Friday, August 1, 2014


TORONTO STAR, Tuesday, May 17th, 1994


By Leslie Papp
Queen's Park Bureau.
Ontario Hydro chairman Maurice Strong has opened talks on buying 12,500 hectares [30,875 acres] of a Costa Rican forest in a deal the [Opposition] Progressive Conservatives brand as "wacky" in the face of the utility's $34 billion debt.
"How is this going to help the ratepayers in Ontario?" Conservative energy critic Chris Stockwell asked in the Legislature yesterday.
"In my wildest dreams, I can't fathom how the hell this could be used", he later told reporters. Citing federal sources, Stockwell said the tract sought by Strong is worth between $10 million and $12 million. It borders on Corcovado National Park and, if Hydro buys the land, it would be added to the park for environmental preservation.
A Hydro spokesperson said the land might help combat greenhouse gases.
The talks come at a time when Hydro has cut about 10,000 jobs.
Later, asked by reporters, Stockwell said he saw no connection betweeen the proposed parkland purchase and Strong's private ownership of land in Costa Rica.
Hydro spokesperson Terry Young confirmed that Strong had discussed purchase of the tract by the utility in a recent meeting with Costa Rican officials in Ottawa.
"We've had some discussions which I would term exploratory about investment in this park", Young said. "It's an option. We've not talked money at all. We haven't done anything in terms of commitments".
The purchase is being considered on grounds that saving a large section of forest will help offset the emission of greenhouse gases by oil or coal-burning generating stations, he said.
Asked why the utility isn't investing in Ontario forests, instead of those in the Caribbean, Young said Hydro does much for this province too, including a rate freeze this year.
Stockwell said Strong should use his own money if he wants to invest in the global environment. "Ontarians can't afford to save the Earth through their hydro bills".
Strong was on a business trip to Japan and unavailable for comment.
Energy Minister Bud Wildman appeared taken aback by news of Hydro talks toward a Costa Rican land purchase. He stressed that no deal had been signed and vowed to discuss the matter with Strong.

Loopy, right? But, like the Earth itself [with that fabled pesky Global Warming], the story begins to heat up. [Find that FAMOUS NAME yet, kids? Keep looking - it could change your life expectancy!]

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