Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Canadian's Comment

Harper Conservatives aren’t serving national interest

Re: Ottawa approves foreign takeover bids, Dec. 8

The Harper government has not explained how allowing the sell-off of Canada’s most promising companies to the highest foreign bidder will help Canada to grow its own competitive corporations, or get it to the comfortable economic haven Norway finds itself in.

Through smart government choices Norway’s Heritage Fund now delivers more wealth to the nation than its oil industry.
We need to do something much smarter than cash in our chips when we think we are ahead.

Gone are the Incos and Falconbridges, gone is Alcan along with its water rights in perpetuity.

Selling off the best is like high grading a forest; you are left with the genetic junk and a degenerate forest.
Why would Canada’s best business minds stick around in this degraded corporate environment?

With the defanging of many environmental regulations, the behind-closed-doors negotiation of the China trade deal, the lack of white papers and parliamentary discussion to thrash out complex issues, one gets the disturbing sense that it is not Canada’s interests that are the overriding concern of the Harper government, but multinational corporate interests.

Douglas Bruce, Vancouver

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