Lester B. Pearson's record makes him the greatest PM [Really?]
prime ministers Pierre Trudeau, left, and John Turner, along with Jean
Chretien, far right, pose with Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson in 1967.
Reader says Pearson was Canada’s greatest prime minister.
Photograph by: Archive , Calgary Herald
Re: "Turning the pages in search of Canada's greatest PM," Naomi Lakritz, Opinion, June 6.
Before deciding who was Canada's greatest prime minister, one must consider the criteria used in determining greatness. Individual choices of criteria may differ.
I suggest that significant criteria resulting from legislation or other measures introduced by a prime minister would be ones that promoted national unity, improved the common good of Canada's citizens and resulted in a positive international image of Canada.
I nominate Lester B. Pearson. Among the impressive pieces of legislation Pearson's Liberal government introduced were family allowance, universal medicare, the Canada Pension Plan, unification of the armed forces, a new flag and a revised Transport Act.
Canada's role in inter-national peacekeeping and Pearson receiving the Nobel Peace Prize also raised Canada's stature in the international community.
In the light of these criteria, Pearson stands head and shoulders above most of the past prime ministers and certainly the current one.
Rudy W. Klassen, Calgary
me: if only people really knew the truth, he was a Communist Mole, a Traitor, an Illuminati spy as was his friend Alger Hiss who created the institution, The UN [globo- cop,peacekeeping nonsense, New World Order]. He paved the way for Trudeau s trips visiting Mao in secret. Read This:
"Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason."
No one likes to bring bad tidings or to disturb fellow citizens sleeping soundly.
Lester Pearson was the leader of the Liberal Party, which dominates Canadian politics. He was sponsored by Mackenzie King, Prime Minister from 1921 until 1948, (except for 6 years.)
The same thing happened in the US when Soviet agent Whittaker Chambers defected in 1938. In 1939, he saw Adolph Berle, FDR's Assistant in Charge of Internal Security and fingered dozens of Soviet spies in key positions, including Harry Dexter White, who later became Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. Nothing was done.
The British bewail the five high ranking Soviet "moles" in their Diplomatic and Security services. But the USSR (and Israel) were the creation of British Freemasonry. In other words, the British elite is at the heart of this world government conspiracy, which in reality is just British Imperialism repackaged. For heaven's sake, the fifth "mole," Anthony Blunt, was the Queen's personal art curator when he was "exposed" in 1979.
"Success" in the West depends in part on a person's willingness to betray his nation, race, religion, culture and neighbors. Conservatives and liberals alike had better wake up now before they have a rude awakening, in the form of martial law. There are no Starbucks in concentration camps (a.k.a flu "quarantine centers") and no one is going to escape this madness.
(This originally appeared in October.)
"Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason."
No one likes to bring bad tidings or to disturb fellow citizens sleeping soundly.
So, with a heavy heart, I report that Lester Pearson (Canadian Prime Minister 1963-1968) provided confidential information to Russian Military Intelligence (GRU) while serving in Washington DC from 1942-1946, in his capacity ultimately as Canadian Ambassador.
Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case. Treason is the secret policy of the governing elite in the West. Wittingly or unwittingly, they serve the Illuminati plan for "world government," an Orwellian police state called the "New World Order." Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Ariel Sharon and Tony Blair are other examples.
The Illuminati is a secret Luciferian cult representing the highest rung of Freemasonry, which has members in key positions around the globe. The Illuminati control the central banking monopoly, (the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve) and a vast network of interlocking cartels (notably media, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, food, minerals and oil.)
Illuminism believes that man (i.e. they) will define reality instead of God or nature. Thus, they have trouble with concepts such as objective truth or morality.
Communism was established by the Illuminati to undermine the basis of Western Civilization (religion, race, nation and family) while pretending to build a better world based on equality and social justice. They duped millions of people, opportunists and genuine idealists alike.
"Internationalism" which Lester Pearson advanced at the UN (winning a Nobel Prize in 1957) is a disguise for this occult tyranny of the super rich. Recent events (Sept. 11, the "War on Terror" Iraq and the Patriot Repression Act) must be seen in the perspective of advancing this grotesque plan.
