Small Dead Animals-More Pavilions At Folkfest
Via email;
Thought you'd find this 2 page real estate brochure interesting. It was delivered to our door today in the Point Grey neighbourhood of
Vancouver. [...]Went for a 12 block walk the other day. Conservatively, at least 15-20 new houses at different stages of completion. All Chinese realtors and ALL the construction people I saw were Chinese.
A slow takeover by population from those who hate children, with a penchant for abortion..
Its not the Chinese fault. Its ours for not having children.
Its why Indians don't own land any more, they never developed it.
If you become Staist, without replacing your population. This is inevitable.
Something the Japanese will learn the hard way in 50 years.
Children in a real way our our true growth engines.
about the only sensible thing U said is about children
Edward, nobody owns land (real estate) in kanada 'cept the government!!!!
And Richmond has REALLY changed, it used to be a Japanese influenced place, now, well, Mandarin or nothing.
And, despite the ongoing stream of incomers, taking their yuan and buying Canadian property (at seemingly any price), Jim Flaherty hates real estate, and is doing everything he can to shut down the industry, throwing thousands out of work. He's been partially successful, but I can't understand why a conservative government is so anti-business.
Look at Europe. Immigration is no solution.
I include the Japanese because by mid century they will have half the population they do now. This will decrease the economy, if not attract invasion. What happens to half of the infrastructure built that will now not be habitable? One word comes to mind. Detroit. On a National scale.
Asian culture is not incompatible with Democracy.Nor ideologically impelled to destroy Western culture. The fact is Canadians are killing their own children for convince. You have kids, or lose your Culture. Its that simple.
As for the Chinese. They have been part of Canada since the inception of this Nation. Including a huge death toll with others building a continent spanning railway.
Our immigration policy should encourage people who want to make Canada their home and not a place to send their children to nice schools and spend a couple of months a year
I have a sense that in this wave Vancouver is being settled by chicom apparatchiks.
The earlier Hong Kong wave was certainly comprised of capitalists.
Someone once suggested that due to Hong Kong's then tax regime a $10 million nest egg was roughly equivalent to $1 million here in terms of economic effort.
A large percentage of these returned.
wonder if he is accommodating to the chinese as he isnt too keen on crackers
Ontario makes plea to Ottawa to fix tourist-visa backlog