Keeping an eye on Communist, Totalitarian China, and its influence both globally, and we as Canadians. I have come to the opinion that we are rarely privy to truth regarding the real goal, the agenda of China, it's ambitions for Canada [including special focus on the UK, US & Australia]. No more can we trust the legacy media as there appears to be increasing censorship applied to the topic of communist China. I ask why. Here is what I find.
Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary, Department of the Treasury during the Senate's Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs hearing examining the quarterly CARES Act report to Congress on September 24, 2020 in Washington, DC. (Toni L. Sandys-Pool/Getty Images)
WASHINGTON—The United States on Monday imposed sanctions on Chinese firm China National Electronics Import & Export Corporation (CEIEC), accusing it of supporting Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s efforts to undermine democracy.
The U.S. Treasury Department in a statement said the Chinese company supported the leftist government of Maduro in its “efforts to restrict internet service and conduct digital surveillance and cyber operations against political opponents.”
“The illegitimate Maduro regime’s reliance on entities like CEIEC to advance its authoritarian agenda further illustrates the regime’s prioritization of power over democratic values and processes,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in the statement.
“The United States will not hesitate to target anyone helping to suppress the democratic will of the Venezuelan people and others around the world,” he added.
Venezuela’s information ministry did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment about the Treasury’s announcement. Comment by CEIEC was being sought.
Washington in January 2019 recognized Venezuelan politician Juan Guaido as the OPEC nation’s rightful leader and has ratcheted up sanctions and diplomatic pressure in the aftermath of Maduro’s 2018 reelection, widely described as fraudulent.
Maduro remains in power, backed by Venezuela’s military as well as Russia, China, and Cuba.
Monday’s action freezes any U.S. assets of the Chinese firm and generally bars Americans from dealing with it.
The Treasury said CEIEC since 2017 has been supporting the Maduro government and has provided software, training, and technical expertise to entities of Venezuela’s government, including state-run telecommunications provider Venezuelan National Telephone Company.
China Stirs Trouble With Planto Hike Retirement Age From 60
Monday, 30 November 2020
China is making a new push to raise one of the world’s lowest retirement ages as it tries to cope with a rapidly aging population, a move that’s already fueling public discontent and will test the Communist Party’s ability to implement reforms.
The ruling party alluded to the change earlier this month when it released an outline of its five-year economic plan, which included a recommendation to “implement postponing the retirement age.” Specific measures in the plan are due to be unveiled in March.
China’s retirement age has remained unchanged for more than four decades at 60 for men and 55 for female white-collar workers, even as life-expectancy has risen. In places like Japan and Taiwan, most men and women can retire and start drawing a pension at 65. The global average was 62.7 years for men and 61.3 years for women, according to an analysis of 70 countries by insurer Allianz SE.
The Communist Party’s statement produced a fierce backlash domestically, with tens of thousands of angry comments posted on Weibo, China’s equivalent of Twitter. Top among the complaints were from those closest to retiring, expressing anger over the prospect of delayed access to their pensions. Younger people argued that an increase in older workers would reduce their employment opportunities.
Even so, China is pushing ahead with the plans. “Delayed retirement is approaching,” the state-run China Business News said on its front page on Monday. It cited unnamed officials as saying that a “gradual and flexible approach,” had emerged as a consensus among policy makers.
Shrinking Population
Experts say raising the age at which workers are eligible for state-supported pensions is crucial for ensuring the sustainability of the retirement system. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a government think-tank, estimated in a report last year that the main pension fund for urban workers will peak at 7 trillion yuan ($1 trillion) in 2027, before declining to zero by 2035. The balance in 2019 was 4.3 trillion yuan.
Raising the retirement age would also help China maintain economic growth, by slowing the rate at which the working-age population shrinks as a result of falling birth rates. Beijing estimates the number of people aged 60 or more will approach 487 million by 2050, compared with 254 million last year.
China experienced a baby boom in the early 1960s, resulting in more than 200 million people who will reach 60 in the next decade. As a result, China’s leaders will have no option but to increase the pension age during the next five-year plan that begins in 2021, said Wang Feng, a demographer at the University of California, Irvine.
“A massive number of people will reach this age during the next five years,” he said. “If they don’t act now that would impose a tremendous fiscal burden.”
Earlier Proposals
China’s elderly dependence ratio, which compares the number of retired people to those in the workforce, will rise to nearly 33% by 2035, from about 17% this year, economist Cai Fang told reporters at a government briefing on Friday.