August 1951, Elizabeth Bentley, a former GRU (Russian Military
Intelligence) spymaster, testified that Lester "Mike" Pearson was a
primary source. He fed confidential information to Hazen Sise, a Soviet
agent under her control, who worked for the National Film Board of
Bentley told the US Senate McCarran Commission: "I understand from Hazen that Pearson knew Hazen was a Communist and was willing to help. Pearson by virtue of his position used to sit in on American functions, particularly British ones re. British polices, all of which was super hush-hush."
Pearson was Canada's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in 1951 so this testimony was kept quiet. It is included in Appendix A (p.186) of "No Sense of Evil/ Espionage: The Case of Herbert Norman" (1986) by James Barros, a Political Science professor at the University of Toronto.
Herbert Norman, the Canadian ambassador to Egypt, was an NKVD agent and Pearson colleague who came under investigation in 1957 and "committed suicide." Pearson protected and covered for him.
Pearson met with Benley's control officer, Anatoly Gorski ("Gromov") in Washington in Oct. 1944. Gorski was one of the KGB's top operatives, having run Blunt, Burgess, Maclean and Philby in England. Barros speculates "the unthinkable" that "Pearson was Moscow's ultimate mole." (Barros, 169)
In 1957, the US State Dept. held a meeting on whether to press this issue. It concluded: "Pearson is a hero. Right now he is cooperating to the fullest extent with our government in defense contracts." (Barros 206)
Lester Pearson may have been recruited while a student at Oxford University in 1923. From 1935-1941, he served at the Canadian High Commission in London and rubbed shoulders with the leaders of the world government plot. He helped to establish the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and was the UN's point man during the Suez Crisis of 1956.
Canadian Navy Commander Guy Carr mixed with this clique of top civil servants in Ottawa in the 1930's and 1940's. They recognized each other by Masonic signals and indulged in "progressive" pursuits like wife-swapping. One told him: "Stop trying to save the human race. The vast majority aren't worth the time or trouble. Most will be better off under a totalitarian dictatorship; they will get what the government decides is good for them." (Satan: Prince of this World, p. 101. See also his Pawns in their Game and Red Fog Over America)
Elizabeth Bentley's charges were corroborated by decoded "Venona" messages between the Soviet Embassey and the KGB in Moscow and "assured American authorities of her veracity." (Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America Yale 1999, p. 12)
Lester Pearson was the leader of the Liberal Party, which dominates Canadian politics. He was sponsored by Mackenzie King, Prime Minister from 1921 until 1948, (except for 6 years.)
J.D. Rockefeller referred to Mackenzie King as "my best friend." King worked for Rockefeller from 1914-1918 developing company unions and "social reform" policies that ensnared the masses and created big government. The Rockefellers, who are the American agent for the Rothschilds, have controlled the Liberal Party ever since. They use the Quebec-based Paul Desmarais family (Power Corporation etc.) as intermediary. The current Prime Minister Paul Martin is a former employee who is beholden to Desmarais for selling him Canada Steamship Lines in a sweetheart deal.
In September 1945, three months before Elizabeth Bentley fled the GRU, a
Soviet Embassy cipher clerk Igor Gouzenko defected in Ottawa with
material documenting massive Soviet espionage in the West. Initially
King ordered his officials to stall Gouzenko whose life, and that of his
family, were in grave danger. They referred the heroic little family
from office to office, crossing town with their incriminating documents.
The Gouzenkos were told to return to the Russian embassy or commit
Why? Ostensibly King didn't want to offend the USSR, a valued wartime ally. In reality, King, famous for being "inscrutable," was afraid that Gouzenko would reveal that the governing elite in the West was infested with Soviet (i.e. Illuminati) agents like himself and Lester Pearson.
It appears that Gouzenko was saved because the Illuminati quickly devised a use for him. A top operative, "the Man Called Intrepid" Canadian William Stephenson, Head of British Special Operations Executive suddenly appeared and took the Gouzenkos under his wing.
He used Gouzenko's revelations to kick start the phony "Cold War." The news that the USSR had spies everywhere and was stealing atomic secrets caused a general panic that transformed public opinion of the USSR from benign to hostile overnight. (See William Stevenson, Intrepid's Last Case, p.214.)
