Saturday, January 10, 2015

Animal cruelty and abuse in China,Are these people Barbarians

Animal cruelty and abuse in China,Are these people Barbarians
 By ethel smith

I was due in work late this morning. A quick blood test at the doctor's was booked for 8.45, which meant a late start and a lie in. The lie in vanished, as Leo one of my rescue dogs needed to pee at three in the morning and then again at six. With an enlarged heart and water tablets taken three times a day this often happens to him. Bless him though, he cannot help it.
So I was up around the usual time, with some time on my hands. You may be wondering where this is going but stay with me. An extra mug of tea and a proper watch of the morning's television news seemed a good bet. Perhaps it was not as the coverage from China left me feeling sick and upset.
Reader's please be aware that the videos and words below are not pleasant. They are a fact of life for too many though and we need to be aware of that.
Read it and weep.

Not pleasant, BE WARNED

I am well aware of China's terrible human rights record. I am also well aware that animal welfare in China is a non existent concept. Well that is not strictly true as I think some in roads have been made.
I created a hub sometime ago aboutChina's animal Olympics and brutal killing of dogs. I have also read other people's work about animal treatment in China. Today's news though shocked me to the core. I think it was the whole picture.
Scene One.
Zoo keepers or trainers were walking behind a small bear cub as it crawled along on all fours. They beat its backside and back legs with sticks until it raised it back legs and walked just on its front ones. Each time its legs fell they were hit with the sticks.
Scene Two.
Tourist buses full of Chinese parents and children were in a circle. In the middle were a handful of Tigers. A truck pulled up and off loaded a large, live calf onto the ground. As the Tigers pounced and ripped the poor creature to death the buses slowly circled and you could see the laughing, happy faces of the people on board. They loved it.
Scene Three.
Tigers in a cage with their trainers. The trainer puts is head close and in theanimal's mouth. Dangerous? Apparently not. The Tigers have had all their teeth and claws removed causing them a life time of pain.
Scene Four.
A small bear is dragged around on roller skates with its hands tied and mouth gagged. It is dressed nicely of course so as not to cause offense.
Of course there was more but I shall spare you the details. Check out the video and details at Sky if you need further proof.
One of the most distressing aspects of these videos was the sheer enjoyment that the spectators received from the animal's suffering. Small children giggled excitedly, clapping their hands as live roosters were thrown to the tigers.
There have been reports of mass animal graves full of dead zoo animals that have died of malnutrition, terrible living conditions such as bare concrete pitch black areas where the animal's are kept and animal's being terribly beaten on a regular basis.
I am not sure where this rant is going but I know that something must be done and done soon.
When I last wrote about China's animal cruelty I was surprised by some of the responses left in the comments. Most surprised by those left by God fearing individuals. It is alright making excuses but in the meantime these poor creatures continue to suffer, in the name of entertainment.
Many years ago we were no better. We actually went one better in some ways, I guess, and threw people to the lions. I have no way of understanding that. All I can say is that at the time the people were barbarians and knew no better.
In the 21st Century are we not civilised? Many acts of cruelty meted out to people, children and animals make you wonder if we are. However, in the case of China. it has to be no they are not.
Gratifying oneself by making an innocent, helpless creature suffer at your hands is far from civilised.
Shame on you China.

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