Secret meetings were undertaken to allow for Trudeau to get trained by this future [pre-ordained] regime's global'hungry leader. You see, notions of China's so called "Rise" was planned in the minds of the worlds mass media many years before infamous Summer Olympics Games, much farther back in fact! Carefully contrived and engineered by the Bank Of England [my opine], the Rothschild's.
Trudeau's Wheat deals..[Or Were They Just About Wheat]
A Crime of Trudeau
Canadian Wheat Paid by Red China's Dope
Under the leadership of its leftist Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the Canadian Government has officially recognized the communist government of China.
The decision may have been acclaimed by money men whose primary end of life lies in trade, more especially export trade. Continental China offers them the largest market in the world. With its more than 700 million population, it can absorb vast tonnages of our Canadian wheat; this has already begun and will only be increased: a vision that has dissipated all consideration of the inhuman character of Mao's government. Money knows no religion, no ideology, no more than did the men commissioned by Trudeau to negotiate with Mao's men the terms of the recognition.
Exported wheat leaves Canada. Chinese payments come or will come into Canada. What else can be of account in a materialistic world?
The color of a government does not affect the value of money, is a current slogan. This is a rather superficial argument, because, even from a money point of view, the result may prove catastrophic and costly in expenses incurred to protect our population against subversion or Chinese dope, to seek and pursue the offenders, to treat their victims, etc.
How Can China pay?
In the international trade, imports can finally be paid only by exports. The Chinese money does not circulate out of China. For the foreign goods she imports, China must get foreign money, and she cannot obtain foreign money except by selling her own goods outside. This means that China must export some of her own production for a value equating the value of the foreign goods she imports.
In an article published in "The Review of the News", Nov. 25, 1970, authored by an American writer, George S. Schuyler, this point is stressed and may help to foresee the consequences of Trudeau's deal with Mao.
How can China pay for her imports from Canada or from any other country? We quote from Schuyler's article:
"Despite its vast territory and its control of the world's largest population, Red China has nothing but love to give in exchange for the goods it is supposed to be seeking from Canada and others of our allies. Having only subsistence agriculture, and even more backwards in technology than the Soviet Union, nobody wants its shoddy goods and machinery, not even the Africans. Without foreign exchange, Mao can buy little abroad.
"Aside from subversion (in which it is admittedly as adept as Moscow), Red China has for export only dope, being the world's largest producer of opium, refined into morphine and then heroin, which is •increasingly destroying the mental fibre of the West ".
George Schuyler does not consider the harm done limited to Canada. The door is just wide open to the whole of North America:
"Canada, with its long, undefended, and largely unwatched border with United States, provides an ideal base from which to move narcotic drugs into America's cities, and is, destined to become exactly that when relations between it and Peking are formalized and the heroin-stuffed diplomatic poaches -begin flying with regularity. Instead of this menace being thousands of miles away, it will be on our doorstep, supplementing the supply smuggled into New-York by the Mafia and in boats traversing the St. Lawrence Seaway."
This danger cannot be ignored. The illegal traffic of narcotics has gone on until now, in spite of specialized and well-trained agents of the both Canadian and American police forces and of the Interpol, and in spite of the heavy penalties awaiting caught offenders. How much more difficult will it not be to check this evil when practised by individuals whose briefcases cannot be visited even on founded suspicion, because they will be members of an embassy's staff, a consulate, or of a diplomatic commission !
It is well known that the diplomatic establishments of communist governments in countries of the free world are particularly stuffed with personnel, as compared with similar establishments of non-communist governments. In Schuyler's words:
"With little or no trade at all, the Communists customarily have hundreds in a single diplomatic mission. Mao's set up in Canada will be no exception. There will be Chinese consulates spread across the country, from Victoria and Vancouver to Winnipeg, Windsor, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec. Peking has graciously agreed to let Canadian emissaries range that country unrestrictedly, and of course Canada is granting reciprocity. Such mobility for Mao's arrest-free diplomats will mean a lot for Red China's dope trade."
Local Collaboration
In fact, these overstaffed red embassies and consulates are used for other purposes than normal international politic or commercial relations. They harbor a number of specialists in revolution, trained subverters, agitators, spies and agents of other illegal activities. The Gouzenko case in Canada offered a spectacular proof of it.
The Gouzenko case showed also how easily an enemy installed in our midst, under a diplomatic cover could, for money, recruit Canadian cooperators from various careers, even from the Canadian Parliament, to serve his spying organization. It will be even easier to do it for a narcotic enterprise with its allurement of large sums of money to be realized in a short time.
As George Schuyler puts it in reference to the Gouzenko affair:
"There is no reason to suppose that this enlistment of Canadian citizens with the international Communist apparatus was discontinued with the exposure of their game. Nor is there any justification for assuming that the Embassy of the Chinese People's Republic will not operate likewise, using the Canadian crime syndicate through TRIAD to push heroin trade in the United States."
TRIAD and Mao
George Schuyler is justly concerned about the possible extension of the narcotic trade in his country, the United States, which may result from the opening of Canada to Mao's agents. We may be sure that Mao has his eyes keenly opened on the whole of North America. He took avail of all the circumstances to influence the policies of Africa and South America. In the case of North America, the take-over by Communism is worth all that can be put out. Mao, for his part, will select his most able hands for the purpose. He has shown it in the appointment of his first ambassador at Ottawa (See the article from "Twin Circle" reproduced in another page of this issue).
But what is the TRIAD referred to above? Quoting again Schuyler:
"TRIAD is the Chinese counterpart of the Mafia. Its name means The Society of Heaven, Earth, and Man.
"TRIAD started as a sacred patriotic group aimed at overthrowing the Manchu Government, and one of its early leaders was Dr. Sun Yat-sen, later first president of China.
