Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Olympics Anti Doping Association or [WADA] kept quiet about Team China testing positive for a banned substance

Olympics Anti Doping Association or [WADA] kept quiet about Team China testing positive for a banned substance allowing China keep their Olympic gold medals won fraudulently   

July 30 2024

The world doping authority is doing its best to extinguish the furore around the Chinese doping scandal but clean athletes like US swim star Katie Ledecky are having none of it:


In a shocking move on Wed July 24, the IOC moved to crush US inquiries into the Chinese swimming doping scandal, by threatening to reject Salt Lake City's bid to host the Winter Games in 2034. In a series of fierce statements coordinated by IOC President Thomas Bach, top IOC committee members blasted US officials for opening probes into handling of the China case by WADA. Ingmar De Vos, an IOC committee member from Belgium said a probe by the US Congress and a criminal investigation launched by the US Department of Justice "are extremely worrying and basically, for us, unacceptable." In an unprecedented move, the IOC demanded that officials in Utah — along with US Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) — sign a contract affirming "respect" for the authority of WADA in exchange for Wednesday's agreement to hold the 2034 Winter Games in Salt Lake City. The chair of the USOPC Gene Sykes agreed to the binding language. Head of the US Anti-Doping Agency Travis Tygart blasted the IOC for linking the China scandal to Salt Lake City's bid. "It is shocking to see the IOC itself stooping to threats in an apparent effort to silence those seeking answers. It seems more apparent than ever that WADA violated the rules and needs accountability and reform."
Two More

Two more of the Chinese swimmers in the 2021 doping scandal qualify for the semifinals in the men’s 100 breaststroke. They were among the 23 whose positive drug tests were never revealed by WADA and China in 2021.

Another of the Chinese 11 swims well here in the first morning of Olympic swimming. Fei Liwei qualifies third in the men’s 400. That’s four of the 11. They were part of the 23 whose positive drug tests were never revealed by authorities in 2021.

"The Chinese swimming doping scandal casting doubt at the Paris Olympics" How can a heart medication 'accidentally' find its way into the food of a hotel these 23 Chinese swimmers were staying at?

Did someone get paid off for allowing this?

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