Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The master of green socialism: Guess Who

The master of green socialism

Maurice Strong has been central to reformulating socialism’s grand narrative in radical environmental terms
There is nothing that aspiring global governors love so much as recognition of their vast good intentions. Today, octogenarian citizen of the world Maurice Strong receives one of this year’s Four Freedoms Awards, established by the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute and the Roosevelt Stichting in the Netherlands.
The Four Freedoms are those relating to speech and religion, and from want and fear, and are at the root of the United Nations charter. Mr. Strong’s award comes under the “want” category. The citation notes his modest “role as the foremost guardian of the world’s environment.” Also his commitment to “social justice.” Inconveniently, that latter commitment has recently come to the attention of Fox News’ Glenn Beck, who is not the first to notice that “social justice” actually means forced redistribution, which means socialism, which has created more “want” than any system devised by man.
Mr. Strong has been central to reformulating socialism’s grand narrative in radical environmental terms. He was the mastermind of the seminal UN environmental conferences at Stockholm in 1972 and Rio in 1992. He is a key promoter of the subversive anti-market concepts of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. He is the godfather of climate-change hysteria.
Mr. Beck fingers Mr. Strong as part of a cabal (exotically dubbed “Crime Inc.”) that wants to take down the global economy en route to taking global control.
Mr. Strong has posted a brief article on his website (www.mauricestrong.net) in which he responds to “misinformation, misinterpretation and outright lying by my critics.” The only critic he mentions is not Glenn Beck, but yours truly. Nor does he deal with the points raised by Mr. Beck, who, on his TV show, brought up an interview that Mr. Strong gave almost 20 years ago in which he opined on a novel he was thinking of writing. It would involve a cabal of concerned citizens taking control of the globe. Mr. Beck noted that Mr. Strong had not found time to write such a novel. Rather, he seemed to be living the “plot” himself.
In his website defence, Mr. Strong cites a “particularly dishonest statement by long-time critic, Peter Foster” (a description which I must admit gave me a warm glow). This statement was “to his own editor, citing a fictional account which was clearly stated to be an extreme scenario of what might happen by the year 2030 if we failed to act.”
My “dishonesty” apparently consisted in quoting Mr. Strong verbatim from his autobiography, Where on Earth are We Going? My main point was not his ghastly, and ridiculous, “scenario,” but his clearly stated opinion that the possibility of billions of people being wiped out by eco-apocalypse represented a “glimmer of hope” for civilization. Where my editor came in, I wrote, was that he didn’t believe that anybody could write such a thing. But it’s right there on page 22. For the record, here is the reference, which takes the form of a “report to shareholders” of Earth Inc.:
“1 January 2031
Report to the Shareholders, Earth Inc.
[S]ome areas of our planet have been almost entirely depopulated. More people are dying, and dying younger — birth rates have dropped sharply, while infant mortality increases. At the end of the decade, the best guesstimate of total world population is some 4.5 billion, fewer than at the beginning of this century. And experts have predicted that the reduction of the human population may well continue to the point that those who survive may not number more than the 1.61 billion people who inhabited earth at the beginning of the 20th century. A consequence, yes, of death and destruction — but in the end a glimmer of hope for the future of our species and its potential for regeneration.”
Like Lewis Carroll’s Humpty Dumpty, Mr. Strong seems to believe that words should mean whatever he wants them to mean. Orwell pointed out that the totalitarian instinct for obfuscation naturally seeks to reverse meaning (War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength). And in his self-exoneration, Mr. Strong seeks to squirm around his own frequent assertions that he is a socialist. What he really believes in is “responsible capitalism.” He writhes that his call for modifications of “ballot box democracy” has been woefully misconstrued.
In fact, Mr. Strong has for decades masterminded a strategy to outflank democracy both from above — via UN organizations — and from below, through well-funded radical NGOs that are sold as the voice of “civil society.” When Mr. Strong avers that he wants “more, not less, democracy,” what he means is more control by NGOs. In a recent article, he wrote that since governments might not like his proposals for a “new economic paradigm,” then political priority had to be given to “the organizations and people participating in this dialogue.” That is, the kind of organizations he allowed into Rio to browbeat delegates.
The terminally leftist Guardian newspaper reflexively leapt to the defence of Mr. Strong, criticizing attacks against him as “ideological.” (Mr. Strong has, I am proud to say, called me an “ideologue.” My favourite definition of the term is “the name you call somebody who’s ideas you can’t refute.”). Mr. Strong liked The Guardian piece so much he posted it on his website. The piece suggested, tediously, that Mr. Strong was merely being made a “bogeyman.” How ridiculous that people should take what he says in plain English and imagine that he really means it! How bizarre to believe that he wants “global government,” and to control people’s lives, just because he says so!
I can’t afford, or indeed be bothered, to sue Mr. Strong for his libels against me, but then fortunately I still possess that key freedom that enables me to point out that Chairman Mo’s brand of “Freedom from Want” is merely a cover for destructive top-down development planning that won’t be any more effective for being painted green. But I’m pretty sure I won’t get any awards for writing that.

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