Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Communist Chinese Army US Soil: Denver

Communist Chinese Army in Green as Pictured at Denver Airport: Persecutor of Bible-Beliving Christians
The claim made in VAIII: the Jesuits perfected and control anti-Reformation, world communism.  The Order was the font of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Communist Revolution in 1949.  Both Stalin and Mao were Masonic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors put in power by the Black Pope’s Anglo-American White Power Structure centered in London and Washington.  Now the game is obvious to all:  the Communist Chinese government persecutes true, Bible-believing Chinese Christians as a matter of present policy.  Conversely, that same damnable government extols Roman Catholicism evidenced by the video below.  This is why Jesuitical Communism always takes the Reformation Bible out of the hands of true believers in Christ, and then persecutes those believers unto despair and death!
The Jesuit Order, is in full control of Red China since 1949 (thanks to the US State Department ruled by CFR agents loyal to JFK assassin Francis Cardinal Spellman), imposed a policy during the 1960s and 1970s of aborting or killing baby girls.  This was done deliberately so as to create approximately 30 million Chinamen with no women.  In musing on this reality, the only practical use of these men is most military!  The attached audio throws much light on this harbinger of disaster for White Apostate Protestant and Baptist America.  The narrators are Bible-believing Christian men and are most articulate dealing with this and other topics.
 Since the Jesuit Order’s Peoples Republic of China holds the bulk of US Treasury Bills, just how are these bills going to be exchanged for real wealth (land and labor)?  The answer: military invasion, removal of the American squatters on Chinese land via mass executions, enslavement of physically fit workers, imposed prostitution of White American women, and then the possession of at least two thirds of North America.  The land “tents” of Shem (Genesis 9:27), criminally occupied by the White sons of Japheth for the last 100 years (due to the Black Pope’s evil 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the murderous, thieving Indian Wars of the West (led by Roman Catholic General Philip Sheridan—the bosom friend of Jesuit Pierre De Smet!) from 1865 to 1890, is to be returned to thesons of Shem.  But the sons of Shem about to possess the land are not descendants of the Shemitic American Indians; they are the Shemitic Red Chinese all of which enjoy a common race, a common language, a common culture—and a common hatred for Americans.  The Japanese and Koreans will be with their Chinese masters, they too to exact vengeance for the theft, rape and murder perpetrated upon their wives and daughters by primarily Black American servicemen for the last 60 years.  And they will enjoy every moment of that payback!As your Editor has stated for the last ten years, North America will be invaded by a Sino-Soviet-Muslim Coalition once our military is betrayed by the CFR-controlled Joint Chiefs of Staff and defeated during its two or even three-front war.  The Black Pope’s Federal Reserve Bank, deliberately headed by a Masonic Jew, Ben Bernanke, has indebted the American people to our enemies, the Communist Red Chinese, “Papal Court Jew” Ben Bernanke continuing this policy of massive indebtedness (as did his brother“Papal Court Jew” Alan Greenspan) on orders of his White Gentile Jesuit masters at Georgetown University.

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