A public backlash derailed a previous proposal to increase the pension eligibility age in 2012. China’s Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, which oversees pensions, included a recommendation for raising the retirement age during the current five-year plan period through 2020, but it wasn’t implemented.
While the ministry will be charged with developing detailed proposals for implementation, the Communist Party’s most senior leaders would need to sign off on retirement reform, Wang said. Officials are likely to implement reforms gradually in an attempt to reduce public discontent, such as by applying the changes to some professions or regions before others, he said.
Wang Xinmei, a pension economist at Zhejiang University, cited several other options that could be adopted as well.
“We can start from some easy steps, for example, allowing competent people who want to work more to work more years voluntarily,” she said. One proposal is to increase the age by a year each year, though that is “much too fast,” she said. “We could increase faster in the early stage then slowly in the later stage.”
According to Dominion Voting Systems’s Wikipedia page, the company was founded in Toronto, Canada, in 2002, by James Hoover and John Poulos. It has headquarters in Toronto, Canada, and Denver, Colorado.
According to, the address of its Toronto headquarter is at 215 Spadina Ave, Suite 200 Toronto, ON M5T 2C7 Canada.
On Google Map, this address is located in the Chinatown of Toronto.
According to Dominion Voting’s official website, the company was acquired by Staple Street Capital (New York) in 2018.
However, when searching “Dominion Voting” on the SEC official website, no information of the company can be found.
No specific address of Dominion Voting’s Denver headquarter can be found on its official website, either.
Something does seem strange here.
Conservative Party executive director Dustin Van Vugt and Leadership Election Organizing Committee chair Dan Nowlan announce the results of the party's leadership race at the Toronto Congress Centre on May 27. Mr. Nowlan gave Canadian company Dominion Voting Systems, whose vote-tabulating technology the party used, a shout-out before announcing the final results. The Hill Times photograph by Jake Wright
John Ivison: Useful idiots of the world unite - and they have, with 'Free Meng' event
To present, as the Canadian Peace Congress does, Meng Wanzhou’s detention as 'an unprovoked kidnapping' is to take adolescent gullibility to dangerous levels
Author of the article:
John Ivison
Publishing date:
Nov 23, 2020 •
The etymology of the phrase “useful idiot” is debated. Some people suggest it was coined by Lenin. Others credit Stalin, who used it to describe the confused and misguided American sympathizers who aided the Soviet agenda.
It came to mind when reading about a virtual event being held Tuesday in anticipation of the second anniversary of the arrest of Meng Wanzhou, the Huawei executive being detained in Vancouver, pending extradition to the United States.
The “Free Meng” event is being hosted by a group of left-wing organizations, including the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute, the Canadian Peace Congress and the Hamilton Coalition to Stop War.
Speakers include NDP MP Niki Ashton and Green MP Paul Manly.
Fair enough, you may say. If the peaceniks want to spend their time campaigning on behalf of a Chinese billionaire who flits between multi-million dollar mansions in Vancouver, that’s their affair.
Yet there is no mention anywhere in the publicity material of Michael Kovrig or Michael Spavor, the two Canadians who were detained by Chinese authorities nine days after Meng was arrested in Vancouver.
That’s shocking.
Ashton has not only agreed to participate in the event, she has sponsored a petition in the House of Commons that calls for Meng’s immediate release; urges the government to “protect Canadian jobs” by allowing Huawei to participate in the roll-out of 5G in Canada, and encourages a foreign policy review to develop an “independent” foreign policy on China.
Yves Engler, a fellow of the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute, said he is sympathetic to the plight of the two Michaels. “But who began the process? Hostage diplomacy is a terrible idea but who started it?” he said.
Meng’s detention “upholds unilateral and illegal U.S. sanctions” against Iran, he said.
That’s not true.
U.S. authorities are seeking Meng’s extradition on fraud charges, alleging she lied to HSBC as part of a scheme to obtain financing, thereby putting the bank at risk of violating U.S. sanctions in Iran.
However, when B.C. Supreme Court judge Heather Holmes ruled that Meng can be sent to the U.S. to be prosecuted, she did so because she deemed her crime, as alleged by the U.S., is also a crime in Canada. The essence of the alleged crime was not violating U.S. sanctions but deceiving a bank to obtain financial services.
