Sunday, May 19, 2013

Riady's { Mochtar & James] back at it in the Okanagan Valley

Well it appears that a number of projects are now in underway in the BC Interior. PDG have been busy  and now it seems their cherished projects are now moving forward after the provincial election. Remember who PDG is don't you! Property Development Group.The Lippo Group are now the underwriters for the PDG Group, Mochtar and James Riady. Have you been paying attention to my later posts? I bet you forgot.
Well, The Lippo Group are none other that a crime family with links to Beijing as undercover agents/PLA!
Yes PLA...Chinese Military!
Here they are doing gang buster business with local Indian Bands such as the Pentiction Indian Nation. and their land holdings up for lease.The local Channel Boulevard js the new focus of attention. This is where China will be settling in the Okanagan Valley So confident are the3 Chinese they are  advertising for retail space already...and they will get  bites from unsuspecting naive businesses, in tow.
Does the local administration know whats going I suspect either they are playing the naivety card or  they are stupid. I think the local Mayor knows whom he is dealing with now and has capitulated.
These are the self same two who were funneling illicit cash funding to the Clinton campaign and were caught and subsequently fines and throw out of the USA, never to return to those shores again! Now successful in their determination to occupy Penticton in a major  way some deal must have been truck to have them put up a new sign for applications. It's shows a go!
Should the good people of Penticton know whats happening , of  course they should know.
Check out who the Riady Family  are, then  make a decision
TRIAD perhaps?.

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