Saturday, August 10, 2024

South China Sea War Zone: Chinese attack Philippine ships with knives~ Ships destroyed and sailors injured

South China Sea War Zone: Chinese attack Philippine ships with knives - Ships destroyed and sailors injured (vid)

US Deployed Typhon System - Will Defense Treaty With Philippines Be Triggered? 

The US has unexpectedly deployed the Typhon missile system in northern Luzon in the Philippines following violent naval incidents between China and the Philippine navy.

The US deputy secretary of state emphasized that the Mutual Defense Treaty obliges the US to help the Philippines, sending a very clear message to Beijing.

The level of aggression shown by the Chinese this time has alarmed all the neighboring states.

"Hey, stop! This is our territory," A Filipino soldier shouted as China Coast Guard used physical force, weapons, sirens, and bright lights to prevent our AFP from delivering supplies during a humanitarian mission at BRP Sierra Madre in the Philippine EEZ on June 17th @gmanews

Savage Chinese attack with knives and axes – New battle code

A clash between members of the Chinese coast guard and members of the Philippine navy occurred on Monday during a resupply mission for Philippine soldiers stationed on the sunken BRP Sierra Madre (LS57) military ship in Second Thomas Atoll.

In the videos you can see, the use of force and intimidation tactics by China's coast guard destroyed Philippine vessels and seriously injured Philippine Navy personnel.

The Philippine Navy released photos showing Chinese Coast Guard personnel "wielding knives, swords, spears, axes and other sharp implements" threatening to injure Philippine troops during the supply mission.

It seems that China wants to establish a code of fighting similar to that on the border with India, where there is an agreement not to use firearms but only bladed weapons.

Shocking new details and video show that during China's "brutal attack" on the Philippines:

– Chinese Coast Guard deployed tear gas
– In an act of piracy, Chinese personnel looted supplies
– Towed Philippine vessels with ropes

The Chinese ships came within five meters of the Philippine outpost.

The Chinese personnel were armed with knives and axes. They reportedly used these weapons to rip apart parcels carrying food and medical supplies, throwing the contents into the sea in an attempt to prevent resupply.

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Naval incidents between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea

Philippine President Bongbong Marcos has said his country will not allow itself to be "bullied" after a clash between me

"We will never allow ourselves to be intimidated or oppressed by anyone ," said President Marcos in a speech he delivered on the occasion of his visit to Philippine forces in the South China Sea.

However, he stressed the importance of settling disputes in a peaceful manner. "In the performance of our duties, we will not resort to violence or intimidation, nor will we intentionally cause injury or damage to anyone," he stressed.

"In defending our nation, we will stay true to our Filipino nature (whereby) we would like to resolve all these issues peacefully," added the Philippine president, who did not name China during his speech.

Beijing's actions during this routine resupply mission were condemned by the US, Britain and Canada.

China's foreign ministry disputed the Philippines' version, with a spokesman saying on Thursday that the necessary measures taken were legal, professional and beyond reproach.

China claims almost all of the South China Sea, through which more than $3 trillion in annual shipping trade passes, including parts claimed by the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei.

The Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled in 2016 that China's claims lacked legal basis. Beijing rejected this decision.

Will the US-Philippines Defense Treaty be activated? – Statements

US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Krittenbrink said on Saturday that the situation in the South China Sea is deeply concerning and that China's recent actions in the disputed waterway are "deeply destabilizing".

Krittenbrink made the comments during a visit to Hanoi amid rising tensions between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea, where Vietnam is an additional player in the region.

"We believe that China's actions, especially its recent actions, around the Second Thomas Shoal (including a disputed maritime area), towards the Philippines have been irresponsible, aggressive, dangerous, deeply destabilizing," Krittenbrink told media in Hanoi, as revealed by Reuters .

"We will continue to stand by our Philippine allies ," Krittenbrink said, adding that Washington had made clear, both publicly and privately, to Beijing that its mutual defense obligations to the Philippines were "unwavering."

US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell discussed China's actions by phone with his Philippine counterpart, Maria Teresa Lazaro. Both agreed that China's "dangerous actions threaten regional peace and stability ," State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said.

Campbell reaffirmed that the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty, which obliges Washington and Manila to assist each other in defending it in major conflicts, "extends to armed attacks against the armed forces of the Philippines, public vessels or aircraft - including those of its coast guard - anywhere in the South China Sea” .

A new Chinese law, which took effect on Saturday , empowers its coast guard to seize foreign ships "illegally entering China's territorial waters" and detain foreign crews for up to 60 days . The law renewed a reference in the 2021 legislation that says China's coast guard can fire on foreign ships if necessary.

As it turns out, the Defense Treaty can now be triggered at any time with unpredictable consequences.

Taiwan welcomes US missile deployment in Luzon

Taipei welcomes the US deployment of the Tuphon system in the northern Philippines, a top Taiwanese official said here this week.

From the Philippines, the American missile system can extend a safety net to Taiwan as well.

This development is potentially a problem for China, as the system can launch cruise missiles with a range of 2,400 km and anti-ballistic missiles linked to the AEGIS system.

The Typhon system could hit Chinese warships from a very long distance while with the use of the RIM-174 ERAM Standard Missile 6 it could contribute to the defense capabilities of American cruisers equipped with AEGIS.

Asked to comment on the missile deployment in Northern Luzon, a Taiwanese official stressed the importance of maintaining a "free and open Indo-Pacific ," with no one trying to unilaterally change the status quo using armed force in violation of international norms.

"Anyone who can collectively protect this area should be welcome ," Tien told STAR, as he pointed out that among Taipei's allies, the Philippines is closest to Taiwan.

The Philippines and the US have launched major military exercises in the region.

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