Friday, December 12, 2014


Winners of the 2014 Chamberlain Awards:

For Most the Chamberlainesque in Political Leadership Award:
·         Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada
For enacting the Foreign Investment Protection Act with China on October 1, 2014, on the anniversary of the Communist revolution in the People’s Republic of China
Dishonourable mentions go to;
-Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird for championing the deal
-Jim Prentice, Alberta Premiere, for his pivotal role in the deal while federal Minister of Industry
-Ed Fast, Minister of International Trade for promoting and tabling the bill

For Biggest Hypocrite of the Year Award:
·         The ANC government in South Africa
For refusing a visa for the Dalai Lama to attend the Nobel peace summit in South Africa (which led to the cancellation of the entire event)

For Biggest Lackey of the Year Award:
·         Vladimir Putin, President of Russia
For acting as Communist China’s geopolitical dog’s leg key in its aggression in Ukraine, rather than dealing with Russia’s true territorial threat in Siberia where China’s influence continues to increase

For Most-Biggest Weasel of the Year Award:
·         William A. Reinsch, former undersecretary of commerce for export administration under President Bill Clinton
For claiming he didn’t know that Communist China was ‘dangerous’; his sudden epiphany as his mea culpa has a strategic feel to it:

Winners of the 2014 Churchill Awards:

For Most the Churchillesque Award in Political Leadership:
·         Hupacasath First Nation, of Vancouver Island, BC
For offering the only real opposition to the Foreign Investment Protection Act with China

For Most Courageous of the Year Award:
·         The Hong Kong Democracy Movement
For standing up for the democratic rights despite great odds and intimidation
Special mention also to The Taiwanese Electorate, for voting against the Ma government’s pro-appeasement of China policy and crushing the KMT in the polls in November, 2014

For Most Honest of the Year Award
A (Two-way tie)
·         The Nation of Palao 
For speaking truthfully about Canada’s spinelessness in dealing with China
·         Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada
For being the only federal politician in Canada to speak out against Foreign Investment Protection Act with China

For Most Astute Analysis/Observation
of the Year Award
·         Gus Van Harten, international investment law expert and associate professor at the Osgoode Hall Law School at York University in Toronto
For dissecting what the Foreign Investment Protection Act with China really means for Canada

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