Sunday, February 8, 2015



China Dragon

The new tariff [2002] that the government of the United States imposed on Canadian lumber and the closing of borders to Canadian beef etc are "staged events" produced by mega-corporations to switch Canada and USA from economic dependence on each other to dependence on China. China will become our new market and we'll become theirs. On COSCO ships (China Oceans Shipping Company) we'll export our resources and buy them back manufactured into every conceivable commodity. There will be no high paying jobs for North Americans. The work force will be slave-labourers in China, creating maximum-profits for International corporate owners.
The pitiful show put on by the government of Canada to defend our markets is just that, a pitiful show. By the closing of markets betwen Canada and the USA, North American resources, companies and consumers are being herded, like sheep, into Communist pens.
Sheep Pens

Soon we'll be told by our respective governments:
Sheep TV

"Everything is okay now. Go back to sleep. We have NEW markets and NEW owners and we don't need those nasty neighbours anymore because we've got our best friends, the Chinese, to buy our wood and meat" etc.
You get the drift.

What sheople don't seem to realize is that China - with a population of 1.5 billion - is a brutal Communist regime that is looking to expand its dominance in the Western World. At the moment it is doing this economically and through immigration. But should China decide to take control in a more aggressive manner - by force - our pitiful numbers (30 million in Canada) would be hard pressed to hold back their army of 200 million. But that's a topic for another day. At present, it's on the economic and population fronts that the West is losing to the Communists in the battle for civilization.
This section of Orwell Today will post stories about the free world's economic relationship to enslaved nations like China & the Soviet Union. ~ Jackie Jura

China against Canada's interests, CanCom, Feb 17, 2012
(trading energy/nukes to the enemy for Panda bears)
Canada oil interests not well protected, EdmontonJournal, Feb 20, 2012
...After taking a look at the likely outcomes of Harper's vision for trade with China - especially his goal of making it easier for China to gobble up an increasing share of bitumen from Alberta's oilsands - it's fair to ask, whose national interest is our prime minister really advancing: Canada's or China's?...State-owned oil companies such as Sinopec, the Chinese National Offshore Oil Company (CNOOC) and Petro China are not "free-market players" - they are owned by the Communist Party of China and are responsible for implementing Chinese national interests.... Once the Northern Gateway pipeline is built, oil producers plan to restrict supply of conventional and heavy crude oil flowing to Ontario refineries. The pipeline will be used to redirect 20 per cent of the supply currently going to refineries in Ontario to refineries in northeast Asia. Reduced access to reasonably priced feedstock will threaten the economics of Canadian refineries and many will struggle to survive. All of this raises serious questions about the Harper government's decision to champion a "rip-it-and-ship-it" export strategy over a value-added strategy for Canadian resources.... Who, we ask, is looking after the Canadian interest? Why do we always have to accept the role of junior partners in some other nation's energy security strategy? In the case of China, why do we want to get in bed with a country with low environmental standards and even lower employment and human-rights standards? The good news is there is an alternative. Instead of looking for new markets in the Far East, Alberta's oil producers should look for markets in the Canadian east. Eastern Canada relies on imports for most of the oil it consumes. Although all Western Canada's needs, and some of Ontario's needs, are met by domestic crude, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces are completely dependent upon unpredictable and volatile markets in the Middle East and declining production in Norway and Mexico - exactly the kind of vulnerabilities that the U.S. and China are desperately trying to protect against by locking in access to Alberta bitumen. The government of Canada must stop allowing itself to be used by other countries as a tool to meet their energy security goals and, instead, implement a national energy security plan for Canadians. By maintaining and enhancing upgrading and refining activities in Canada, with high environmental and labour standards, we can make sure that Canadians keep much more of the value created from resource development within the country. And by developing markets in Eastern Canada instead of Asia, we can ensure that Eastern Canada has stable and secure crude oil and petroleum product access, thereby insulating our economy from excessively high oil prices that are the undesirable fallout of impending international oil market turmoil.

 USA must respect China's interests warns China (Kissinger opened door to Communist China). Telegraph, Feb 17, 2012
Communist China's spies get an easy ride in Canada (government can't - or won't - nab a single spook) & USA's Obama losing Canada's oil to Communist China (rejects pipeline/100,000 jobs/millions of barrels a day) & Obama's new USA Ambassador to China is Chinese (he former Sec'y of Commerce/Governor of Washington) & Obama's USA Secretary of Energy is Chinese (plans USA import tropical-plant glucose to replace oil) & Obama's USA Secretary of Commerce is Chinese (father born in China/grandfather a servant) & Communist China buys Canada top oil sands producer (enemy nation owns/controls Canada gas/oil). Embassy/Newsmax/Xinhua/NP, Jul 28, 2011
USA funds Communist China's 90-year propaganda movie (soundtrack song "Striking Down the Western Powers") & Kissinger: 21st Century will belong to China, not to the West (behind USA building China's economic/military might). National Post, Canada/China Day, July 1st, 2011

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