Unregistered nurse, 30, says she was using 'Chinese thinking' during botched breast enlargement operation that killed beauty salon owner
- Yueqiong Fu blindly followed a doctor's instructions to prepare syringes
- Her patient, Jean Huang, died in hospital two days after the surgery
- Fu admitted to recklessly administering anaesthetic that endangered life
An unregistered nurse has said her 'Chinese' way of thinking led her to endanger the life of a beauty salon owner who died after botched boob job.
Yueqiong Fu blindly followed a doctor's instructions to prepare syringes filled with local anaesthetic before the August 2017 operation at a clinic in Chippendale, Sydney.
Her patient, Jean Huang, died in hospital two days after the surgery.

Yueqiong Fu leaves the Downing Centre Court in Sydney on Friday after her hearing

Yueqiong Fu (pictured) prepared syringes filled with local anaesthetic as the doctor instructed before the August 2017 operation at a clinic in Chippendale, Sydney
On Friday Fu admitted to recklessly administering anaesthetic that endangered life and lying in writing to police.
She told Sydney's Downing Centre District Court on Friday she had never prepared anaesthetic before but was using 'Chinese thinking' by following everything the doctor told her.
She has since learned 'I should have critical thinking' always.
'Before I do anything, I should know what things I do and what things I can't do,' Fu told the court on Friday.
The unregistered nursing graduate came clean to investigators a week after the botched operation and has since agreed to give evidence against the doctor allegedly involved in the fatal procedure, the court was told.
For that, her barrister argues, she shouldn't be convicted or jailed.
'It is a very minor incident of that offence even though it was a terrible outcome,' barrister Greg Smith told the court.
'She was just doing what the doctor told her to do.'

Jean Huang (pictured) died in hospital two days after the surgery
Fu completed her nursing degree in Sydney. However, at the time of Ms Huang's death, she still hadn't passed the English test required for her Australian nursing registration.
Crown prosecutor Gareth Harrison said a conviction was necessary but agreed that something other than jail would be appropriate.
'There is no way this offence could be considered trivial,' he said.
Fu served 50 days in custody before being bailed in October 2017.
Ms Huang's husband told the court on Friday his wife had brought light to his life but now the only time he feels comfortable is in his dreams.
Weisi Fu paused repeatedly to wipe away tears as he explained he was planning a 'full life' with his wife before the 'irreversible' change to their lives in August 2017.
He said he had had to work hard to keep pushing through life.
'After all, the only thing I wish I can do for my wife is to bring fairness for my wife's (passing) and a fair judgement for the person who needs... reasonable judgement.'
Fu will be sentenced on May 17.
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