The trick was to create enough fear to justify the Cold War without exposing the top figures in the elite conspiracy, both in Canada and abroad. They sacrificed minor figures like atomic scientist Allan Nunn May, who was arrested for espionage and served six years. Meanwhile Lester Pearson and his high-ranking gang of elite traitors were unscathed.
Meanwhile Gouzenko was kept in limbo; records of his interrogations disappeared, and the volume of Mackenzie King's Diary pertaining to the case vanished from the National Archives. Gouzenko was subjected to the usual slander from liberal and left circles.
By the way, according to Peter Wright's Spycatcher, Stephenson's deputy, Von Petrov was a Soviet agent, but then who wasn't working for the Illuminati? (Spycatcher p, 327)
The same thing happened in the US when Soviet agent Whittaker Chambers defected in 1938. In 1939, he saw Adolph Berle, FDR's Assistant in Charge of Internal Security and fingered dozens of Soviet spies in key positions, including Harry Dexter White, who later became Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. Nothing was done.
In 1948, to fan the flames of the Cold War, they let Chamber's charges against Alger Hiss come to the forefront. Hiss was a Soviet agent and a senior State Department official who advised FDR at the Yalta Conference. He also drafted the UN Charter and served as its first acting Secretary General in 1945. When rumors about him began to circulate, he resigned to become President of Rockefeller's "Carnegie Endowment for World Peace."
Following Communist discipline, Hiss feigned outraged innocence and accused Chambers and his supporters of conducting a "witch hunt." He sued Chambers for libel and a 'who's who' of the Eastern Establishment came in his defense, including Felix Frankfurter and Adlai Stevenson.
Unfortunately for him, Chambers produced documents in Hiss's own handwriting and Hiss went to prison for three years-eight months for the relatively minor charge of perjury.
The British bewail the five high ranking Soviet "moles" in their Diplomatic and Security services. But the USSR (and Israel) were the creation of British Freemasonry. In other words, the British elite is at the heart of this world government conspiracy, which in reality is just British Imperialism repackaged. For heaven's sake, the fifth "mole," Anthony Blunt, was the Queen's personal art curator when he was "exposed" in 1979.
In 1945, there was another crisis when Konstantin Volkov the NKVD Chief in Istanbul, operating under the cover of Vice Counsel, inquired about defecting. He had worked at Moscow Center and had information on 300 agents including two spies in the British Foreign Office and another "directing a counter espionage organization in London." (William Stevenson, Intrepid's Last Case, p.187-8)
I don't know how many counter espionage directors they have in London but MI5 Chief Sir Stewart Menzies instructed his counter espionage director Kim Philby to "look after" the matter. He did. Volkov and his wife were heavily sedated and flown to Moscow for torture and execution. Philby later retired in Moscow on the pension of a KGB General. Similarly Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean and the other more obvious "moles" in the heart of the British Foreign Service eventually retired to dachas in Russia. The BBC continues to portray them as idealists and rogue heroes.
British atomic scientist Klaus Fuchs who betrayed the secrets of the Hydrogen Bomb to Moscow got all of 14 years in prison. He was released after just nine years and allowed to fly to East Germany where he became Deputy Director of Nuclear Physics Research.
"Success" in the West depends in part on a person's willingness to betray his nation, race, religion, culture and neighbors. Conservatives and liberals alike had better wake up now before they have a rude awakening, in the form of martial law. There are no Starbucks in concentration camps (a.k.a flu "quarantine centers") and no one is going to escape this madness.
The real battle is not between "left" and "right" but the age-old conflict between the super rich who want to monopolize all wealth, and the rest of humanity who seek a modicum to sustain a comfortable life.
The enemy is not capitalism but monopoly capitalism, not corporations but cartels that strive for the ultimate monopoly, world government. Communism, or state capitalism, is a ruse by which the bankers co opted the collective instincts of mankind and harnessed our idealism to their diabolical agenda.
The true enemy is not Islam but an ancient Satanic cult gnawing at the heart of Western society, intent on hijacking humanity from its healthy natural path, and enslaving it using sophisticated methods of social control.
Like the Cold War, the War on Terror is a ruse designed to advance this process.
