
Friday, September 25, 2015

Dakai Maritimes— new Chinese-English magazine launchead

Dakai Maritimes— new Chinese-English magazine 

Submitted by  on April 7, 2013

An English-Chinese magazine Dakai Maritimes was launched during the Immigrant Culture Week at the Keshen Goodman library in the first week on March.
“The Chinese word ‘Dakai’ translated in English means ‘Open up’ the publisher, Meng Chow, told this reporter in an interview.
Chow said the principal readership profile is Chinese. “Dakai Maritimes will be home for voices from the Chinese community and reflect the world they navigate,” she said. “But since English is the world they navigate in the Maritimes, the magazine is brought out in Chinese and English.”
But Chow was quick to say that the magazine was also created to bridge the communication gaps between the Chinese and non-Chinese speaking people.

Meng Chow says the scope of the editorial coverage is wide and would include student affairs, immigration issues, culture, business relationships with China and so on. The focus will be on local affairs.
Chow estimates that the Chinese population in the province is about 8000 people of which Chinese students at the universities make up 50 per cent of that count.
The community’s presence in PEI is very marginal and in New Brunswick, the population, she thinks, would be under 1000.
Dakai Maritimes is a 32-page, full colour, quarterly publication that will be brought out in March, June, September and December.
It’s distributed free to about 30 outlets in Nova Scotia including Chinese restaurants, Asian grocery stores, universities, public libraries local and popular cafes and business centres.
The publication will not be available at this time in PEI and New Brunswick.
Chow has been working in the sales departments of the media and publication industry and is a graduate of Mount Saint Vincent University’s Public Relations program.

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