
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Trudeau 'failed miserably' on China trip

Trudeau 'failed miserably' on China trip

Our prime minister forgot to bring his big boy pants to China. He looks great at gay pride parades and at other photo ops. But when he had a chance to be a leader, he failed miserably.
Seems he forgot something in China, those Canadians held in prisons there on trumped up charges of espionage. He should have brought it up for discussion and requested a time-line for their release.
He didn’t stick his neck out at all but turtled. That’s not the kind of leader I want for my country.
We continually get screwed over by the Chinese with their inferior goods and toxic toys. We don’t need friends like that.
I realize that China is a huge trading partner but their power over us doesn’t mean that we have to continually accept their crap. It was a time to stand up and be counted and he fell on his pretty-boy face.
What an embarrassment!
He also seems to be following the economic policies of our premier. In the last year, Canada’s bank account went from the black to the red.
He and his party are a travesty — a total mess.

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