
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Group travels to Golden to shed light on horrifying injustice

Group travels to Golden to shed light on horrifying injustice

Joy Wang, from left, Vera Sun, and Jing Trien were in Golden last week raising awareness about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.  - Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Joy Wang, from left, Vera Sun, and Jing Trien were in Golden last week raising awareness about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. 
The Chinese Communist regime runs an organ-transplant industry that supplies up to 100,000 transplants a year, many of which are performed on international patients. However, the tremendous cost of those surgeries are becoming more transparent as a new report released in June shows that these organs being sold may have resulted in the slaughter of as many as 1.5 million people.
A group of volunteers, calling themselves the Falun Gong Car Tour, were in Golden last week trying to raise awareness. According to them, many North American patients who travel to China to receive a transplant (which many do at their own cost to avoid wait times in Canada), may be receiving the organ of a person who was murdered for harvesting purposes.
The majority of the victims are Falun Gong (a spiritual practice centred on the principles of truth, compassion and forbearance) practitioners in China, whose numbers are between 70 and 100 million.
“We think it’s really important that Canadians know that if they’re getting a transplant in China, it may be at the expense of a Falun Gong practitioner’s life,” said Vera Sun, a practitioner from Vancouver who has been travelling the province to raise awareness. “We are urging Canadians to condemn the horrific crime of forced organ harvesting  in China and to help stop the ongoing campaign of persecution and mass killings of practitioners.”
Sun was also travelling with a practitioner named Jing Trien, who was held captive in China with many of her family members. Sun says that Trien  counts herself lucky to have gotten out, even though her own mother was blinded while imprisoned, and eventually died there.
“She remembers going through five physicals including blood tests,” said Sun, who spoke for Trien as she has limited English. “She feels very fortunate that she was, for whatever reason, not a match for what they were looking for.”
The group is also asking Canadians to write to Prime Minister Trudeau, who has a trip planned to Asia this summer, asking him to “take every opportunity, particularly when you meet with Chinese leaders, to urge the regime to end the persecution of Falun Gong and the barbaric crime against humanity.”
More information can be found at

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