
Friday, February 9, 2018

DISTURBING: Trudeau Threatening Strict Regulations On Facebook- Fascist Dictator in the Making!

DISTURBING: Trudeau Threatening Strict Regulations On Facebook Fascist Dictator in the Making!

Justin Trudeau has consistently shown an opposition to freedom of speech and freedom of expression, and it’s no coincidence that he’s threatening to “regulate” Facebook – one of the social networks where opposition to his government is growing the fastest.

A Toronto Star report reveals that a source with “direct knowledge” of a meeting between Justin Trudeau and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg says Trudeau is threatening stricter regulation of Facebook if they don’t “stop the spread of misleading information on their platform.”
Here’s a key section of that report:
“As Canadian political parties prepare for the 2019 federal election, the source said Trudeau suggested Ottawa could intervene if Facebook doesn’t adequately address the issues. The source described the conversation as “constructive.” Trudeau’s comments came during a meeting with Sandberg at the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum in Vietnam last November. According to the source, Trudeau was particularly concerned about Facebook identifying the origin of partisan “news” posts or advertisements. Neither the Prime Minister’s Office nor Facebook would discuss the specifics of that meeting.”
This is both disturbing and massively hypocritical.
It’s hypocritical because Justin Trudeau’s close friend and top advisor Gerald Butts just called Trudeau’s critics ‘Nazis,’ and his government lies and spreads misleading information to Canadians on a daily basis.
It’s disturbing because we know that what Trudeau really wants is to eliminate info that is opposed to his worldview. He wants to move towards criminalizing opposition to him and his Liberal government, and use the power of the state to banish information he dislikes from social media platforms.
Additionally, while the Trudeau government claims to be worried about outside powers interfering with our election through Facebook and Twitter in 2019, they have no complaints about the massive amount of money spent by Tides (funded in part by George Soros), on anti-Conservative campaigns in the 2015 federal election.
Trudeau’s disloyalty to our nation means he has no problem with foreign interference when it benefits him, and is only concerned when he thinks it will hurt him.

Dictatorial turn

As we can see, the longer the Trudeau government is in power, the more dictatorial they become. Until they are defeated, they won’t stop trying to expand the power of government, restrict individual freedom, and suppress dissent. That’s why it’s more important than ever for all of us to keep speaking out, keep spreading the truth, and keep making sure that this government isn’t allowed to conceal their dangerous agenda.
Spencer Fernando

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