
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

foreign government espionage on Canadian soil involving Canadian politicians

The head of CSIS -- Canadian Security Intelligence Service,revealed details about foreign government espionage on Canadian soil involving Canadian politicians.Richard Fadden said that Cabinet Ministers in two provinces
are under control of foreign governments --
which in espionage circles are called "agents of influence" or "secret supporters".So are several members of British Columbia municipal governments.
At least 5 foreign countries are surrepticioulsy recruiting future political prospects --China the most aggressively.


"I'm making this comment because I think it's a real danger that people be totally oblivious to this kind of issue....I think there are a number of countries around the world that have ...quite aggressive intelligence relationships against us.
A goodly number of countries use every tool at their disposal from diplomacy to spying. My message would be that we need to be aware of this possibility."

~ Richard Fadden, Director of CSIS
Ten months ago [January 2010] a massive statue of Russia's and China's communist tyrants -- Lenin and Mao -- was erected in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

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