On the petition’s second demand, Engler defended the call to allow Huawei to be involved in Canada’s 5G network. “We have real concerns about surveillance…The Chinese government has its own repressive spying and intelligence apparatus. But it doesn’t come close to the power of the NSA (America’s National Security Agency) or the Five Eyes (the intelligence alliance comprising Canada, the U.S., U.K, Australia and New Zealand). Canadians should be more concerned about the NSA in Canada than the Chinese government,” he said. “I don’t think that China is a threat to most Canadians.”
While it is true that no Huawei code or hardware has been linked definitively to the Chinese state, the company is beholden to the Communist Party’s interests and instruction. Security experts believe that Huawei receives contracts from the Chinese military to develop dual use communications technology and that the threat is legitimate.
A generous interpretation is that Engler, Manly and Ashton are well-intentioned idealists who qualify for Stalin’s (or Lenin’s) depiction.Engler admitted he has never been to China, where surveillance has been elevated to an art-form.
We can probably all agree that we do not welcome a cold war with the Chinese, far less anything warmer.
But to present, as the Canadian Peace Congress does, Meng’s detention as “an unprovoked kidnapping,” or Canada’s participation in naval operations in east Asia as an attempt to “provoke and encircle the PRC,” is to take adolescent gullibility to dangerous levels.
Ashton can have no excuses. She has been an MP for 12 years and run for her party’s leadership twice.
Does she agree with the Communist Party’s English language mouthpiece, the Global Times, that Canada has surrendered its judicial and diplomatic independence to the U.S.?
I would have asked her, if she had returned calls seeking comment.
A far less benign but more considered view of China emerged from last weekend’s Halifax Security Forum, which summarized the opinions of 250 experts in a handbook for delegates. The forum concluded that modern-day China has become the most powerful authoritarian state in history and a major challenger to the liberal world. The consensus is that China’s ambitions will not stop at its borders and that it intends to undermine democracies around the world – in particular in Hong Kong and Taiwan, which “now hang precariously in the balance.”
Even if the radical left is able to discount what is going on in Hong Kong and the South China Sea, how can it overlook the oppression in Xinjiang that all human rights organizations say is intensifying?
The explanation appears to be a reflexive contempt and loathing toward the United States that excuses any and all atrocities by other nations.This, after all, is the same Niki Ashton who tweeted #HandsOff Venezuela last year, in support of the despicable Nicolas Maduro regime. The illegitimate president must have been gratified that the world is so packed with useful idiots.
Catching the Biggest Alligators Involved in the 2020 Voting Fraud
Nov. 15, 2020
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As the evidence of fraud in the presidential election grows, more people are convinced that this was a well staffed, well planned, and premeditated electoral coup. The Deep State’s alligators are coming to the surface. Who are these alligators in the deepest part of the swamp? Who have planned, promoted, and executed this fraud? Where is the most direct evidence that could put them in jail? Let’s look at some of the critical events and essential aspects.
Scorecard & Hammer
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In a Podcast interview on Two Mikes on Nov. 2, Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney, a retired military general who served in top military positions in US, explained how Biden used a program known as “Scorecard” in “THE HAMMER,” a counter-intelligence surveillance system designed for the CIA to detect terrorism, to spy on voting machines and change voting outcomes. It hacks into the transfer between local reporting stations and state or national data centers and manipulates 3% of the votes. It is hard to find out. But 3% in key swing states is often enough to determine who is the winner.
Two national security journalists Mary Fanning and Alan Jones, reported, in Feb. 2009, that the Obama administration commandeered this powerful supercomputer system into elections and so they could steal votes. Obama and Biden used the system to win Florida in the 2012 presidential election. The DNC used it to help Joe Biden win the Democratic primary election against Bernie Sanders.
In a book named “THE HAMMER is the Key to the Coup,” published in August 2020, Fanning and Jones named the former President Obama, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and CIA Director John Brennan a part of the proverbial “Deep State.” According to General McInerney, the list should include other Obama top officials such as former Vice President Joe Biden, former FBI Director James Comey, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller, etc. These are the Obama administration’s key members, especially the top intelligence officials, directly related to the coup.
Dominion Voting Systems
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Dominion Voting Systems provides another powerful tool that flipped ballots cast for President Trump to Joe Biden. On November 6, Michigan GOP Chair Laura Cox claimed that the software caused 6,000 votes in Antrim County, Michigan, to switch from Trump to Biden. In the State of Michigan alone, 47 of its 83 counties also used this voting system. In the United States, the Dominion’s technology serves 40%, over 70 million voters, including those in crucial swing states.