See also my Winston Churchill, Illuminati
Paul Desmarais' Web of Influence
Related Book: Out of Bondage by Elizabeth Bentley, Afterword by Hayden Peake, 1988
- See more at: http://www.savethemales.ca/001329.html#sthash.lMLwyQYR.dpuf
Before deciding who was Canada's greatest prime minister, one must consider the criteria used in determining greatness. Individual choices of criteria may differ.
I suggest that significant criteria resulting from legislation or other measures introduced by a prime minister would be ones that promoted national unity, improved the common good of Canada's citizens and resulted in a positive international image of Canada.
I nominate Lester B. Pearson. Among the impressive pieces of legislation Pearson's Liberal government introduced were family allowance, universal medicare, the Canada Pension Plan, unification of the armed forces, a new flag and a revised Transport Act.
Canada's role in inter-national peacekeeping and Pearson receiving the Nobel Peace Prize also raised Canada's stature in the international community.
In the light of these criteria, Pearson stands head and shoulders above most of the past prime ministers and certainly the current one.
Rudy W. Klassen, Calgary
me: if only people really knew the truth, he was a Communist Mole, a Traitor, an Illuminati spy as was his friend Alger Hiss who created the institution, The UN [globo- cop,peacekeeping nonsense, New World Order]. He paved the way for Trudeau s trips visiting Mao in secret. Read This:
Lester Pearson, Illuminati Tool
December 13, 2005
(This originally appeared in October.)
"Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason."
No one likes to bring bad tidings or to disturb fellow citizens sleeping soundly.
So, with a heavy heart, I report that Lester Pearson (Canadian Prime Minister 1963-1968) provided confidential information to Russian Military Intelligence (GRU) while serving in Washington DC from 1942-1946, in his capacity ultimately as Canadian Ambassador.
Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case. Treason is the secret policy of the governing elite in the West. Wittingly or unwittingly, they serve the Illuminati plan for "world government," an Orwellian police state called the "New World Order." Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Ariel Sharon and Tony Blair are other examples.
The Illuminati is a secret Luciferian cult from the Vatican, representing the highest rung of Freemasonry, which has members in key positions around the globe. The Illuminati control the central banking monopoly, (the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve) and a vast network of interlocking cartels (notably media, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, food, minerals and oil.)
Illuminism believes that man (i.e. they) will define reality instead of God or nature. Thus, they have trouble with concepts such as objective truth or morality.
Communism was established by the Illuminati to undermine the basis of Western Civilization (religion, race, nation and family) while pretending to build a better world based on equality and social justice. They duped millions of people, opportunists and genuine idealists alike.
"Internationalism" which Lester Pearson advanced at the UN (winning a Nobel Prize in 1957) is a disguise for this occult tyranny of the super rich. Recent events (Sept. 11, the "War on Terror" Iraq and the Patriot Repression Act) must be seen in the perspective of advancing this grotesque plan.
In August 1951, Elizabeth Bentley, a former GRU (Russian Military Intelligence) spymaster, testified that Lester "Mike" Pearson was a primary source. He fed confidential information to Hazen Sise, a Soviet agent under her control, who worked for the National Film Board of Canada.
Bentley told the US Senate McCarran Commission: "I understand from Hazen that Pearson knew Hazen was a Communist and was willing to help. Pearson by virtue of his position used to sit in on American functions, particularly British ones re. British polices, all of which was super hush-hush."
Pearson was Canada's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in 1951 so this testimony was kept quiet. It is included in Appendix A (p.186) of "No Sense of Evil/ Espionage: The Case of Herbert Norman" (1986) by James Barros, a Political Science professor at the University of Toronto.
Herbert Norman, the Canadian ambassador to Egypt, was an NKVD agent and Pearson colleague who came under investigation in 1957 and "committed suicide." Pearson protected and covered for him.
