Saturday, August 2, 2014

A nuclear safeguard for the American shoreline: COSCO, Li Ka-Shing [PLA,Spy] is involved

The Freeport, Bahamas port is getting
sophisticated new equipment from the USA
to detect radioactive materials in shipping cargo,
as a nuclear safeguard for the American shoreline
that is just 65 miles away.


The Bush administration gave a no-bid contract to a Chinese company, Hutchison Whampoa
to run the radiation detector without American customs agents present.
The chairman of Hutchison Whampoa - which also operates the Panama Canal
(and also owns the biggest shipping container company in the world, COSCO*) -

is Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-Shing
who is close to a lot of senior leaders of the Chinese government
and the Chinese Communist Party, the CCP

[A Happy Chappee is Our Mr Li]
Nuke Scanner

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