Trevor Loudon: The Alliance between the CCP and the American Left | Focus Talk
China, “Manchurian Candidates,” “The Enemies Within” – Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Poised to “Win” Electoral College
Starting at 10 AM on Monday 12.14.2020, former President Barack Obama’s Vice President Joe Biden (D) and his running mate Senator Kamala Harris (CA-D) are expected to be named by the Electoral College as the President and Vice President Elect. Others say, not so fast. Because the century-old fruit of the poisonous tree legal metaphor, in analogous sense, may apply. An electoral outcome, if demonstrated to have been obtained by fraud, may not stand.
Biden’s son Hunter Biden has admitted that he is under federal investigation. Among the causes of the federal probes are business interests tied to China and Chinese Communists, and associates in the former communist countries of Ukraine and Romania.
Warnings to Americans made over the years by voices like Trevor Loudon in his “The Enemies Within” documentary, talks, and writings are taking shape before our eyes.
China expert Gordon Chang had warned that the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) had been preparing asymmetrical warfare against the United States and U.S. business interests for years. Biological or viral warfare are among the tools that China has prepared, said Chang.
A Chinese virologist Li–Meng Yan, MD, risked her own abs and her family’s life to come to America and issue her own similar warnings. Dr Li–Meng Yan produced evidence that she says that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was engineered by the Communist Chinese government in a bio-weapons lab. MHProNews citing a variety of other informed sources, began reporting on the issues related to the Wuhan Institute of Virology since the first quarter of 2020.
Dr. Yan, Loudon, Chang, and Tony Bobulinski all made public warnings pre-election. Much of the major corporate media, big tech/social media platforms, mocked, muted, or were silent about their concerns or those by other voices that raised similarly serious issues.
“Dirty voting rolls can mean dirty elections,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in an April 28 press release on the Pennsylvania suit. Fitton’s group wanted some 800,000 names purged from the voter rolls in that state and others who were not eligible to vote, reported the progressive Intercept. Those who wondered what was President Trump and his allies were doing pre-election may simply be unaware of the fact that months before voting, pre-election concerns were the focus of efforts that met with foot-dragging and legal challenges by law firms working for Democratic interests that earned hundreds of millions of dollars, per on October 15, 2020.
Bobulinski, a decorated veteran who had business ties of his own in China, was the partner of Hunter Biden. Bobulinski and emails from Hunter’s laptop pointed to Joe Biden’s direct knowledge, involvement, and profit from Communist Chinese business ties. Bobulinski named names, including VP Biden’s. Various sources noted that Bobulinski’s only campaign contributions have been to Democrats. Bobulinski was risking his reputation, wealth, and safety by coming out pre-election, as where others who blew the whistle before or after the 2020 election.
The allegations from these and other credible voices – connected with arguably related charges of 2020 election-related fraud – have led the U.S. to the edge of a having Biden-Harris formally declared the winner of the election over incumbent President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. Should Biden-Harris be sworn in on January 20, 2021, the potential president could pardon his son Hunter, perhaps pardon himself, and who knows how many others associated with what appears to be the biggest electoral scandal in U.S. history.
That brief thumbnail is evocative of a mix of movie and fictional book themes from the past, including “The Manchurian Candidate” and the propaganda machine George Orwell’s classic Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984). Millions think the claims sound outrageous. That is based, of course, on what media they consume, and what news they may have been shielded from pre- and post-election. It is all part of the Nazi and Communist propaganda technique of the Big Lie.

