
Friday, May 13, 2016

Chinese Owned Restaurants-Chilliwack

Chinese Owned Restaurants

“new owner dont bother” 1 of 5 stars
Review of Jacksons Steak and Grill.

  • Apple Empanada
Jacksons Steak and Grill.
5725 Vedder Road,Chilliwack,
British Columbia, Canada

We went back in the Spring of 2014 and had a terrible experience. The staff was lazy and careless when serving us or handling our food. We were served visibly rotten lettuce in our Caesar salads and when we told the waitress she said she thought it was "just saucy"! It was brown and slimy! When I went to the washroom only one light fixture was operational and the kitchen staff had the door open to the hallway of the washrooms and they were BLASTING death metal music! I put a rant about it on Facebook and had a gentleman contact me saying he was head chef and that the restaurant had been in limbo with the sale of it and they were going to be changing their ways now they had a new owner and better direction. I don't know about you but for a $200 dinner for four people I need more than that! At least dumb down the prices until you can prove your worth it again! But sadly I keep hearing its still not worth it so I decided to put in a review! Stay away from here!
  • Visited April 2014
  • How do they stay in business, no one goes there any more? Is there any illegal activity going on? 

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