Monday, October 7, 2013

Canada Doesn't Discuss This Matter, But I Will

China is being allowed to steal Canadian & US secrets and sensitive [Corporate Knowledge]  especially [IT &  Military] Someone is letting them in; the media is silent on this topic. ..But I wont be!
Whats' our Canadian Government doing about all this mess, dancing with the enemy? NOTHING! Are they a part of it? Well who's going to talk first...take the stage. When the last person tried to talk about he was silenced, near fired...Richard Fadden, Dir of CSIS. What was that all about we asked...but all we got was a hollow sound at the end of the line.
We shouldn't even think of moving DND into the old NORTEL Building, period! The employees told the company years ago it was bugged...and still is!!!!
Stop this nonsense, kick these spies out of Dodge, we don't want  them. Including those in the government aiding and assisting them. Bring Richard Fadden back and lets hear what he has to say. Let the politicians heads roll.

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