Loudon personally named Biden in his list of suspects years ago. Peter Schweizer, investigative journalist, best-selling author, and president of the Government Accountability Institute, also named Biden and Harris in his book, Profiles in Corruption.
Senator Kamala Harris (CA-D) was unable to earn a single delegate in the 2019-2020 Democratic Party presidential contest. Harris lacked so much popular support among Democrats that she dropped out before the Iowa Caucuses. Harris has been named as the most radical senator in Congress.
If a possible President Biden decided to step down or was pressured out of office due to the blatant compromises of his and the Biden family’s serious allegations of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ties, he could leave Americans with a radical President Harris. If Biden does not pardon himself for corrupt practices, a possible President Harris might.
It all sounds like outrageously fictional themes. But it possess a range of all too real threats to freedom loving Americans. Because as voices across the left-right divide have warned, putting Biden-Harris into office would be the outcome of a convergence of key players in:
- Big tech and social media, like Google, Facebook, and Twitter,
- Big Corporate media, which silenced, downplayed, or mocked the threats noted herein,
- Big Money, with billionaires widely supporting the Democrats over Republicans,
- Deep State actors, including, but not limited to, domestic and international spy and federal law enforcement agencies.
China could conceivably have compromised the number one superpower of the world through the-accidental or not-release of the Wuhan Coronavirus into the world. The start of the fall of the United States has begun without China’s massive military firing a shot.
The Epoch Times (ET) reported an analysis of Nevada Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) records indicated that “Nevada DMV Records Suggest 3,987 Non-Citizens Voted in 2020 Election.” It is just the latest in an array of evidenced-based claims that the 2020 election was rigged by fraud. Much of that fraud, per the various claims, occurred in key swing states.
But beyond fraud, there are also claims of election interference, involving sources both foreign and domestic.
The Media Research Center (MRC) did post-election polling of Biden/Harris voters. MRC revealed that large numbers would not have voted for the Biden-Harris ticket had they known about some of the issues outlined in this report. While interesting, it may be a moot point, if Dominion or other election machines could be programed to calculate rather than tabulate votes, say software experts. Ties between the production of key election machine production and software companies and Communist China have been alleged.
But push-back has been and is being organized.
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Bishop Leon Benjamin told NTD that “The election that went on with our president—we know, without a shadow of a doubt, he won. It was stolen from him, but we decree and declare today that he will be our president for the next four years.”
“What’s going on right now is that our nation has been infiltrated by ideologies did not did that did not come from our founding fathers, Marxism, socialism, we call it communism, which is a form of government that robs the power away from the people,” Benjamin said. “And literally, communism cannot exist where there are God-fearing people—even the Marxists know.”
“They have to do what is called the Long March, they have to implement what is called Cultural Marxism. They have to get into our institutions like our educational system, they have to get into our family system, they have to get into our religious system. And yes, even our media system, they have to take over these different pillars of society influences, and get the people to be disenfranchised,” Benjamin said. “And then they come up with a solution saying that we have a better way, which is not a better way. It’s all a lie. And it takes the power away from the people.”
“This country will never fall, on my watch, will never come under communism or socialism or Marxism,” he said. Benjamin was just one of numerous speakers. A Jericho March press release noted that “Jericho March and Stop the Steal will welcome a special guest speaker — Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn — and members of his family on December 12th at the “Let the Church ROAR!” Prayer Rally on the National Mall, in partnership with the “One Nation Under God” grassroots rally. Eric Metaxas, author, speaker, and conservative radio host will emcee the ROAR! Prayer Rally on the National Mall. Mike Lindell and Abby Johnson will also be amongst the confirmed speakers. The partnership among planners of the Jericho March, Stop the Steal, and the “One Nation Under God” Grassroots Rally shows the groups’ commitment to a unified effort to gather as patriots and people of faith in prayer for election integrity, transparency, and reform. The Jericho March and Stop the Steal is supported by the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles.”
The same media release provided this list of speakers.
Faith Leaders:
- Bishop Strickland, Catholic Diocese of Tyler, Texas (video)
- Cindy Jacobs, Generals International (video)
- Dede Laugesen, Save the Persecuted Christians
- Dominic Sputo, Lumen Life
- Steve Newman, Jewish patriot
- Taylor Marshall, Catholic Author and Commentator (video)
- Frank Pavone, Priests for Life (video)
- Greg Bramlage, Missionaries of the New Evangelization
- Hans Jacobse, American Orthodox Institute
- Frank Gaffney and Kevin Freeman, The Persecuted Church
- Gail Sheppard and George Michalopulos, Orthodox Christian Religious Commentators
- Kelly Kullberg, Veritas Forum and American Association of Evangelicals
- Rabbi Curt Landry, Curt Landry Ministries
- Kevin Jessip, The Return, Global Strategic Alliance
- Rob Weaver and Arina Grossu, Jericho March
- Dede Byrne, POSC, Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts (video)
