Monday, February 9, 2015

Jho Low /a front for other investors who can’t be named?

Jho Low, just a front for other investorswho can’t be named?
Sunday Times said the purchase by 1MDB was for €57million.
Sunday Times said the purchase by 1MDB was for €57million – again no mention of Jho Low’s Wynton private equity group!

The coverage therefore leaves little doubt that Jho Low’s bankroller in this multi-million ringgit purchase of debt (at great profit to the Irish) was none other than 1MDB – and it was the real funder, Malaysia’s sovereign wealth fund, which gained the attention of the press rather than the private equity partner, Jho Low of Wynton Group/ JQ2!

Partying in Hollywood has become Jho Low's latest high profile activity - is this part of another private venture
Partying in Hollywood has become Jho Low’s latest high profile activity – is this part of another private venture for Joh Low and is it also funded by 1MDB?
Time to start telling the truth about Jho Low and 1MDB?
Given the constant string of denials from both Jho Low and 1MDB that the youthful playboy has any ties whatsoever to the sovereign wealth fund and its investments this matter requires immediate explanation.
Why is Malaysia’s sovereign wealth fund, which is supposed to be investing in development in Malaysia, evidently funding risky private equity ventures by Jho Low’s companies?
Does this all mean that Jho Low is in fact the lead investor for 1MDB and if so what is his profit margin?
Or is Jho Low in fact just a front for other investors who can’t be named?
Finally, does not Jho Low’s involvement with 1MDB and his known close friendship with the family of its Chairman, Najib Razak, provide the most convincing explanation up to date for his, so far undisclosed, sources of investment income and his extraordinary sudden wealth?
Surely, the Malaysian public have a right to know if its development funds are being handled and invested through the private equity transactions of this high-spending, night-club addict who is still in his 20s!

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