Monday, August 4, 2014

It’s Global Warming The Movie and We’re All In It

It’s Global Warming The Movie and We’re All In It

By Judi McLeod  April 2, 2014

Proof positive that the big global warming/climate change scam has forced pollution off the global radar screen is coming out of China, where Henan Province has been selling canned air to its residents for more than a year.

Bottled air is selling like proverbial hot cakes in smog-challenged China.
“Chinese multimillionaire sells eight million 80-cents cans of fresh air in ten days as pollution levels climb to record highs.” (Daily Mail, Feb. 1, 2013)
“Chen Guangbiao, who made his fortune in the recycling business and is a high-profile philanthropist, is selling soda pop-sized cans of air, purportedly from far-flung, pristine regions of China such as Xinjiang in the northwest to Taiwan, the southeast coast. He says 10 million cans have sold in the last 10 days as pollution levels climb to record highs.
‘I want to tell mayors, county chiefs and heads of big companies: don’t just chase GDP growth, don’t chase the biggest profits at the expense of our children and grandchildren and at the cost of sacrificing our ecological environment’, Chen said.

Sounds just like the global warming alarmist smurfs on home turf.
How long before China, home to Canadian UN Poster Boy Maurice Strong, who kickstarted the whole global warming industry, begins taxing people for the very air they breathe?
China, also home of the digital rising sun, now relies on digital pictures of the rising sun, shown on huge flat-screen televisions in urban centers—now the only way the masses ever get to see the sun through the kind of smog that forces them to wear gas masks. (Canada Free Press, Jan. 17, 2014)
Yet multimillionaires Strong and his American sidekick Al Gore, made-rich-by-Global-Warming-scare-mongering, have been pushing China as world leader in man-made global warming management. 
Chiming in from the world’s largest bureaucracy at the United Nations is Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that issued the 32-volume, 2,610-page report early Monday, telling The Associated Press: “it is a call for action.” Without reductions in emissions, he said, impacts from warming “could get out of control.”
“We’re all sitting ducks,” Princeton University professor Michael Oppenheimer, one of the main authors of the report, said in an interview.
There is no doubt that when it comes to global warming scare mongering from above, we are all sitting ducks.
With Strong holed up in China and Gore off the public radar, the Obama administration is picking up the cash slack on global warming/climate change scare mongering.
“The National Science Foundation has spent nearly $700,000 on a climate change-themed theatrical production, leaving some in Congress questioning if the organization’s grant funds could be put to better use. (Fox News, March 31, 2014)
“The play is being produced by New York-based activist theater group The Civilians with a grant award from 2010. According to a plot description on the theater company’s website, “The Great Immensity” focuses on a woman named Phyllis as she tries to track down a friend who disappeared while filming an assignment for a nature show on a tropical island. During her search, she also uncovers a devious plot surrounding an international climate summit in Auckland, New Zealand. 
“The description says the play is “a thrilling and timely production” that is “a highly theatrical look into one of the most vital questions of our time: how can we change ourselves and our society in time to solve the enormous environmental challenges that confront us?”
It’s more like Global Warming The Movie and we’re all in it.
The cows and lambs of the fields have top starring roles.
Borrowing on an idea that originated in Canada, the White House is now looking to regulate cow flatulence.
That’s right,  Obama’s expertise in cow fart catching was stolen straight out of a page from Canada:
“According to Ezra Levant in his book Fight Kyoto, “That’s where civil servants spend countless hours—and tax dollars—capturing and analyzing animal burps and farts. To cut down on the giggling, departmental staff, including the Minister, refer to these as “livestock emissions”, but there’s no getting around it: Our government believes that in order to meet our Kyoto obligations, we have to make cattle and sheep toot less. It’s no small thing—according to the government, emissions from animals and their manure make up 20 megatonnes of greenhouse gases each year—fully one twelfth the amount Canada must cut back to meet Kyoto’s targets.” (Canada Free Press, Dec. 11, 2006)
“As part of its plan to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, the Obama administration is targeting the dairy industry to reduce methane emissions in their operations. (Fox News)
“This comes despite falling methane emission levels across the economy since 1990.
“The White House has proposed cutting methane emissions from the dairy industry by 25 percent by 2020. Although U.S. agriculture only accounts for about 9 percent of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, it makes up a sizeable portion of methane emissions — which is a very potent greenhouse gas.
“Some of these methane emissions come from cow flatulence, exhaling and belching — other livestock animals release methane as well.
“Cows emit a massive amount of methane through belching, with a lesser amount through flatulence,” according to How Stuff Works. “Statistics vary regarding how much methane the average dairy cow expels. Some experts say 100 liters to 200 liters a day… while others say it’s up to 500 liters… a day. In any case, that’s a lot of methane, an amount comparable to the pollution produced by a car in a day.”
“Of all domestic animal types, beef and dairy cattle were by far the largest emitters of [methane],” according to an EPA analysis charting greenhouse gas emissions in 2012. Cows and other animals produce methane through digestion, which ferments the food of animals.
“During digestion, microbes resident in an animal’s digestive system ferment food consumed by the animal,” the EPA notes. “This microbial fermentation process, referred to as enteric fermentation, produces [methane] as a byproduct, which can be exhaled or eructated by the animal.”
“It’s not just the dairy industry that the Obama administration is clamping down on. The White House is looking to regulate methane emissions across the economy from agriculture to oil and gas operations — all this despite methane emissions falling 11 percent since 1990.”
Meanwhile when you add up his Marxist miseries, perhaps fart catching is a much better past-time for Barack Obama.

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