"Chinese driver" debate

Photo: Contributed - CTV Vancouver
An unusual new driving sticker seen on the Lower Mainland is getting second looks.
The decal is yellow with a large “C”, similar to what ICBC uses for new drivers “N” or learners “L”.
Underneath the letter are the words “Chinese Driver”, which is sparking the debate: Are the stickers meant to be funny or are they a racist stereotype?
Gary Menard told CTV Vancouver that he was out walking his dog, when he noticed the unusual sticker on his neighbour's car.
"I just didn't know quite what to think, whether it was a joke or an actual warning or what. It kind of caught me off guard," he said.
So consumer reporter Lynda Steele went to investigate.
She found out they were being sold by Super Garage, an auto parts store in Richmond.
A clerk said the sticker has been mostly purchased by Chinese people, but a few Caucasians are also buying them up.
When CTV Vancouver asked people on the streets, the majority of Chinese people were not offended by the sticker, but in contrast, all of the Caucasian people asked found the sticker offensive.
And Menard tended to agree with their response, as 43 per cent of residents living in Metro Vancouver are of Asian heritage.
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