normal College, has also been arrested and jailed several times. Their seven-year-old son was taken care of by their friends.
In December 1999, Jin and three other male Falun Gong practitioners were arrested and sent to Mudanjiang Forced Labor Camp in Sidao Village, Tielinghe Town, Mudanjiang. In the labor camp, division head Zhang Junrong badly beat and tortured Jin. Zhang looked for all kinds of excuses to torture Jin and Song Yan, another Falun Gong practitioner.
Jiang Chunmei, Jin's wife, was fired from her job. In 2001, she got her job back, but did not get paid for several months. The same thing happened to Liu Zhiyuan, another Falun Gong practitioner at Mudanjiang Normal College.
2. Jiang Chunmei was arrested during her nursing period
On October 22, 2003, policemen broke into Jin's house and took Jin and Jiang away. More than 70 practitioners were arrested that same night. Their houses were searched and their Falun Gong materials, computers, and cash were taken away. In the police station, the practitioners were badly tortured. Policemen beat them, didn't allow them to sleep, poured spicy powder into their noses and hung them up. The practitioners were tortured for 10 days.
Jiang Chunmei's baby, Jin Panpan, was 14 months old, and needed to be nursed. Jiang's 75-year-old mother had taken care of Jin Panpan and 10-year-old Jin Luyi. On November 26, Jiang was sent to the Second Detention Center of Mudanjiang by officers from the Xingping Road Police Station. Her children were sent to her relatives.
Jin Panpan, Jin and Jiang's youngest son
When Jin Panpan was 18 months old, on February 14, 2004, Jin Youfeng was sentenced to 11 years in prison and Jiang Chunmei was sentenced to 14 years. On the same day, more than 30 Falun Gong practitioners were given sentences ranging from 5-14 years. At the trial, practitioners exposed the torture they experienced in the detention center. All of them refused to sign any documents.
When arresting Jin and Jiang, the policemen forced their relatives to take away their children, and threatened that if they didn't take the children, the children would be sent to an orphanage.
The children were sent to Jiang's parents in Qiqihar. The grandparents live on collecting recyclable materials and live a very poor life.
3. Jin was tortured in the prison
In March 2004, Jin was sent to Mudanjiang Prison. Policemen took away all of his personal belongings and only left him one set of clothes. He could not brush his teeth or take a shower for several months. Zhou Shaokun, a worker at the prison, was one of the people who badly tortured Falun Gong practitioners.
Practitioners were forced to do heavy labor during the day, and sometimes even after dinner. Once when Jin didn't finish his assignment, he was tortured. He was forced to bend over with his arms pointing up. Normally, one cannot hold this position for more than 20 minutes. When Jin was forced to stay in that position, Zhou Shaokun and Liu Daqing, a guard, beat him. Policeman Hong Tao also beat him badly.
On September 4, 2004, the prison started a series of intensive torture, trying to force practitioners to give up Falun Gong. They separated the practitioners and didn't allow them to sleep. Practitioners Liu Jun and Wu Yuerong were jailed separately. Several criminals talked to Liu and Wu constantly, trying to convince them to give up Falun Gong. Liu was forced to stand all night, and was forced to stand on a chair for four days. The guards claimed that they would do the same thing to every practitioner. In order to stop the torture, on September 9, practitioners started a hunger strike. On the second day of the hunger strike, practitioners Jin Youfeng, Gao Yunxiang and Guan Lianbin were put in solitary confinement. Guards put 38-pound shackles on them. Their hands and feet were locked to a bar for 15 days.
On the second day, Jin was force-fed. It was not for the purpose of supplying nutrition, but purely a means of torture. The food sometimes went into his lungs. The food consisted of corn cereal and spicy powder, and often gave people diarrhea. On the third day, a guard who calls himself "the king of all evil" came with several criminals. They held Jin's head and forcefully poured a lot of water into his mouth. It was cold in the solitary confinement cell. There was no bedding and Jin only had very thin clothes.
One night, on his way to the bathroom, guards ordered several criminals to beat Jin badly.
Jin was held in the intensive-training division for 14 months.
On May 26, 2005, Jin and other practitioners were sent to the Seventh Ward of the prison. The practitioners refused to do the heavy labor. Jin was locked to the iron bar of a window for a morning. On the morning of May 27, he was locked up again. In the afternoon, division chief Zhu Zailiang asked guards to hang up Jin with one arm locked to a bar. On May 28, Zhu ordered criminals Han Baoren, Dai Qingmin, Liu Yong and Su Yuming to torture Jin and force him to give up Falun Gong. Since Jin refused to do so, Zhu cursed the criminals and told them that if they could not make Jin give up the practice, then their sentences would not be reduced. Under pressure from Zhu, the criminals took Jin to the bathroom and beat him severely. Later, they assigned Liu Yong to watch and keep torturing Jin. Jin was not allowed to sit down.
4. Jin refused to give up his belief and was denied medical treatment
Due to the torture and harsh environment in the prison, Jin developed lung disease and lost part of his hearing. He didn't get adequate treatment in the prison and became very weak. In August 2007, he was sent to the hospital by officers of Xianglun Police Station. The police tried to force him to sign guarantee statements promising to give up Falun Gong. He refused, so the police took him out of the hospital and sent him back to the prison, despite the fact that he was dying.
Only 10 months later, in June 2008, he was sent to the hospital.
Practitioners who have been tortured to death in Mudanjiang Prison before Jin was sent to the hospital include: Pan Xingfu (31, former employee of Shuangyashan Electric Communications Bureau); Wei Xiaodong (34, former teacher at Bayi Farm College in Heilongjiang); Ning Jun (50, from Xi'an District in Mudanjiang); Wang Jiguo (40, employee of Mudanjiang Normal College); Li Ruqing (66, from Shuangyashan); Du Shiliang (50, from Hailin); Yu Junxiu (from Zhejiang Province); Zhang Hongquan (an engineer at Daqing Oil Field); Kong Xiangzhu (39, from Jianshan District of Shuangyashan); Wu Yueqing, (30, from Shuangyashan). Pan Xingfu, Ning Jun, Kong Xiangzhu and Wu Yueqing passed away after being released from the prison.
Justice Bureau in Mudanjiang:
Lu Hong, chief: 86-13945363166, 86-453-6936889 (home)
Mudanjiang Prison: 86-453-6404715, 86-453-6404755
Chen Shougang, chief: 86-453-6404715-8000-8388, 86-13904676888 (cell)
Yu Jinghe, political instructor: 86-453-6404715-8000-8388, 86-13904835888 (cell), 86-13904935558 (cell)
Sun Jiujie, chief of political department: 86-453-6404715-8000-8298