Political Leaders, Business Leaders, and Activists:
- Abby Johnson, And Then There Were None
- Ali Alexander, Stop the Steal
- Alice Butler-Short, Virginia Women for Trump
- Bernadette and R.C., Bikers for Trump
- CJ Pearson and Daniel Bostic, Stop the Steal Georgia
- Congressman Paul Gosar, Arizona
- Congressman Bob McEwen, Ohio
- Courtney Holland and Megan Barth, Stop the Steal Nevada
- Cowboys for Trump
- Dennis Prager, American talk show host (video)
- Karladine Graves, Board Certified Family Practice
- Ed Martin, Phyllis Schlafly Eagles
- Eric Metaxas, Author, Speaker, and Conservative Radio Host
- General Michael Flynn and Joseph Flynn, Mary Flynn, and Barbara Flynn-Redgate
- Jenny Beth Martin, Tea Party Patriots
- Jason Jones, Hollywood Producer, Author, and Activist
- Kimberly Fletcher, Moms for America
- Michael Coudrey, American Entrepreneur, Investor, and Speaker
- Michele Bachmann, Minnesota (video)
- Mike Lindell, My Pillow
- Rose Tennent, Women for Trump
- Yvonne Florczak-Seeman, POWER- Protection of Women’s Equal Rights
- Mary Ann Markarian, Singer
- Natalia Carpenter, Singer
- Paul Baloche (invited)
- Stephanie D’Urso, Opera Singer
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 14, 2020
President Trump’s campaign and others still have numerous legal challenges underway. Per Newsmax, the list includes the following.
Despite the defeat with the Texas [Supreme Court] case, the Trump campaign and its allies continue to have numerous active court actions underway, including:
- S. Supreme Court: Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Boockvar: Challenge of the mail-in ballot deadline extension.
- 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals: Trump v. Boockvar: Provisional ballot practices violated equal protection.
- Pennsylvania Supreme Court: Trump campaign appeal of a Philadelphia County Board of Elections decision on whether mail-in ballots can be “cured” by provisional ballots.
- Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania: Metcalfe v. Wolf — Thousands of illegal ballots were cast and ballot drop boxes were improperly allowed.
- Fulton County Superior Court: Trump v. Raffensperger — Thousands of ballots were cast by ineligible voters.
- No cases active.
- S. District Court: Bowyer v. Ducey — Lawyer Sidney Powell alleges “massive election fraud” involving electronic voting systems.
- Arizona Superior Court: Burk v. Ducey — Illegal ballots were counted and electronic voting systems were flawed.
- S. District Court: Feehan v. Wisconsin Elections Commission — Lawyer Sidney Powell is alleging fraud with voting machines.
- S. District Court: Trump v. Wisconsin Elections Commission — State election officials made ballots and drop boxes available in violation of state law.
- Minnesota District Court: Quist v. Simon: The secretary of state’s procedural changes made ballot counting process “overly broad, arbitrary, disparate, and ad hoc.”
- Minnesota District Court: Jensen v. Simon: Invalid votes were counted.
- Clark County District Court: Becker v. Gloria
- Rodimer v. Gloria
- Marchant v. Gloria
- Candidates in all three of the above challenged automated ballot signature verification standards and mailing of ballots to all registered voters.
Law enforcement should also ask.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 14, 2020
It should be noted that the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) did not rule on the merits of the case brought by Texas and other Republican or ‘red’ state attorneys general, which was opposed by numerous Democratic state attorneys general. Rather, SCOTUS ruled on the narrow issue of “standing.” With only two dissenting votes from Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas, the high court simply declined to take the case saying that Texas was not the proper party to bring the case. Several of the cases in list above from Newsmax, reportedly do not have the problem of standing.
That noted, constitutional expert Alan Dershowitz, J.D. has made the point that he doesn’t think that the high court wants to get involved. Does that mean it is over?
A number of Trump supporters say no.
Several pro-Trump attorneys have made the argument that the 45th President is in a position to invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807. President Trump could declare some level of martial law in various cities or possible hot-spots across the USA.
While there are certainly voices of dissent, the argument has been made by legal minds that the Insurrection Act gives President Trump the ability to block for a time a possible Biden-Harris administration during such a proposed period of martial law. Would it be a surprise if President Trump took that step? After all, didn’t President Trump pledge that America would never be a socialist country?
Some voices in the Republican Party are not all okay with the steps President Trump has already taken in pushing his election challenges as far as he has. Fox News contributor Karl Rove, a Bush-43 political adviser, said that the 45th president is on the edge of looking like ‘a sore loser.’ Perhaps so to some. But as the #StopTheSteal and Jericho March organizers argued on Saturday, 12/12/2020, there is credible evidence of election fraud and possible foreign interference are all the reasons necessary to do “whatever it takes.” What is not credible, say several of those who participated in protests in Washington and other parts of the U.S, is the pro-Biden bias exhibited by big tech/social media giants, much of big corporate media, the raw power of the billionaire donor class.
The videos that follow are among those that relate to the issues above. The pre-election Riding the Dragon video below has had millions of views. The Schweizer documentary is arguably as or more important now as it was then.
Loudon’s well-documented The Enemies Within, teaser is below. The full-length version can be streamed online. Again, it is as relevant, perhaps in some ways more so now than when it was first produced.

