Saturday, August 2, 2014

Al Gore & Maurice Strong, Treachery Afoot

United Nations climate chief Christiana Figueres: Democracy is a poor political system for fighting global warming, Communist China is the best model

The outrageous Big Lie of China leading the world in tackling climate change is there for all to see in Beijing,  where the pretend sunrise has to be televised on giant TV screens because smog is completely wiping out all natural light."The smog has become so thick in Beijing that the city’s natural light-starved masses have begun flocking to huge digital commercial television screens across the city to observe virtual sunrises.” (Daily Mail, January 17, 2014).
It should go without saying there’s no Vitamin D benefits or sun ray reality in government-digitalized sunrises.
And there are health risks for Beijing residents who are flocking to the only place where they think they get to see the sun:
“Commuters across Beijing found themselves cloaked in a thick, gray haze on Thursday as air pollution monitors issued a severe air warning and ordered the elderly and school children to stay indoors until the quality improved.”
Maybe Al Gore and Maurice Strong, long-time Canadian environmentalist and secretary-general of the first global Earth Summit, who made their fortunes selling man-made global warming,  can bring the sunlight back to China.

How about United Nations  climate chief Christiana Figueres who said only days ago that democracy is a poor political system for fighting global warming.  “Communist China,” she said, “is the best model.”
Will anyone hold the mainstream media in both the U.S. and Canada accountable for spreading the big lie that China leads the world in successfully tackling climate change?
“China is outpacing Canada in determination to tackle climate change and rein in greenhouse gas emissions,” Maurice Strong told media from Ottawa in April 2012 in a conference on Canada’s role in the green economy as countries prepared to convene in Rio de Janeiro for a global summit known as Rio+20.
Strong, who went to live in Beijing in the aftermath of the UN Oil-for-food scandal, and who now lives in both Toronto and Beijing, serves as an advisor to the Communist government of China in his role as an ‘honorary professor’ at Beijing University.
The massive inconvenient lies on global warming/climate change of Nobel Peace Prize-winning Al Gore, who has remained mostly mum during this winter’s brutal weather, are legendary.
In North America, workers fight icy roads and blinding snow squalls to get to work.  In the Strong/Gore-touted China, the air has taken on an acrid odour, and many of the city’s commuters wear industrial strength face masks getting to work.
Strong, Gore and other enemies of America whose longterm aim has been to replace the U.S. with China as world economic leader must be held accountable that serious air pollution plagues not only Beijing, but most major Chinese cities where environmental protection has been swapped for the politics of economic development.
Coal-burning boilers have been ordered shut down in Beijing and the city is also gearing up to ban all heavily polluting vehicles this year, cut new car registrations and promote new energy vehicles, according to Beijing Mayor Wang Anshum.
Emergency measures in China’s commercial capital now include shutting schools and ordering cars off the road.
Meanwhile the sun no longer rises in the East since Maurice Strong and his climate change scammers came to town.

Copyright © Canada Free Press
RSS Feed for Judi McLeod
Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years’ experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh,, Drudge Report,, and Glenn Beck


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          The rest of the world is to blame for China. They wanted a clean environment, in their own countries, and so they shipped all manufacturing to China........and put all of the world's pollution in one place, as well as all of the world's JOBS!
          We either kill ourselves with pollution, or we die from starvation......that's our choice.

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            Jobs were shipped to China not to clean the air, but to lower the product cost. Sadly product cost has been reduced while our government has burgeoned to cover ever increasing numbers of unemployed with ever increasing prices driven by currency inflation. Sadly imports increase year by year as ever more product is produced overseas driving deficit spending in this country ever higher.
            The day of reckoning will come when our currency is no longer the world standard. Then our sagging economy will drive up the cost of even imported goods. We will then wish for the good old days when industrial pollution was deemed evil. The suddenly lowered standard of living will still crush our economy as ever fewer jobs cannot be taxed enough to support ever increasing non-workers. Our standard of living bubble will then be clearly visible for all the world to see.

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            I disagree. Manufacturing left because of bloated governments leading to high corporate and payroll taxes, over regulation, rising electricity costs from "green" energy payola, and unions demanding skilled labour pay for unskilled work.
            Do you think for one second that we couldn't compete IF China and the rest of the sweatshop world paid the same in those overheads as we do??

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            Well . . . if we eliminate CO2 . . . starvation is a real possibility.
            China is to blame for China . . . and eventually they will clean up the mess . . . 100 years ago north america was not a lot better.
            But enviro-loons like Strong and the Suz saying China is making progress is a lie . . . they erected windmills in China and never hooked them to the grid . . . just for show. 
            One thing that would help China is lots of Cdn OIL AND GAS . . . much cleaner than the coal they are now using . . . 
            Build those pipelines . . . NOW ! ! !

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