Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Here is a Chinese race baiter, a clever manipulator of half truths and downright lies

The truth is  the Chinese came over to Canada to steal our mineral wealth in the form of gold, jade other precious metals. There was no [face saving] altruism at work there at all. They came to plunder. Stories can be recounted from  the towns and villages where they camped while turning over every boulder, stone and grain of sand both sides of the Fraser River [and others] to seek their fortune. All this  for the glory of China and personal wealth, not anything to do whatsoever concerning "helping Canada build a railroad". This is crap, a load of bunkum, horse-feathers and twaddle  for the weak of mind, as to be laughable. Talk to the people of those townships and one gets to the real truth, nowhere near the heroism and altruism  that this character extols.
He must be exposed for what he is, a liar.

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