Forensic investigation of every change in the data reveals that about 3.9 million Trump’s votes have been stolen. The research discovered that Dominion deleted 2.7 million trump votes nationwide. Data analysis finds 221,000 Pennsylvania votes switched from President Trump to Biden. 941,000 Trump votes were deleted. States using Dominion Voting Systems switched 435,000 votes from Trump to Biden ( ).
According to Intelligence Community sources, Dominion software vote-switching was the Democrats’ first weapon of choice. Mail-In voting was their second. But Biden was so far behind that the software wasn’t able to give them the desired outcome. So they had to freeze all the counting on election night and resorted to having vans full of pre-filled ballots delivered at 4 a.m. The whole process is like a well-rehearsed show. That shows the Democrat apparatus has become a powerful mafia that controls the entire country. It’s no longer stealing. It’s simply blatant robbery.
No wonder Pelosi was able to vow, days before the election, that Biden would be inaugurated as president on 1/20 regardless of the vote. Her most crucial underpinning came from the voting software Dominion, which could be controlled by tampering with back-end data and large numbers of fake ballots to win the entire election.
The Deep Water of the Dominion Voting Systems
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To find out how deep the Deep State goes and how it controls the whole process, NewZealandOldShen reports on GNews that Wikimedia reveals Dominion consists of two affiliated companies: Premier Election Solutions and Sequoia Voting Systems. Smartmatic bought sequoia in 2005. The CEO of Smartmatic, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, is a Member of the House of Lords, the Vice-President for External Affairs of the World Bank, and served as the United Nations Deputy Secretary-General. Mr. Malloch-Brown has been closely associated with billionaire speculator George Soros. He was part of the Soros Advisory Committee on Bosnia with whom he has since kept cordial relations. In May 2007, Soros’s Quantum Fund announced the appointment of Malloch Brown as vice-president.
There was a letter in the Email Gate in 2016 in which an employee of Smartmatic, Todd Macklerr, sent to Donna Brazile and John Podesta, saying, “I’ll be meeting with Soros later this week for some “pre-programming” of machines.” Donna Brazile was the Chairperson of the DNC, and John Podesta was the Chief of Staff of the former President Bill Clinton. In the same email, Macklerr claimed that “these machines will be humming in November.”
In the meantime, the Dominion Voting Systems has ties to key members of the Obama administration and some prominent Democrats, such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Senator Diane Feinstein. Bloomberg reported in April of last year that the company hired Pelosi’s former chief of staff, Nadeam Elshami, and Obama’ Deputy Director for Voter Protection Brian McKeon as lobbyists. These lobbyists pushed Congress for funding with our tax dollars for these machines and their software to be installed in every county in the nation even they knew the system was “fragile and error-prone.” Trump’s legal adviser Sidney Powell claimed that Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum, heavily invested in the voting company.
In a NewsMax interview, the US Congressman Louie Gohmert revealed that the US Army team just raided Scytl server facility in Frankfurt, Germany to recover “extremely compelling” data detailing vote switching. They found that in the Dominion program, Alibaba of Communist China used big data and artificial intelligence to manipulate the vote counting.
Former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell, claimed that the Dominion’s vote counting software was financed by Venezuela, Cuba, and the CCP. Dominion was created for fraudulent purposes and was shipped around the world to manipulate their elections. The Venezuelan authorities used the software to cheat the vote count.
The evidence points to the fact that those who attempted to steal the US presidency are the most prominent people in Wall Street, the US government, Congress, and even the most influential world organizations such as the United Nations and the evil government, including Venezuela, Cuba, and the CCP.
James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas Action in 2016 revealed in an undercover video that the Democrats have been rigging elections for fifty years. “It’s a very easy thing for Republicans to say they’re busing people in,” Democratic politico Scott Foval says in the video. “Well, you know what? We’ve been busing people in to deal with you f–kin’ assholes for fifty years, and we’re not going to stop now. We’re just going to find a different way to do it.”
They’ve been doing it for fifty years. They’ve gotten it every time. No wonder they’ve become so cocky, confident. They’re not afraid anymore.
The CCP’s involvement
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The CCP knows that this election is a matter of life and death for them. They are desperate to make use of all the power at their disposal.
According to the Heritage Foundation, Mr. Trevor Loudon, a political activist from New Zealand and a long-term researcher of the radical left, Marxist and terrorist movements and their infiltration of mainstream politics, revealed that the CCP interfered in the US election right under America’s nose! The Chinese Progressive Association (CPA), an outlying organization of the CCP in San Francisco, operates in key swing states under the Consulate General’s direct guidance and coordination.