“This is rich people funding bad science to put a [communist] sleeper in the White House,” said Denzel Washington is a line from the remake of the movie, The Manchurian Candidate. The point, with respect to this report, isn’t that Biden is a ‘sleeper’ in that same sense. But rather, that Communist China – with American allies in big tech, big media, and from the billionaire class have worked to put an arguably compromise Joe Biden and Kamala Harris into office, for their own mutual benefit.
Additional Information, MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
Several manufactured housing industry attorneys told MHProNews that the challenges to the 2020 election are “over.” Even pro-Trump attorneys said that the odds were against the president in court, but not because of a lack of merit. That was before the Supreme Court declined the Texas case – which caused most of the state attorneys general to weigh in for or against in largely red/blue Democrat-leaning states vs Republican-led ones – a pro-Trump attorney says the courts would be reluctant to get involved, even though the legal arguments were reasonable ones.
Attorney Lin Wood controversially called for a boycott of the Georgia Senate runoff, before President Trump and his allies said that was a mistaken strategy. Indeed, President Trump made a personal visit to Georgia to rally supporters and encourage a vote for re-electing Senators David Perdue (GA-R) and Kelly Loeffler (GA-R). Vice President Mike Pence has also held rallies in GA, as have other Trump surrogates. Reportedly some 4,000 poll watchers have been lined up. That should encourage GOP supporters. But as former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R) said, Perdue and Loeffler needed to win beyond the margin of election fraud.
Despite that the strategy disagreement on the GA runoffs, attorney Wood has pressed ahead with his own lawsuit. He is among the attorneys and others who have publicly called for President Trump to impose martial law while the election issues are sorted out.
What lies ahead has some historic precedent, but it is also new territory. What President Trump can do, is not necessarily what he will do.
That noted, there seems to be tens of millions of pro-Trump supporters willing to do, as one put it on Saturday “whatever it takes” to #StopTheSteal.
It is a post-election battle over fraud that several tried to avoid pre-election, with literally months of allegations of possible fraud due to mail in ballots, dirty voter rolls, and VP Joe Biden himself saying that they had put together the most inclusive voter fraud operation in American history.
Google’s sister company YouTube has vowed to start removing videos that challenge the official narrative of no voter fraud or other content that questions the proclaimed Biden-Harris victory.
Many of the suits that were rejected by various courts were not based on the merits or evidence, but where declined on technical reasons. Put differently, several courts declined to hear the evidence.
Little, if anything, will matter more to small businesses, workers, and tens of millions of Americans than settling the question of election integrity. Denial and deflection are not settling the matter. If honest elections are questioned, then a key part of the legal basis of the American Republic is gone. The notion of ‘no taxation without representation’ is arguably being voided.
Among the claims made at the Saturday 12.12.2020 pro-Trump, Jericho March and #StopTheSteal events was that if Americans are denied their fundamental rights, then a new type of slavery is emerging. That sounds radical to some, but it is increasingly accepted among Trump supporters.
One of the statements periodically made is that the “patriots” will do “whatever it takes.” Among the points cited is Thomas Jefferson’s famous quote that “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” The Insurrection Act of 1807 was passed during Jefferson’s presidential administration.
We must broker in reality.
Not unicorns and rainbows.
The stark reality is… We are at war with China and hords of traitorous scum that seek power at the expense of the republic.
Scary yes, fear mongering no.
Stay strong, stay the course.@LLinWood @SidneyPowell1
— Tom G Stark 🇺🇸⭐⭐⭐ (@TomStark913) December 14, 2020
Warren Buffett associate Bill Gates was on CNN.
Gates told CNN the U.S. may not return to normal until 2022. It may be summer, says Gates – who has extensive ties to the World Health Organization (WHO) and interests in Communist China –
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 14, 2020