"With the eclipse of this Nationalist Government, the Red machine took over the TRIAD apparatus, which by that time had already become a crime syndicate operating along the whole Pacific littoral, wherever there was a Chinese tong. Upon his triumph, the patriotic President Sun Yat-sen had ordered the dissolution of TRIAD. But, as has so frequently happened in history, it had by then become too lucrative to throw away. It went into smuggling back and forth Chinese laborers and white women. There was also gambling, and anything else that made big money. Coastwise junks and deep-sea fishing boats linked all of Chinese ports with any place having a sizable Chinese colony.
"Mao Tse-tung now Controls this international apparatus. He not only controls its criminal activities, but uses it as an adjunct to his revolutionary prescriptions which, like those of the Russians, are aimed at demoralizing and thus subjugating he world."
The present chairman of TRIAD is Mao himself. With the promoted cultivation' of opium, from which profits the Government draws a big share, Mao nets a billion dollars a year. This will doubtless be increased with the new facilities procured by Trudeau's recognition of Red China to the marketing of narcotics derived from that country's opium.
Towards Admission to UNO
The diplomatic recognition of Red China by the Canadian government may be considered as a big step towards the admission of this conscience-less country to the United Nations Organization. This means the discarding of the fine Taiwan Formosan republic, and the enthroning of criminal Red China in the senate of five nations enjoying the privilege of the "Veto" as well' as permanent member of the international Security Council. The Canadian recognition increases considerably the prestige of Communist China and strengthens the communist party about everywhere in the planet. Other nations are encouraged to imitate Canada. Italy has already followed in Canadian footsteps; and the Vatican and Austria are expected to do so.
Naive commentators may think, say and write that the admission of China to the UNO would contribute to moralize it and help solve the dope problem. There it no foundation for such hope. It is just wishful thinking. The facts show that the admission into the UNO of countries producers of opium, thus Burma or Lebanon, has in no way lessened their plantations of Pappaver Somniferum (the opium poppy).
Youth Victimized
George Schuyler again :
"We have not begun to solve our narcotics problem. On the contrary it has worsened, with sellers of drugs on every campus, and children of the rich and poor "hooked" in every suburb and high school.
"If we have not been able to stop the traffic across the Atlantic and Pacific, can we be more successful on that across the long border with Canada? Narcotics still get across the Mexican border, though it is open space and well patrolled. The U.S.-Canadian border is four times as long, and it is in many places far more-inaccessible to law officers. Our network of roads is the world's greatest; and once across the Canadian border with briefcase loaded with heroin, a hiker can hire a car anywhere. And there are, after all, plenty of subversives on both sides of the border ready to render a helping hand, with such rich rewards.
"There is more money to be made from the sale of narcotics than in any other way. The police knows from where it comes, but catching the messengers is something else again. Moreover, distance no longer makes any difference. It is the ruthlessness of the crime apparatus that counts, and when this apparatus is backed by powerful governments, it is almost unbeatable. So the utmost pessimism about the Red Chinese moving in next door to ours is warranted."
Yes it is, Mr. Schuyler. But the school children and students of the United States will not be the sole victims of the supplement of dope brought to our Continent by the dirty act of Trudeau's government. Between the entry of Red Chinese dope into Canada and its crossing over to the United States, there are schools and universities filled with Canadian youth of varying ages, also offering a prey to sellers of dope. Victims of Trudeau's diplomatic negotiations with Mao will be our own sons and daughters as well as sons and daughters of our neighbours south of us. We'll be made to pay our part of the bill to Mao's communist band of poisoners. And not only in money: there are damages done to souls and bodies that can never be repaired.
Shame on Trudeau, on the "Red-as-a-Beet Trudeau", so termed by the author we have largely quoted.
A Trudeau's accomplishment
Shame on Trudeau, because this is his work, although urged for years before by the marketers of the Canadian grain. Tonnages of our wheat had already been sold at favored terms to feed Mao's starving slaves. But it took the advent of the leftist Trudeau to deliver a certificate of honesty to the bloody dictator.
The diplomatic recognition of Red China was not, however, an overnight decision. For two years; the two commissions of negociators, Mao's and Trudeau's, had held secret talks in Stockholm, a city favored by communists for official or private encounters with delegations of the free world. In the course of these meetings, trade and money questions, as well as politic relations, must have been largely dealt with. But it is doubtful whether the narcotics subject was as much as mentioned. But even if it was, what matters? Experience shows that declarations and signatures from Communist powers cannot be trusted: they can be turned by them to signify anything suiting their purpose.
The establishment of an embassy in Burundi, a little republic of Central Africa, gave rise to political troubles causing the murder of the prime minister on the steps of the capitol. This does not mean that the same thing will happen in Canada. But it may well happen that some FLQ or another similar group, supported by Maoist agitation sap and finance, give rise to troubles more difficult to deal with than those of October last (1970). Whatever else may be, one thing leaves- in doubt: the drug problem, both in Canada and in the United States will only be worsened.
The diplomatic recognition of Red China is a crime. In the history of our country, the term of Trudeau at the head of the federal government will have been baneful — baneful for Canada and baneful for the great republic that only a peaceful frontier of 3,000 miles separates from Canada.
If Pierre Elliott Trudeau was barred from-the United States as undesirable in 1955, his political attitude towards communist China, now that he leads the government of his country. only confirms the rightness of judgment of those who at that epoch sought to protect their population against his pro-communist (to say the least) propensions and activities. They must now find that the man, in his political ascent, has little or not at all changed.
How could the electorate of Canada become so enamored of Trudeau as to raise him so rapidly, from a newcomer in politics to the summit function' in the government of their country ? The answer is in the CBC. The television and other brain-washing mass media, so largely in the hands of Masons and Reds, can take any demon and in about no time build him up into a saint.
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