Saturday, February 8, 2014

Silence of The Labs: Fifth Estate Documentary 2014..look further and it will all make sense

Sadly we are we are being played by the media again,blindsided to the real villains,

not even from our shores, China! The missing ingredient here which was omitted,  indeed worse, purposely and cleverly not discussed, is where this pressure is coming from: "What China Wants, China Gets".

 Yes the Harper government is secretly and at feverish speed trying to appease Chinese Mandarins from Beijing. We Canadians have been sold out. Our "Jewel In The Crown" resources aren't  for Canadians benefit, rather  for China's....period! Its all about getting agreements now while the iron is hot. Communist China the beligerant bully is at work behind the scenes!!! The enemy of the free world.The Penultimate Global Fascists! The PRC.

This is the real reason

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