They worked explicitly among ethnic minorities. They made personal calls, knocked on millions of doors, registered them to vote, and even drove them to the polls. In Arizona alone, they had 7,000 volunteers and made 8 million phone calls. Their efforts have turned red states directly blue! They have tried in every legal way possible to help Biden, for the interest of the CCP. They went so far as to brag on their website that Biden’s victory was their doing.
The most critical move of the CCP was the behind-the-scenes operation. Mr. Miles Guo received intelligence from the top of the CCP’s inner circle earlier this year. In order for them to manipulate the American election, they released two men from the Qincheng Prison in China and sent them to North America. These are the most powerful men in the CCP, the biggest names in the intelligence system. They lost an internal battle and were held in Qincheng Prison. But they were the only ones who were able to accomplish the CCP wanted to achieve. Mr. Lude confirmed on his show that the CCP had sent the most important people to interfere in the US elections directly. According to Mr. Guo and Mr. Lude, to protect the family’s interests from being liquidated, these people left evidence behind after the operation, which will be released at the proper time.
So those who were involved in election fraud came from the highest levels in the US government and Congress, from the highest level in Wall Street, from the most influential international organizations, and the top of the CCP.
Trump’s precaution
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President Trump knows very well that Deep State would plan a coup to take him down through this election. He took precaution accordingly. Mr. Piechenick, who served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in four administrations, revealed that the Trump administration had secretly arranged a Sting Operation, having the Department of Homeland Security print an isotopic watermark on every legal ballot and use blockchain technology to track each one. This allows the authenticity of each vote to be identified. A Trump insider, Dr. Charlie Ward, describes the deployment of this Sting Operation to trap those involved in election theft. In the meantime, the Federalized National Guard was pulling around the clock duty in at least 16 states to trap these monsters.
Most importantly, Mr. Tom Granham, a retiree from the 82nd Airborne Division, revealed in his tweet that on Election night, Trump and his campaign team assembled in the Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) of Eisenhower Building to watch the results come in. SCIF is the kind used by the army intelligence cybersecurity division. They were monitoring the vote fraud in real-time. They knew which states were using the voting machines loaded with HAMMER and scorecard.
The hard evidence
As mountains of evidence accumulate about the widespread vote fraud, Many will be prosecuted and convicted. The question is, can the alligators deep in the swamp be sentenced? What is the evidence that could deliver a devastating blow to Deep State?
Mr. Lude revealed on his show that the evidence that could give the Deep State a death blow is the evidence that they colluded with the CCP to manipulate the US election. If this evidence holds, the predators would be guilty of conspiring with a foreign power to overthrow the government and usurp power. This would be organized treason, coup d’état behavior, a federal crime.
This intelligence information has been obtained by Whistleblower Movement before the election and was handed over to President Trump before the election. Mr. Guo revealed that this intelligence had saved Trump, America, and even the world. Mr. Guo also indicated that both President Trump and Americans would not have survived this catastrophic coup without the intelligence he gave to the president. The entire world would have gone into darkness.
President Trump’s use of army intelligence to monitor the voting process in real-time gives a clear signal that he and his team are under the FISA Act’s provision. This indicates that they have obtained hard evidence of foreign interference in this election to overthrow the government of the United States. Without the provision of the FISA Act, the President could pay the price much higher than former President Nixon, not only his presidency and reputation but the future of his entire family.
Also, the latest US Army raid on Scytl, a software company in Germany, gave Team Trump access to the evidence of the CCP’s use of big data and artificial intelligence in the Dominion program for voting fraud and fraud in the US election. It’s not yet known if this has anything to do with the intelligence information that Mr. Guo gave to President Trump. But one thing is clear: evidence of CCP interference in the US election is surfacing. All those involved will be convicted.
America has survived one of its greatest crises. They have survived a coup d’etat orchestrated by the top of Deep State in collusion with CCP, funded by Wall Street and the CCP, involving the media and high tech companies, and carried out by many who hate President Trump and American values. America will remove the swamp and rebuild its government and society as well as its beliefs and values. America will usher in a new nation of wealth and freedom.
The Whistleblower Movement has been steadfast on the side of justice and has played a key role in crushing this coup. At the same time, the New Federal State of China will take down the CCP and build a new free and democratic China, together with the entire Chinese people.