
Sunday, October 15, 2017

Scottish deer antlers are in big demand – in China

Scottish deer antlers are in big demand – in China

RED deer antlers from a Scottish venison farm are being exported for use in “traditional” Chinese medicine.

Scottish deer antlers NC
Scottish deer antlers are being exported to China to use in 'traditional' Chinese medicine
A shipment has begun its 35-day journey from Kirkcudbrightshire after Borgue deer farmer Rupert Shaw spent a year securing an export licence, after finding a potential buyer.
The Chinese believe the antlers can help alleviate blood and kidney disorders. 

They value Scottish red deer antler at up to £16 per kg.
Mr Shaw, NFU Scotland’s regional chairman in Dumfries and Galloway, said: “Although it is early days, the potential demand could represent a very valuable market for those who are already producing venison, or are planning to keep deer in the future. 
Deer antlersGETTY
The Chinese believe the antlers can help alleviate blood and kidney disorders
“There is a valuable return to be gained if we can secure a foothold in this market.”

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The shipment, bought by Chinese firm VP Holdings, left his Gledpark Farm on Friday and is now travelling by sea to Hong Kong.

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