Pearson met with Benley's control officer, Anatoly Gorski ("Gromov") in Washington in Oct. 1944. Gorski was one of the KGB's top operatives, having run Blunt, Burgess, Maclean and Philby in England. Barros speculates "the unthinkable" that "Pearson was Moscow's ultimate mole." (Barros, 169)
In 1957, the US State Dept. held a meeting on whether to press this issue. It concluded: "Pearson is a hero. Right now he is cooperating to the fullest extent with our government in defense contracts." (Barros 206)
Lester Pearson may have been recruited while a student at Oxford University in 1923. From 1935-1941, he served at the Canadian High Commission in London and rubbed shoulders with the leaders of the world government plot. He helped to establish the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and was the UN's point man during the Suez Crisis of 1956.
Canadian Navy Commander Guy Carr mixed with this clique of top civil servants in Ottawa in the 1930's and 1940's. They recognized each other by Masonic signals and indulged in "progressive" pursuits like wife-swapping. One told him: "Stop trying to save the human race. The vast majority aren't worth the time or trouble. Most will be better off under a totalitarian dictatorship; they will get what the government decides is good for them." (Satan: Prince of this World, p. 101. See also his Pawns in their Gameand Red Fog Over America)
Elizabeth Bentley's charges were corroborated by decoded "Venona" messages between the Soviet Embassey and the KGB in Moscow and "assured American authorities of her veracity." (Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America Yale 1999, p. 12)
Lester Pearson was the leader of the Liberal Party, which dominates Canadian politics. He was sponsored by Mackenzie King, Prime Minister from 1921 until 1948, (except for 6 years.)
J.D. Rockefeller referred to Mackenzie King as "my best friend." King worked for Rockefeller from 1914-1918 developing company unions and "social reform" policies that ensnared the masses and created big government. The Rockefellers, who are the American agent for the Rothschilds, have controlled the Liberal Party ever since. They use the Quebec-based Paul Desmarais family (Power Corporation etc.) as intermediary. The current Prime Minister Paul Martin is a former employee who is beholden to Desmarais for selling him Canada Steamship Lines in a sweetheart deal.
In September 1945, three months before Elizabeth Bentley fled the GRU, a Soviet Embassy cipher clerk Igor Gouzenko defected in Ottawa with material documenting massive Soviet espionage in the West. Initially King ordered his officials to stall Gouzenko whose life, and that of his family, were in grave danger. They referred the heroic little family from office to office, crossing town with their incriminating documents. The Gouzenkos were told to return to the Russian embassy or commit suicide!
Why? Ostensibly King didn't want to offend the USSR, a valued wartime ally. In reality, King, famous for being "inscrutable," was afraid that Gouzenko would reveal that the governing elite in the West was infested with Soviet (i.e. Illuminati) agents like himself and Lester Pearson.
It appears that Gouzenko was saved because the Illuminati quickly devised a use for him. A top operative, "the Man Called Intrepid" Canadian William Stephenson, Head of British Special Operations Executive suddenly appeared and took the Gouzenkos under his wing.
He used Gouzenko's revelations to kick start the phony "Cold War." The news that the USSR had spies everywhere and was stealing atomic secrets caused a general panic that transformed public opinion of the USSR from benign to hostile overnight. (See William Stevenson, Intrepid's Last Case, p.214.)
The trick was to create enough fear to justify the Cold War without exposing the top figures in the elite conspiracy, both in Canada and abroad. They sacrificed minor figures like atomic scientist Allan Nunn May, who was arrested for espionage and served six years. Meanwhile Lester Pearson and his high-ranking gang of elite traitors were unscathed.
Meanwhile Gouzenko was kept in limbo; records of his interrogations disappeared, and the volume of Mackenzie King's Diary pertaining to the case vanished from the National Archives. Gouzenko was subjected to the usual slander from liberal and left circles.
By the way, according to Peter Wright's Spycatcher, Stephenson's deputy, Von Petrov was a Soviet agent, but then who wasn't working for the Illuminati? (Spycatcher p, 327)
The same thing happened in the US when Soviet agent Whittaker Chambers defected in 1938. In 1939, he saw Adolph Berle, FDR's Assistant in Charge of Internal Security and fingered dozens of Soviet spies in key positions, including Harry Dexter White, who later became Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. Nothing was done.
In 1948, to fan the flames of the Cold War, they let Chamber's charges against Alger Hiss come to the forefront. Hiss was a Soviet agent and a senior State Department official who advised FDR at the Yalta Conference. He also drafted the UN Charter and served as its first acting Secretary General in 1945. When rumors about him began to circulate, he resigned to become President of Rockefeller's "Carnegie Endowment for World Peace."
