
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

We See You Poo: Facial Recognition Tech Installed in Chinese Bathroom (PHOTO)

We See You Poo: Facial Recognition Tech Installed in Chinese Bathroom (PHOTO)


We See You Poo: Facial 

Recognition Tech Installed 

in Chinese Bathroom 


Until I saw this picture, I never realized that face recognition technology for rationing toilet paper was so scary.

A bathroom in the Baotu Spring Park in Jinan, the capital of China’s Shandong province, has installed facial recognition technology in a toilet paper dispenser to cut down on theft and waste.
It works like this: the person walks up to the machine and has their face scanned, and then the dispenser gives them about 27 inches of toilet paper, NTDTV reported. To get another round of paper, users have to wait nine minutes and have another facial scan.

Locals exposed stealing toilet paper from public bathrooms at the Temple of Heaven

The dispenser can reportedly tell if it is a new person using it or a returning user.
Already, the restroom now only goes through four rolls of toilet paper per day. That's 10 fewer rolls than prior to the installation of the technological watchdog.
Using the bathroom and the paper is totally free, in contrast with many American cities where there are few public restrooms and most are marked "customers only" or charge a fee.
The facial recognition technology in toilet paper dispensers made its debut in Beijing in March after local media reports shined a light on thieves who would steal as much toilet paper as they could carry from public restrooms at the Temple of Heaven complex.

Image result for facial recognition toilets China
Image result for facial recognition toilets China
Related image
China still requires proper sanitation even though they have facial recognition to move it into this century.

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