
Friday, February 24, 2017

Friends of Tibet (INDIA),Execution of Tibetans by Chinese Forces.

Friends of Tibet (INDIA)

Today's... "UN Peacekeepers"

In 2004, more than 3,797 people were executed in 25 countries and at least 7,395 were sentenced to death according to Amnesty International. Out of 3,797 executions 3,400 were carried out in China, but sources inside the country have estimated the number to be nearly 10,000.
(Amnesty International, Death sentences and executions in 2004, published in April 2005)

Pictures of  Execution of Tibetans by Chinese Forces.
(WARNING: Gruesome Photographs. Viewer Discretion Advised.)

Execution of Tibetans by the Chinese Forces (1)

Execution of Tibetans by the Chinese Forces (2)

Execution of Tibetans by the Chinese Forces (3)

Execution of Tibetans by the Chinese Forces (4)

Execution of Tibetans by the Chinese Forces (5)
"In such a world of conflict, a world of victims and executioners, it is the job of thinking people, not to be on the side of the executioners" 
Albert Camus

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