Following Communist discipline, Hiss feigned outraged innocence and accused Chambers and his supporters of conducting a "witch hunt." He sued Chambers for libel and a 'who's who' of the Eastern Establishment came in his defense, including Felix Frankfurter and Adlai Stevenson.
Unfortunately for him, Chambers produced documents in Hiss's own handwriting and Hiss went to prison for three years-eight months for the relatively minor charge of perjury.
The British bewail the five high ranking Soviet "moles" in their Diplomatic and Security services. But the USSR (and Israel) were the creation of British Freemasonry. In other words, the British elite is at the heart of this world government conspiracy, which in reality is just British Imperialism repackaged. For heaven's sake, the fifth "mole," Anthony Blunt, was the Queen's personal art curator when he was "exposed" in 1979.
In 1945, there was another crisis when Konstantin Volkov the NKVD Chief in Istanbul, operating under the cover of Vice Counsel, inquired about defecting. He had worked at Moscow Center and had information on 300 agents including two spies in the British Foreign Office and another "directing a counter espionage organization in London." (William Stevenson, Intrepid's Last Case, p.187-8)
I don't know how many counter espionage directors they have in London but MI5 Chief Sir Stewart Menzies instructed his counter espionage director Kim Philby to "look after" the matter. He did. Volkov and his wife were heavily sedated and flown to Moscow for torture and execution. Philby later retired in Moscow on the pension of a KGB General. Similarly Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean and the other more obvious "moles" in the heart of the British Foreign Service eventually retired to dachas in Russia. The BBCcontinues to portray them as idealists and rogue heroes.
British atomic scientist Klaus Fuchs who betrayed the secrets of the Hydrogen Bomb to Moscow got all of 14 years in prison. He was released after just nine years and allowed to fly to East Germany where he became Deputy Director of Nuclear Physics Research.
"Success" in the West depends in part on a person's willingness to betray his nation, race, religion, culture and neighbors. Conservatives and liberals alike had better wake up now before they have a rude awakening, in the form of martial law. There are no Starbucks in concentration camps (a.k.a flu "quarantine centers") and no one is going to escape this madness.
The real battle is not between "left" and "right" but the age-old conflict between the super rich who want to monopolize all wealth, and the rest of humanity who seek a modicum to sustain a comfortable life.
The enemy is not capitalism but monopoly capitalism, not corporations but cartels that strive for the ultimate monopoly, world government. Communism, or state capitalism, is a ruse by which the bankers co opted the collective instincts of mankind and harnessed our idealism to their diabolical agenda.
The true enemy is not Islam but an ancient Satanic cult gnawing at the heart of Western society, intent on hijacking humanity from its healthy natural path, and enslaving it using sophisticated methods of social control.
Like the Cold War, the War on Terror is a ruse designed to advance this process.
- See more at: http://www.savethemales.ca/001329.html#sthash.0TfVOEdg.dpufLester Pearson, Illuminati Tool
"Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason."
No one likes to bring bad tidings or to disturb fellow citizens sleeping soundly.
So, with a heavy heart, I report that Lester Pearson (Canadian Prime Minister 1963-1968) provided confidential information to Russian Military Intelligence (GRU) while serving in Washington DC from 1942-1946, in his capacity ultimately as Canadian Ambassador.
Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case. Treason is the secret policy of the governing elite in the West. Wittingly or unwittingly, they serve the Illuminati plan for "world government," an Orwellian police state called the "New World Order." Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Ariel Sharon and Tony Blair are other examples.
The Illuminati is a secret Luciferian cult representing the highest rung of Freemasonry, which has members in key positions around the globe. The Illuminati control the central banking monopoly, (the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve) and a vast network of interlocking cartels (notably media, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, food, minerals and oil.)
Illuminism believes that man (i.e. they) will define reality instead of God or nature. Thus, they have trouble with concepts such as objective truth or morality.
Communism was established by the Illuminati to undermine the basis of Western Civilization (religion, race, nation and family) while pretending to build a better world based on equality and social justice. They duped millions of people, opportunists and genuine idealists alike.