Several of the speakers and leaders in the #StopTheSteal movement have called out the Great Reset. Biden’s campaign slogan, “Build Back Better” is part of the mantra in support of the Great Reset, per several sources. Note that reports like the ones linked above and below have been among the most read on their respective platforms for weeks or months after they were published.

The Great Barrington Declaration is a group of medical professionals who are questioning aspects of shutdowns and other ideas advocated by people like Gates.

It is shocking to imagine, but Communist China’s purported use of asymmetrical warfare has brought the American Republic to the brink of a major crisis. They have done so without firing a shot. This was foreshadowed months ago when the Masthead said that this appears to be Bio-Econ-Prop War I, a biological, economic, and propaganda warfare.

The unrest in the streets was also a prelude to where we are today.

— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 14, 2020
Is it any surprise that the same billionaire class – including Gates, Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, and others – have grown wildly wealthier since the Wuhan China virus swept across America? Said who? Sources such as Market Watch or Forbes.

What lies ahead remains to be seen. But a variety of congressional, legal, and other challenges await. Will President Trump invoke the Insurrection Act and impose martial law? The argument has been made that he has the authority to do so. The Epoch Times reported the following.
“In September 2018, Trump signed an executive order that says “not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election,” according to the White House text of the order.”
Attorney Sidney Powell told The Epoch Times she believes that due to that executive order, it can give Trump “all kinds of power … to do everything from seize assets to freeze things, demand the impoundment of the machines,” referring to voting machines.
“Under the emergency powers, he could even appoint a special prosecutor to look into this, which is exactly what needs to happen,” Powell said. “Every machine, every voting machine in the country should be impounded right now. There’s frankly more than enough criminal probable cause to justify that, for anybody who’s willing to address the law and the facts purely on the basis of truth and not politics, or corporate greed, or global wealth.”
Phone calls, letters, newspapers Trump parades, peaceful protests, swarm the state capital, Congress, talk to your friends, family. Nothing should be hidden. If they’re hiding, they’re lying. All the media, social media, globalists elite, businesses are against us. Save the USA
— Sidney Powell 🇺🇸⭐⭐⭐ (@SidneyPowell1) December 14, 2020
As the outline above makes clear, there are voices in and out of the U.S. that claim that key figures are working with Communists in China to undermine American elections, American businesses, and American liberty. If Biden-Harris are akin to being akin to being stooges for Chinese Communists, akin to being willing Manchurian Candidates, or akin to Loundon’s “The Enemies Within,” that merits exposing.
Thus, MHProNews will continue to monitory and periodically report on the legal, business, and other pragmatic elements of this constitutional crisis that threatens to upend the free enterprise, American Republic system that made the USA the most prosperous country on earth. Others in our profession may downplay or ignore this issue, but MHProNews will report as warranted, along with more industry-specific topics.

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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