Friday, June 13, 2014



Chuck Hagel - Chuck Hagel Meets Leaders in Singapore

NY Times: U.S. Sway in Asia Is Imperiled as China Challenges Alliances

As Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel visited Singapore, the Obama administration’s Asia policy appeared to be turning into a street fight, with the United States playing referee.



Now imagine if the most influential newspaper in China were to carry a front page story headlined as follows:
China sway in the Americas Is Imperiled as the US Challenges Alliances
Imagine the Chinese government openly talking about an "American pivot"; as they deploy ever increasing amounts of naval assets to the Caribbean Sea.

Imagine "spontaneous" rent-a-mobs of Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Haitians, Mexicans, Nicaraguans all protesting in front of US firms, carrying professional banners reading, 'Yankee Go Home" and 'US out my country'.
CIA flash mobs of agents and dupes protest Chinese businesses in Vietnam. 
Imagine violent attacks against innocent Americans working in these Central and South American nations. Imagine the Foreign Secretary of China brow beating the American government with false charges of intimidating its smaller neighbors and stealing their islands.

Imagine American college students being targeted by anti-American Facebook pop ups originating from China. Imagine China's First Lady coming to America and telling our High School and University students to agitate for a "freer Internet" (so that more Chinese propaganda can be pumped in).
The First Beast agitates young students

Imagine Chinese engineered "Islamic terror" groups of dubious origin suddenly attacking South American nations doing brisk business with the United States. Imagine American workers in South America being kidnapped and murdered.
The shadowy Boku Haram group is attacking Chinese firms in Africa and kidnapping girls on China's business partner, Nigeria. US troops are coming to "bring back our girls.

Imagine high ranking American officials being indicted in absentia by the Chinese 'Attorney General' on trumped up charges of "cyber warfare".
Americans would never tolerate such abuse. Nor should China. China does indeed continue to put up with American abuse, but will have to eventually respond with something much stronger than banning the Internet version of Sulzberger's New York Slimes (which they already have done).
When China's (and Russia's) inevitable strong retaliation comes, likely in economic or political form, expect The Slimes to react with horror at the "imperialist" Chinese.

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