"Internationalism" which Lester Pearson advanced at the UN (winning a Nobel Prize in 1957) is a disguise for this occult tyranny of the super rich. Recent events (Sept. 11, the "War on Terror" Iraq and the Patriot Repression Act) must be seen in the perspective of advancing this grotesque plan.
Bentley told the US Senate McCarran Commission: "I understand from Hazen that Pearson knew Hazen was a Communist and was willing to help. Pearson by virtue of his position used to sit in on American functions, particularly British ones re. British polices, all of which was super hush-hush."
Pearson was Canada's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in 1951 so this testimony was kept quiet. It is included in Appendix A (p.186) of "No Sense of Evil/ Espionage: The Case of Herbert Norman" (1986) by James Barros, a Political Science professor at the University of Toronto.
Herbert Norman, the Canadian ambassador to Egypt, was an NKVD agent and Pearson colleague who came under investigation in 1957 and "committed suicide." Pearson protected and covered for him.
Pearson met with Benley's control officer, Anatoly Gorski ("Gromov") in Washington in Oct. 1944. Gorski was one of the KGB's top operatives, having run Blunt, Burgess, Maclean and Philby in England. Barros speculates "the unthinkable" that "Pearson was Moscow's ultimate mole." (Barros, 169)
In 1957, the US State Dept. held a meeting on whether to press this issue. It concluded: "Pearson is a hero. Right now he is cooperating to the fullest extent with our government in defense contracts." (Barros 206)
Lester Pearson may have been recruited while a student at Oxford University in 1923. From 1935-1941, he served at the Canadian High Commission in London and rubbed shoulders with the leaders of the world government plot. He helped to establish the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and was the UN's point man during the Suez Crisis of 1956.
Canadian Navy Commander Guy Carr mixed with this clique of top civil servants in Ottawa in the 1930's and 1940's. They recognized each other by Masonic signals and indulged in "progressive" pursuits like wife-swapping. One told him: "Stop trying to save the human race. The vast majority aren't worth the time or trouble. Most will be better off under a totalitarian dictatorship; they will get what the government decides is good for them." (Satan: Prince of this World, p. 101. See also his Pawns in their Game and Red Fog Over America)
Elizabeth Bentley's charges were corroborated by decoded "Venona" messages between the Soviet Embassey and the KGB in Moscow and "assured American authorities of her veracity." (Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America Yale 1999, p. 12)
Lester Pearson was the leader of the Liberal Party, which dominates Canadian politics. He was sponsored by Mackenzie King, Prime Minister from 1921 until 1948, (except for 6 years.)
J.D. Rockefeller referred to Mackenzie King as "my best friend." King worked for Rockefeller from 1914-1918 developing company unions and "social reform" policies that ensnared the masses and created big government. The Rockefellers, who are the American agent for the Rothschilds, have controlled the Liberal Party ever since. They use the Quebec-based Paul Desmarais family (Power Corporation etc.) as intermediary. The current Prime Minister Paul Martin is a former employee who is beholden to Desmarais for selling him Canada Steamship Lines in a sweetheart deal.
Why? Ostensibly King didn't want to offend the USSR, a valued wartime ally. In reality, King, famous for being "inscrutable," was afraid that Gouzenko would reveal that the governing elite in the West was infested with Soviet (i.e. Illuminati) agents like himself and Lester Pearson.
It appears that Gouzenko was saved because the Illuminati quickly devised a use for him. A top operative, "the Man Called Intrepid" Canadian William Stephenson, Head of British Special Operations Executive suddenly appeared and took the Gouzenkos under his wing.
He used Gouzenko's revelations to kick start the phony "Cold War." The news that the USSR had spies everywhere and was stealing atomic secrets caused a general panic that transformed public opinion of the USSR from benign to hostile overnight. (See William Stevenson, Intrepid's Last Case, p.214.)
The trick was to create enough fear to justify the Cold War without exposing the top figures in the elite conspiracy, both in Canada and abroad. They sacrificed minor figures like atomic scientist Allan Nunn May, who was arrested for espionage and served six years. Meanwhile Lester Pearson and his high-ranking gang of elite traitors were unscathed.
