Tuesday, May 5, 2015

police chief Wang Lijun: Hong Kong

Police Chief Wang Lijun: Hong Kong

Anti-triad hero steps up as deputy mayor - Promotion of Chongqing police chief Wang Lijun after crackdown on crime bosses consolidates the power base of rising political star Bo Xilai - Chongqing police chief and anti-triad hero Wang Lijun has been promoted to become a deputy mayor of the western municipality, the power base of rising political star Bo Xilai. Wang, who was brought to the city from Liaoning province by Chongqing party secretary Bo, was endorsed as deputy mayor by the local people's congress yesterday, the municipal government said in a report posted on its website. The two worked together when Bo was Liaoning governor between 2001 and 2004. Wang was parachuted into Chongqing in July 2008 to steer Bo's anti-triad crackdown, which started in June 2009, 18 months after Bo, a member of the powerful Communist Party Politburo, was sworn in as party chief of Chongqing. Bo, a well-known princeling as the son of a former senior party leader, won both praise and criticism for the campaign. Some people accused him of using the publicity to boost his image in preparation for next year's party reshuffle, when President Hu Jintao , Premier Wen Jiabao and many other top leaders are set to hand over power. Human rights activists also criticised the crackdown for violating laws and human rights. Nevertheless, Wang's promotion suggests that Bo has further consolidated his power base in the city. Wang was elected unanimously by the local legislature after the municipal government, in its proposal recommending the promotion, gave him credit for his courage and ability in leading the anti-triad crackdown. "The broad masses of cadres and ordinary citizens praise him as an anti-triad hero and police model," the government document said. The 10-month crackdown led to the arrests of more than 3,300 people, including billionaire businessmen, government advisers, crime bosses and senior law enforcement officers such as Wen Qiang , a former deputy police chief and head of the city's judicial bureau who was later executed. Four bureau-level and 14 county-level judicial officials were sacked or implicated. Shortly after wrapping up the crackdown, Wang launched a major shake-up of the municipality's scandal-ridden police force. All mid-level management positions were declared vacant and the posts filled through open recruitment. Wang was among six prominent individuals named as "heroes of the Chongqing people" for their contributions to the crackdown. Under his stewardship, 377 underground cells were crushed, 4,999 violent criminal cases unearthed and 5,983 criminals arrested, the People's Daily said in a report on its website yesterday. Earlier this year, Wang, as a newly elected deputy to the National People's Congress, proposed a law with severe punishment for crimes endangering the safety of food and medicine. The bill was widely supported.

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