
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Just a few words...On, What China Wants

What China Wants

Lets get this straight, China is colonizing the world at present which includes the USA and Canada.In democratic nations they go about it in their sneaky deceitful 5th column manner,[typical Communism] and compromising the local politicians with bribes is not a hard task these days I might tell you. China has dedicated itself to bringing down "western hegemony" and that means mostly the USA but also the UK, Canada, Oz ...all of get the picture. This is happening on many fronts, including by currency manipulation. The global central banks are playing with them, part of the enormous  jigsaw puzzle..[Thanks to the Vatican and their bankers/The Rothschild's.] Sending in their prepped Communist citizens to act as spies is another method. These citizens having allegiance to their "Motherland" first, send information back to their home country no matter what oath of citizenship they have sworn, Yes I said spies! The Communist State is allowing pregnant women  to  have their babies and then they become Canadian citizens through a loophole in our laws. You are seeing them more and more in commercials and on TV shows, news presenters, the media at large. Yes the media is involved in this strange ruse too. This is called conditioning, a form of brainwashing. NAZIS would be proud.
Whole sovereign Chinese city states are being considered, mapped out for the Chinese only, to be built right inside Canada and the USA. Look at all the imported Chinese labour, that's another factor, they are boots on the ground. Every move that China makes has a military component,  peeps. Make no mistake. China has gone out into world with what they call "soft power", but none dare call it war! ...that's really double speak for total control/using a variety of sneaky methods. 

People [globally] are finally 'getting it'.


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