Friday, March 14, 2014

Are Americans Awakening to the China Threat?

Are Americans Awakening to the China Threat?

Thursday, 15 Oct 2009 05:10 PM


I began publishing columns about the “China Danger” after unarmed Chinese in the Tiananmen Square in 1989 called for a peaceful limitation of the unlimited power in their country, to which the dictators of China responded with what has been described in the West a “massacre.”
What was a discovery to me? The Chinese will to freedom, which later manifested itself again in dozens of millions of withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party.
I drew the following conclusion: We can well assume that the only way for the dictators of China to preserve their dictatorship is to conquer the world and thus eliminate those countries whose freedom seduces so many Chinese.
That became a theme of my columns, and I was especially interested in the public speeches of General Chi Haotian, China’s minister of national defense from 1993 to 2003.
He now is 80 years of age, but he still is a top official. In his public speeches, he described China’s global strategy. Between one-third and two-thirds of the population of the United States is to be annihilated (biologically) and their homes and other property are to be transferred to the new Chinese settlers.
One-third of Americans will be left alive to serve this “superior” race. Due to such conquests, China will become a global empire.
Initially, General Chi’s predictions were ignored by many “American experts” and passed off for forgeries and what not. Those experts did not seem to understand that if the rulers of China had regarded Chi’s speeches harmful, not useful, to them, they would have made Chi lie to the West that those speeches of his are criminal forgeries and that he, General Chi Haotian, has nothing to do with them.
Even if we accept the totally improbable version that he refused to obey the rulers of China (and had been properly tortured to death, using the Chinese experience in torture of thousands or millions of years), the rulers of China would have found another way of lying to the West that so-called “Chi’s speeches” were forgeries.
Anyway, recently I have noticed that General Chi’s predictions, which I have quoted in my columns, are being taken seriously by American readers of my weekly columns (while President Obama had declared the dictatorship of China and the United States, as represented by himself, to be “partners” in the 21st century).
Chris Reynolds of Dallas, Texas, begins his almost page-long e-mail to me on Sept. 4, 2009: “Please continue writing your outstanding columns about China and other threats facing the United States. You have a rare talent for writing about complex issues in very clear terms, without hyperbole, so that even the most ignorant or stubborn people should be able to comprehend your writing without misunderstanding.”
The day earlier, Sept. 3, an e-mal to me said: “Keep up the good work,” and the next day, in his page-long e-mail of Sept. 4, David Fellows had this to say: “First of all, let me say that every chance I get I read and enjoy your articles. I thank you for what you do to inform my fellow Americans, many of whom are living in an intellectual fog.
“Unfortunately, the ones who are most in need of your insight are too busy ‘drinking the Kool-aid’ as we sometimes say in our country.”
My column of Sept. 17, 2009, produced a string of e-mails. On Sept.18, Bret Simms wrote: Hello, great article! My only question is why are so many Americans asleep into thinking one day we will not be attacked.
“My opinion is that the U.S government is in some ways provoking an attack which will neutralize the U.S.A. An attack that could take place in mere yrs . . . . I am born and raised U.S. citizen and love my country. The people of THE UNITED STATES I fear are in for a rude awakening. Again great article . . . keep speaking truth!”
The following day, Gregory Camp begins his e-mail, “Dear Mr. Navrozov, I just ‘discovered’ your work and am forwarding your articles to my friends and colleagues. Thank you for bringing this information to the public.”
On Sept. 17, the day the column appeared, I received an e-mail from Darryl Hicks, executive administrator of “Chilling! You’ve just put together the most striking column we’ve read.” And then he ends, “We would certainly enjoy putting the spotlight on you and this invaluable column about the Chinese official [General Chi Haotian].”
What’s the conclusion? It seems to me that mentally alert Americans who value the United States for its freedom and all that freedom brings with it, including personal safety from political persecution, and not only for advertised goods and services at the lowest possible prices, are ready to understand that the United States is a country that is being threatened by a war of annihilation, to be accompanied or followed by similar wars of China on all the other free countries less capable of defending themselves.
What is necessary is to make the danger signal reach millions and dozens of millions of Americans as it has reached those whose e-mails I just quoted above.
Several months ago I suggested production of a film on the subject. The donations to our not-for-profit Center for the Survival of Western Democracies, Inc., are tax-deductible.
Alas, I am too busy, writing, to go into the money jungle, so that the center has no money to create a highly professional and successful film explaining the geostrategic situation of today.
France, together with 10 British divisions in France, was overrun by Nazi troops within six weeks. The French culture, with its intellectual sophistication, education, and Napoleon in its military history, did not help to defend the country from the Nazi invasion. Nor had the 10 British divisions foreseen their destiny.
Will the United States in its defense against the dictatorship of China, with its population exceeding that of the United States more than four times, go the way France did in its defense against the dictatorship of Germany?

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