
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

China Will Be The Big Winner In Canadian Federal Election Under Trudeau

Canada, China's New Home Under A Trudeau.

 me, your blogger

I predict that China will have a greater say in Canadian politics after The Justin Trudeau win. Just like his father planned so china will be raised even higher in Canadian matters right down to municipal levels. China wants Canada so dearly [even unfettered access to our economy....yup] as its own it has monies placed in all three major parties but non so dear as the Liberal Party. One can draw a line all through the many years from his dad to the present day as to Chinese interference in Canadian politics.
CSIS drew attention to this problem as to our national security and even sovereignty under the then director Richard Fadden whom I thought was a very courageous and righteous Canadian to disclose this fact. He was slaughtered in the media but still remained resolute in the matter to the end until censorship.
Canada now has entered a very dangerous phase from here forward with China looking for a new territory [ a new home].

Exclusive memoir: Margaret Trudeau on that historic trip to China -

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