Meanwhile Gouzenko was kept in limbo; records of his interrogations disappeared, and the volume of Mackenzie King's Diary pertaining to the case vanished from the National Archives. Gouzenko was subjected to the usual slander from liberal and left circles.
By the way, according to Peter Wright's Spycatcher, Stephenson's deputy, Von Petrov was a Soviet agent, but then who wasn't working for the Illuminati? (Spycatcher p, 327)
The same thing happened in the US when Soviet agent Whittaker Chambers defected in 1938. In 1939, he saw Adolph Berle, FDR's Assistant in Charge of Internal Security and fingered dozens of Soviet spies in key positions, including Harry Dexter White, who later became Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. Nothing was done.
In 1948, to fan the flames of the Cold War, they let Chamber's charges against Alger Hiss come to the forefront. Hiss was a Soviet agent and a senior State Department official who advised FDR at the Yalta Conference. He also drafted the UN Charter and served as its first acting Secretary General in 1945. When rumors about him began to circulate, he resigned to become President of Rockefeller's "Carnegie Endowment for World Peace."
Following Communist discipline, Hiss feigned outraged innocence and accused Chambers and his supporters of conducting a "witch hunt." He sued Chambers for libel and a 'who's who' of the Eastern Establishment came in his defense, including Felix Frankfurter and Adlai Stevenson.
Unfortunately for him, Chambers produced documents in Hiss's own handwriting and Hiss went to prison for three years-eight months for the relatively minor charge of perjury.
The British bewail the five high ranking Soviet "moles" in their Diplomatic and Security services. But the USSR (and Israel) were the creation of British Freemasonry. In other words, the British elite is at the heart of this world government conspiracy, which in reality is just British Imperialism repackaged. For heaven's sake, the fifth "mole," Anthony Blunt, was the Queen's personal art curator when he was "exposed" in 1979.
In 1945, there was another crisis when Konstantin Volkov the NKVD Chief in Istanbul, operating under the cover of Vice Counsel, inquired about defecting. He had worked at Moscow Center and had information on 300 agents including two spies in the British Foreign Office and another "directing a counter espionage organization in London." (William Stevenson, Intrepid's Last Case, p.187-8)
I don't know how many counter espionage directors they have in London but MI5 Chief Sir Stewart Menzies instructed his counter espionage director Kim Philby to "look after" the matter. He did. Volkov and his wife were heavily sedated and flown to Moscow for torture and execution. Philby later retired in Moscow on the pension of a KGB General. Similarly Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean and the other more obvious "moles" in the heart of the British Foreign Service eventually retired to dachas in Russia. The BBC continues to portray them as idealists and rogue heroes.
British atomic scientist Klaus Fuchs who betrayed the secrets of the Hydrogen Bomb to Moscow got all of 14 years in prison. He was released after just nine years and allowed to fly to East Germany where he became Deputy Director of Nuclear Physics Research.
"Success" in the West depends in part on a person's willingness to betray his nation, race, religion, culture and neighbors. Conservatives and liberals alike had better wake up now before they have a rude awakening, in the form of martial law. There are no Starbucks in concentration camps (a.k.a flu "quarantine centers") and no one is going to escape this madness.
The real battle is not between "left" and "right" but the age-old conflict between the super rich who want to monopolize all wealth, and the rest of humanity who seek a modicum to sustain a comfortable life.
The enemy is not capitalism but monopoly capitalism, not corporations but cartels that strive for the ultimate monopoly, world government. Communism, or state capitalism, is a ruse by which the bankers co opted the collective instincts of mankind and harnessed our idealism to their diabolical agenda.
The true enemy is not Islam but an ancient Satanic cult gnawing at the heart of Western society, intent on hijacking humanity from its healthy natural path, and enslaving it using sophisticated methods of social control.
Like the Cold War, the War on Terror is a ruse designed to advance this process.
See also my Winston Churchill, Illuminati
Paul Desmarais' Web of Influence
Related Book: Out of Bondage by Elizabeth Bentley, Afterword by Hayden Peake, 1988
- See more at: http://www.savethemales.ca/001329.html#sthash.lMLwyQYR.dpuf
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