Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Why Are The Jesuits Interested in China?

For centuries now the Jesuits have been carefully molding the Chinese nation into doing their bidding, preparing for its final hour.In order to fulfill the primary dream of the Society of Jesus, the conquering the world, The Jesuits needed to develop a nation, slowly and clandestinely, to carry out orders  unquestionably, like robots; a nation of immense human resource. What better choice than China.For years now China has been mentored serupticiously  by Rome unsuspectingly by the rest of the world. By keeping the Chinese under totalitarian and fascist rule they learned to take orders, and recently this was done through the Atheistic/Anti-Christian ''Communist System." However other systems were used previously to achieve similar programming goals. This concentrated "mind control" has worked out very effectively specially  in the production of Fenqing.
Fenqing are brainwashed, xenophobic, nationalistic youth.These youth are willing to work for China almost for free  to defend China in argument, specially in forum situations where discussion of China exists. They are told to lie at all costs by their programmers/tutors in Beijing. In essence they are dis-info, covert, spies.
The object of global control [world domination] has entered a new phase with the installation of a Jesuit Pope in Rome. We will soon see favored nation status with a concentration of all matters "CHINESE" in global society.
The media has been 'doing' its part, subjectively priming the West [specially in Canada- its primary goal] to accept all matters Chinese.The use of advertising primarily but also news reports and celebrations. The subject ct of oil pipelines has risen its ugly head for without this medium China cannot achieve its conquering goals. It has been my suspicion the the provincial BC Election  that Canada just had was fixed, a fraud. I think concessions were made secretly to the Liberals at the highest levels to be handed a win so that these pipeline deals can go through without problems and the Chinese will be kept . I do believe we have a rouge government in power today, acting and marching to global interests... not to the countries interests. The hand-over of one of the top five "CANADIAN" oil and gas companies to China last year as an example.
To overcome and dominate Canada will be done by so called "soft power" with internal friends from the Desmarais family and their connections in the halls of power..better known as "Power Corporation". Power corporation heads up a satellite office in Beijing by one of the  said Desmarais family. power Corporation donated to all the major political parties in Canada and in so doing maintains control over political outcomes.
How convenient!
Jesuit influence over Power Corporation-You Betcha!

Justin Trudeau went to the same Jesuit training as his father did, Pierre Trudeau at Brebeouf College, Montreal. I predict he will be a favored topic and massaged in the media over the upcoming years to be placed as the next PM of,intelligence and capability/notwithstanding. Canadians will be taught how to love him like a hero figure through programming. All this to the benefit of China having one of their own, a Sinophile in power, like his Dad was! All through the training and programming of Jesuit college conditioning [AKA/Brebeouf, Montreal].More on that college later..BTW

[My Piece, CD]

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