Catch of the day: Chinese fisherman lands gigantic 13 foot swordfish weighing in at a staggering 49 stone
- Jumbo creature was caught on Friday in the Yellow Sea, eastern China
- It is the largest swordfish that has been caught in the region on record
- A local fishmonger bought the fish and is selling it for £10 per kg
A Chinese fisherman reeled in an enormous swordfish last week, which measures 13ft5 (4.1 metres) long and weighs a whopping 48.7 stone (309.5kg).
The fish was caught on September 11 in eastern China's Yellow Sea, which is an inlet of the western Pacific Ocean, reported the People's Daily Online.
The jumbo catch, dubbed the 'King of Swordfish' by Chinese media, was immediate bought by a fishmonger from nearby city of Qingdao, eastern China, at the price of 19,000 Yuan (£1,930).

A Chinese fisherman reeled in an enormous swordfish (pictured) last week in the Yellow Sea, eastern China

Fishmonger Shi donglei (pictured) , from Qingdao, China, is carrying the jumbo creature to his stall

The fishmonger (pictured) is extremely excited about his purchase, which weighs 48.7 stone and is 13ft5 long

Mr Shi is pictured comparing the size of his hand to the fish, which is dubbed the 'King of Swordfish' by media
According to local reports, this is the largest swordfish that has been caught near Qingdao on record, but the identity of the fisherman who landed the prize catch remains unknown.
The closed season for fishing on the Yellow Sea has just passed. A local fisherman said the giant swordfish is likely to have swum into the net while chasing smaller fish.
Shi Donglei, the fishmonger who bought the supersize creature at a seafood auction right after it was caught, was extremely excited about his purchase.

Mr Shi (middle, in black jacket) moved the supersize creature from a lorry to his stall with the help of his staff

Mr Shi (right) told local media that he paid around 19,000 Yuan for the fish (£1,930), or 60 Yuan (£6) per kg

As Mr Shi was moving the fish, its unusual size attracted many onlookers in and outside of the market
Pictures emerged on the Chinese internet show Mr Shi moving the fish from a lorry to his stall in a market with several helpers.
Eventually Mr Shi had to display the mammoth merchandise in the corridor of the market because his stall was too small to accommodate it.
Mr Shi told China Daily he paid around 19,000 Yuan for the fish (£1,930), or 60 Yuan (£6) per kg.
He said he would sell it in small pieces for 100 Yuan (£10) per kg 'so that more Qingdao residents can have a taste of it'.
Mr Shi is a celebrity fishmonger in Qingdao for his passion in buying and selling large catches from the sea.
Last September, he made headlines by selling a record-breaking swordfish that was 10ft (3.06 meters) in length and 32.4 stone (206kg) in weight.

The seller had to display the mammoth merchandise in the corridor as his stall is too small to accommodate it

Mr Shi said he would sell the fish in small pieces for £10 per kg so more residents can have a taste of it

The fishmonger also made headlines last year by selling a 10-foot-long swordfish that weighed in at 32.4 stone
According to, swordfish can be found in Pacific Ocean, the Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean.
Average size of the species is six feet in length and 8.6 stone (55kg) in weight, but they can potentially reach 14 feet long, which is around the size of the swordfish the Chinese fisherman landed on Friday.
In March 2015, a 16-year-old boy caught a 41 stone swordfish in Tasmania, Australia, using just 24kg fishing line.
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