Saturday, November 7, 2015

Terry Glavin: Welcoming back the Liberal old guard

Terry Glavin: Welcoming back the 

Liberal old guard


Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, right, and former prime minister Jean Chretien stand together on stage at an event to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Canadian Flag, in Mississauga Ont.
THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris YoungLiberal Leader Justin Trudeau, right, and former prime minister Jean Chretien stand together on stage at an event to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Canadian Flag, in Mississauga Ont.
For the millions of Canadians who voted for Justin Trudeau in the hopes of a break from the past, the appointment of the grizzled mandarin Peter Harder to lead Trudeau’s transition to power doesn’t look like a harbinger of a fresh new start.
For anyone hoping that Ottawa will not fall back into the clutches of the old Liberal establishment that Trudeau was supposed to have overthrown, Harder’s appointment should ring an alarm bell or two. For anyone concerned about effective global action on climate change, or Canada’s approach to the obscenities of human rights abuses in China, those bells should be ringing from the rooftops.
You won’t get an inkling of any of that from Mel Cappe, a former clerk of the Privy Council, or from Ron Cochrane of the union-management National Joint Council of public service workers. Cappe and Cochrane are heralding Harder’s return as a sign that senior federal bureaucrats, treated in such cavalier fashion by outgoing Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative government, will once more be held in the highest esteem.
Paul Heinbecker, the Chrétien-era ambassador to the United Nations who returned to the private sector and a career in professionally disgruntled punditry after Harper’s first election in 2006, says Harder knows the “signals that need to be sent.” Heinbecker gives Harder bonus points for having been on the team that negotiated the Kyoto accord, which the former Liberal government signed in 1997 and ratified in 2002.
There are quite a few Liberal figures from yesteryear who have become suddenly generous with their time and advice
Just one of Trudeau’s more important engagements in the near future is the global conference on climate change taking place in Paris in December, where world leaders are supposed to conclude a deal to replace Kyoto. And that assignment is just one of the many things that will be keeping Trudeau’s new Liberals dreadfully busy over the next few weeks. There’s also the Nov. 15 G20 meeting coming up in Turkey, and there is serious Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation business that needs attention. Trudeau hopes to have a cabinet in place by Nov. 4, and most of his ministers are likely to be neophytes.
There are quite a few Liberal figures from yesteryear who have become suddenly generous with their time and advice, and with the New Democrats and the Conservatives in disarray, there’s not much of an opposition that can be counted on to pay attention. Canadians should be paying very close attention, especially those who threw their enthusiasms behind Trudeau.
Harder, a former deputy minister of foreign affairs and trade, comes straight out of the cohort of Liberal party grandees that Trudeau assured his party recruits and leadership-race supporters would no longer be running the show in Ottawa.
For starters, Harder is president of the Canada China Business Council (CCBC), a powerful group of corporate and bureaucratic strivers that is functionally indistinguishable from the old and discredited Liberal party establishment that Canadian voters unseated a decade ago.
One CCBC director is David Dingwall, a former Liberal cabinet minister from the Chrétien days. Howard Balloch, a former Canadian ambassador to China who returned to the private sector to set up one of China’s biggest “boutique” investment banks, is a CCBC vice-chairman. Another CCBC vice-chairman is Martin Cauchon, another Chrétien-era cabinet minister and an also-ran in the Liberal party’s 2013 leadership race that ended up being a Trudeau coronation. The former Reform Party personality Stockwell Day is also a CCBC vice-chairman. Go figure that.
Yet another CCBC vice-chairman is Peter Kruyt, vice-president of Power Corporation of Canada and a long-time backer of a full-on free trade deal with China. That cause was taken up loudly and with gusto just this week by John Manley, a former Liberal cabinet minister who is now president of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE).
In 2012, the CCCE engaged Margaret Cornish, a former Foreign Affairs bureaucrat and now a CCBC director, to author a now-infamously eccentric report arguing that Beijing’s state-owned enterprises are not the overseas acquisitions arms of the Chinese Communist Party, but are rather companies that are “profit driven to their core” and thus should this be treated like any other private firm looking to do business in Canada. Last year, foolishly, Trudeau named Cornish as his senior advisor on China.
Harder is also a “senior policy advisor” with Dentons Canada LLP, a global law firm with 6,500 lawyers, about 4,000 of whom work in China where Dentons is known simply as Beijing Dacheng Law Offices. In Beijing, the firm specializes in deal-making with China’s state-owned companies.
Last year the company proudly announced one of its most treasured acquisitions: former prime minister Jean Chrétien himself, as company counsel. The big boss at Dentons-Dacheng is Peng Xuefeng, the company’s chairman of the board and a member of the Communist party-dominated Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.
Jonathan Hayward / Canadian Press

Jonathan Hayward / Canadian PressLiberal Leader Justin Trudeau and former prime minister Jean Chretien arrive at the Liberal campaign plane in Montreal, Sunday, Sept. 13, 2015
In recent months, the increasingly manic regime of Chinese President Xi Jinping has arrested more than 250 human rights lawyers, their staff and their family members as part of the Beijing police state’s accelerated crackdown on human rights activists. While many law firms have been forced to close for having taken on human rights cases, Dentons-Dacheng has come through unscathed.
CCBC honorary chairman Andre Desmarais is former Liberal prime minister Jean Chrétien’s son-in-law and president of Power Corporation, a pioneer of Canadian investments in China. During the 1990s, Pierre Trudeau served on Power Corporation’s international advisory board. Senior Trudeau-era mandarin Michael Pitfield had been a Power Corporation vice-chairman. On it goes like this all the way back to the illustrious Canadian diplomat and senior UN official Maurice Strong, who was also for a time the president of Power Corporation and the boss at Pierre Trudeau’s Petro-Canada.
Strong is however perhaps best known for two things, both involving world-shuddering events in 1997.
The first involves an investigation into the Iraq oil-for-food scandal that came upon a cheque for nearly $1 million made out to Strong. The cheque had come through a Jordanian bank account from Saddam Hussein’s UN-sanctioned regime in Baghdad, hand-delivered to Strong by Tongsun Park, a South Korean businessman who would go on to be convicted of conspiring to bribe UN officials on Saddam’s behalf.
Strong was never accused of any wrongdoing. He explained that Park merely wanted to invest in a Strong family company. In any case, Strong vanished from New York and settled down in Beijing, where he still lives.
The second thing: Strong was the architect of the 1997 Kyoto accord, and sorry to disappoint respectable opinion but the reason the Kyoto accord was such a catastrophic failure was not because of the eco-villain Stephen Harper. Kyoto was written in such a way as to let China off the hook. China was the world’s fastest-growing economy and was catching up to the United States as the world’s worst carbon polluter. As a consequence, the U.S. Congress refused to ratify the deal.
During the Chrétien-Martin era, Canada’s greenhouse-gas emissions kept on climbing anyway, as though we’d never had a hand in the Koyto protocol’s commitments in the first place. By the time Harper took office, there was no way to meet Canada’s Kyoto commitments without pretty well shutting down the Canadian economy.
That is is the legacy of the Liberal party old guard that Justin Trudeau, we have been led to believe, was happy to renounce. We’ll see.
National Post

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