American universities and colleges infected by army of student spies
Should you host a foreign exchange student? That a question only you can answer, but intelligence reports suggest some of the exhange students, such as the pretty chinese one (pictured above) may have other motives for attending university.
According to the Daily Mail, “American universities have become infected with foreign spies posing as humble students and researchers, who are working to steal government secrets and new technologies to take back to their own countries” (see article “Spies- China, Russia and Iran infect American universities steal government and corporate secrets”:
'We have intelligence and cases indicating that U.S. universities are indeed a target of foreign intelligence services,' Frank Figliuzzi, the assistant director for counterintelligence for the FBI, told Bloomberg.
The article mentions some universities by name, they include:
- Columbia University
- New York University
- Michigan State University
- Grand Valley State University
"One of the best ways to catch spies is to know their targets" FBI counterintelligence agent
Among the probable targets are Kansas State University, the home of the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBADF) at Manhattan, Kansas. The NBADF a state-of-the-art BSL-3 and BSL-4 laboratory bio-containment facility for the study, storage of some of the world’s most deadly foreign animal, emerging and zoonotic (transmitted from animals to humans) diseases that threaten the U.S. animal agriculture and public health.
The selection of Manhattan, Kansas as the NBAF site was made by a panel of federal employee experts – career civil servants – from the departments of Agriculture and Homeland Security in 2008. The decision was based on stated evaluation criteria, environmental impacts, and the threats and risks of operating the NBAF.
In Kansas, the NBAF will be at the center of a strong partnership between USDA, DHS, academia, and industry working to protect our Nation from a catastrophe.
The site location near Kansas State University provides proximity to a critical mass of existing research capabilities and the leading scientific expertise in the Animal Health Corridor.
“KSU is crawling with foreign exchange students, a percentage of them are probably foreign intelligence agents”[mostly Chinese], says one anonymous source from Charlotte, N.C. “It is a sure bet they are active in gaining intelligence on the activities of the NBAF.
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