Mudanjiang Normal College:
Xiu Pengyue, Dean: 86-453-6511188, 86-453-6511377
Assistant Dean: 86-453-6512378, 86-453-6511003, 86-453-6511121, 86-453-6511367
College office: 86-453-6511376
Xianglun Police Station: 86-453-6532148

Approximately Ten Practitioners from Tongliao City Remain in Custody

( On May 30, 2008, the Security Office in Knorchin District, Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia directed the State Security Division and police departments in Knorchin District to arrest, fine, interrogate, detain, and search the homes of Falun Gong practitioners. Approximately ten practitioners from Tongliao City remain in custody at the Hexi Detention Center.
On numerous occasions, many practitioners have been arrested and sentenced to forced labor or prison simply for their belief in Falun Gong. The following are a few examples.
Ms. Fan Xiaoli was born on September 12, 1958. She is of Han nationality and graduated from a polytechnic school. She lived on Ximen Street in Knorchin District. She once had many different ailments, including bone spurs, rheumatism, chronic fatigue syndrome, and tracheitis. After she began practicing Falun Gong, however, all of them disappeared. She was once a deputy director of the Industrial and Commerce Bank in Tongliao City. But since she held firmly in her belief andclarified the truth about Dafa, the government pressured her workplace into forcing her to resign in October 1999. Soon afterwards, she was twice sentenced to forced labor. While in the Hexi Detention Center and the Tumuji Forced Labor Camp, she was beaten, shocked with electric batons, suspended in mid-air, and placed in shackles.
Six of Mr. Tian Fujin's family members are currently in custody, three of whom are being held in the Hexi Detention Center, including Mr. Tian, his wife Ms. Liu Xiurong, and their daughter Tian Fang. During the nine-year persecution of Falun Gong, his family has never had the opportunity to be together. The family once had a prosperous fur business, but they became penniless under the persecution of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). They also suffered the pain of seeing each other detained, sentenced, and tortured, one after the other. The six family members have nearly thirty years of sentences among them.
Ms. Yang Fenglan, in her sixties, is a retired teacher in Tongliao City. In 2004, local police searched her home and arrested her. The same thing occurred in June 2008, and Ms. Yang is currently being held in the Hexi Detention Center.
Ms. Guo Shulan, 64, is a retired staff member of the Rural Credit Cooperative. She once had many diseases, but she regained her health after she began practicing Falun Gong. In May 2008, she was arrested and detained. Her husband, who has a pacemaker because of a heart condition, is living a difficult life without Ms. Guo.
Mr. Li Xiangyu, in his twenties, is a practitioner who lived with his mother in Chifeng City. He was detained in 2006, and in early June 2008, he was arrested again and his home was searched. His mother was also detained for a day.
Mr. and Ms. Xiao are about 50 years old. Their home was searched, and they are being held in the Hexi Detention Center.
Ms. Tang Liwen, 67, was arrested in January 2008. She has been held at the Hexi Detention Center for over six months. Sources report that she was brutally beaten while in custody.
The individuals directly responsible for this persecution include Xing Lijun and Deng Honglin from the Security Office in Knorchin District. Xing is the CCP deputy secretary in Knorchin District, and Deng is the deputy director of the CCP committee office in Knorchin District. Wang Bo, Guan Zhengang, and Baojirimutu from the State Security Division in Knorchin District are also involved in the persecution. The responsible agencies include the Ximen Police Department, Yongqing Police Department, Huolin Police Department and Hongxing Police Department.
State Security Division in Knorchin District, postal code 028000
Wang Bo, director: 86-475-8254444, ext.5111 (office), 86-13947540101 (cell), 86-475-2212020 (home)
Guan Zhengang, director: 86-475-8254444, ext.5113 (office), 86-13087151102 (cell)

Hexi Detention Center: 86-475-861096
Shan Jun

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