From NetEase:
Foreign Media Exposes Life in North Korean Concentration Camp
According to a report by the UK’s Daily Mail on the 23rd, a guard of North Korea’s Prison/Concentration Camp No. 16 recently revealed the cruel living conditions inside the concentration camp. This guard surnamed Lee has withheld his name to avoid reprisals against his family. According to reports, this concentration camp imprisoned approximately 2000 political prisoners. Thousands of people who have been imprisoned here have afterwards died.
Some high-level political prisons unhappy with Kim Jong-un’s governance of the country have been sent to the concentration camp along with their families. This former guard says these people will be stripped of their possessions and the family members will no longer be able to see each other. The concentration camp occupies 200 square miles.
Prisoners are forced to work in -25 degree temperature conditions, with starvation being common, and many people worked to death.
Image is of a drawing of prisoners inside the concentration camps. Guards will brag between themselves about the ways they execute prisoners.
Comments from NetEase:
夏小阿碗 [网易江苏省镇江市网友]:
Strongly recommend watching a movie called Crossing, which has scenes of [what it is like in a] concentration camp.
网易辽宁省大连市网友 ip:182.201.*.*:
For a country like this that is this lousy, the end will be the same.
X以下犯上X [网易广东省网友]:
North Korea today is a very good history lesson for Chinese people.
大新帝国 [网易湖南省长沙市网友]:
Those who can come out alive must be unrivaled martial arts masters.
网易山东省德州市网友 ip:119.189.*.*:
Guantanamo is even more advanced than North Korean concentration camps.
网易安徽省宿州市泗县网友 [请叫我党员]:
North Korea doing this is reasonable, as well as necessary. Those political prisoners who attempt to topple socialist regimes and agitate for Western notions of freedom should be vigilantly punished, killed as a warning to others.
加107723974 [网易四川省成都市网友]: (responding to above)
Those who want to fuck the mother of the person above, ding this comment.
普世价值1 [网易河南省信阳市网友]:
Dictatorships always collapse suddenly, democracies are not established in a day, the people will not let you wait long, history will not let you be disappointed.
关注他的微博 不拿群众一针一线的老红军 [网易浙江省金华市网友]:
North Korea is not a country with prisons, but a prison with a country. The establishment of the so-called state machine is only to perpetuate and more effectively manage this super prison. Remove the “People’s Republic” painted skin and this “North Korean Democratic Concentration Camp” is the most authoritative interpretation of democratic centralism of our age, it also representing a festering sore of modern civilization.
网易河北省唐山市网友 ip:110.250.*.*:
Seeing North Korea like this, I once again thank American Empire [Imperialist America, American imperialism].
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